2018Defence and Industry Study Course (DISC)Victorian State Government Support

The aim of DISC is to help participants develop a better understanding of bothDefence and industry in order to improve Australia’s defence industry capabilities. The course givesparticipants the opportunity to share ideas, problem-solve, build important business contacts and visit a number of Defence and defence industry sites.

The 2018course runs for approximately 24 days, and comprises four one-week modules spread over a seven month period.

The proposed 2018 Course Dates are:

Module 1 Saturday12 – Friday 18 May 2017

Module 2 Sunday 22 – Friday 27 July 2017

Module 3 Sunday 16 – Friday 21 September 2017

Module 4 Sunday 25 – Friday 30November 2017

In addition to the structured program, participants will be required during and outside of course dates to undertake syndicate work.

Participants must commit to attending all modules in order to graduate from the DISC.

The cost is $8500 (plus GST) which is tax deductible. The fee covers course delivery, accommodation, meals and flights from the participant’s local airport.

Applicationsfor DISC can be submitted via the DISC website at

Applications will close COB Friday 16February 2018.

Subsidies on offer for Victorian SMEs

As part of its support for the defence industry in Victoria the Victorian Government is offering to reimburse up to $4250 (exclusive of GST) of the course costs for up to five eligible students.

To be eligible, a student’s company must qualify as an SME (1-199 employees), have an operating presence in Victoria and be engaged in a Defence supply chain or be able to demonstrate a genuine intent to enter the Defence market.

There is no requirement to be a member of AIDN-Vic to apply.

Grant recipients must agree to the following:

  • 100% attendance at each of the four DISC 2018 modules (except for documented evidence of absence through illness or other special consideration)
  • completion to the satisfaction of the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Groupof the DISC 2018 requirements
  • provision of a final written report (approx. 800 words) to the Department’s Defence Sector Development Teamat the conclusion of the course and in every case by no later than 1 December 2018.

The Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group have the final say on which individuals will be offered a place on DISC 2018 (spaces are limited).

A panel of representatives from the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources and AIDN-Vic will assess the DISC 2018grant applications. The grants will be awarded on merit.

If you are nominating an individual to attend DISC in 2018 and would like to seek a Victorian Government subsidy please complete the attached application form and submit it to by Friday 23February 2018.

Important Information

Please remember to also submit an application to CASG to attend DISC 2018.


Defence and Industry Study Course 2018 - Application for Victorian Government Support

Please note personal information collected by the Department will be used in accordance withthe Department's privacy policy. You may view the Department's privacy policy at thefollowing website:

Company Details





Contact Name:



Has your company previously received support from the state government for an employee to attend the DISC? If so, please provide details for each instance.

Nominee Details


Job Title:

Biography of Nominee (100 words or less)

In 200 words or less, describe what the Nominee is expecting to gain fromattending DISC 2018: