
  1. If a homeless student arrives at your school to enroll and he does not have all of the necessary paperwork, do you

a)Tell him to come back to register when he has all the needed paperwork?

b)Enroll him immediately?

c)Send him to the cafeteria for an extended “study hall” until his previous school sends his documentation?

  1. If a high school student leaves his home because he just can’tget along with his mother’s new boyfriend, is he considered homeless?
  2. A student is living in a mobile home which is parked out behind his grandparent’s house. It has no running water and the only electricity is provided by an extension cord from the main house. Is this child homeless?
  3. Can Title I funds be used to purchasea cap and gown for a homeless student to use at the graduation ceremony?
  4. Do you need the parent’s income information to sign up a homeless student for the free lunch/breakfast program?
  5. Which school fee should be waived for a homeless student?

a)Gym uniform

b)Drivers Ed. fees

c)Science Fees

d)All of the above

  1. Maribel has been at West Elementary for about three months when her mother asks the school secretary for her child’s records. She needs to move to a transitional shelter, which is located across the state lines, about 15 miles away. The school guidance counselor calls you and asks what can be done. Maribel is just beginning to work well in the class and her teacher would be sorry to see her leave. Can Maribel remain in your school district?
  2. How will the transportation cost be handled if Maribelremains in your district?

a)The parent must pay for transportation

b)West Elementary must pay the full cost of transportation.

c)The out-of-state school must pay the transportation cost.

d)The two districts must share the cost of transportation.

  1. Jess Montoya, 15, was born in Belize, Central America and recently came to reside with his aunt and uncle in your school district. His aunt and uncle have indicated that they do not intend to become Jesse’s legal guardian, although he is welcome to stay on the couch for a while. Jesse wants to enroll in your school district. Is he homeless?
  2. Can he enroll in your district without legal guardianship?


  1. B
  2. Yes
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
  5. Yes
  1. D
  2. Yes
  3. D
  4. Yes
  5. Yes