Solomon (I Kings 1-3)

Main Point: God gives wisdom to those who ask for it.

Key Verse: If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone. He doesn’t find fault. - James 1:5

Materials: God’s Gift of Wisdom Cards (See directions)

Personal Connection

  • Say: We learned today that Solomon had a lot of wisdom. Where did he get all that wisdom? That’s right-from God! Do you think God still gives wisdom today if we ask for it? Let’s take a look at what the Bible says in James 1:5. Read James 1:5 together. That’s quite a promise, isn’t it? Have you ever asked God to give you wisdom? What happened? Leader, share about a time when you asked God to give you wisdom.

Hands on Application

  • Say: Some other kids just like you are in situations that need some wisdom from God. Let’s see what happens when they ask God for wisdom. Pull out the Scenario cards and the Gift of Wisdom cards and envelopes.

Group Discussion

  • Say: These kids all trusted God to give them wisdom.
  • Ask: What are some situations where you might need to ask God to give you wisdom?

Did you know it’s easier to make wise choices in life when you’ve hidden God’s word in your heart, meaning you’ve memorized verses and you often think about them?

  • Say: Proverbs is a great place to start finding examples of wise living. Try this challenge: There are 31 chapters in Proverbs. There are usually 31 days in the month. If you read one chapter a day, you will read through the entire book of Proverbs in one month!

Conversation with God (Prayer)

Pray that your children will freely ask God for wisdom this week in order to successfully deal with any situations that might come up. Fill in the prayer journal and close in prayer.

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Scenario Cards
Directions: Cut these cards and have children read each scenario out loud. They will match the answer found inside the numbered gift envelopes. / God’s Gift of Wisdom Cards
Directions: Cut these out and place them into numbered envelopes (they correspond with the number on the scenario cards). On the outside of the envelope, place a self-stick gift bow to represent God’s gift of wisdom given in response to our requests.
#1 Kesia is so worried because she lost her favorite ring that her grandmother gave to her for her birthday. She can’t remember where she put it when she took it off yesterday. She is heartbroken that she has lost it! Then Kesia remembered that she can ask God to help her find it. / #1 After praying, Kesia begins to think back to where she was yesterday around the time she realized she was missing her ring. Most of the places she has already checked, but then she remembers talking to her dad while pulling weeds from the garden. He had asked her to take the ring off so it would not get dirty. Kesia suddenly remembers having put it into her jeans pocket! She thanks the Lord for giving her wisdom to remember where her ring was.
#2 Ronald’s classmate Matt cut in front of him in line. Ronald gets really irritated when Matt cuts because he does it all the time. He asks God how he should handle the situation. / #2 Proverbs 19:8 A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.
Ronald thinks about it and realizes everybody is going to get to the same place at the same time. He can ignore Matt’s rude behavior.
#3 Bethany just passed her multiplication test with a 100%! She knows she is the only one in class to get that high of a score. She really wants to brag about it because her friend Ericka said she wouldn’t pass. But then Bethany remembers . . . / #3 Proverbs 18:8 Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.
Bethany decides not to say anything. She is pleasantly surprised, but just smiles, when her teacher tells the class her good grade!
#4 Michael just got a new game for his PSP. Even though he has a test he needs to study for tomorrow, he can’t resist playing his game. Before long, he checks the clock and realizes it’s almost an hour until his bedtime. He shrugs and thinks, “Oh well, too late to study now.” But just before he starts on the next level he remembers . . . / #4 Proverbs 18:9 One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys.
Michael puts down his new game with a sigh and thinks, “Well, at least I’ll get some good study time in before I go to bed. If I don’t study at all, I’ll not do well on my test.”
#5 Maddie is talking with some friends at recess, when one of them says something mean that really bothers her. Her two friends said that Hannah, another girl in their class, was fat. Maddie is really upset and thinks she needs to tell Hannah what the girls said. Then she remembers . . . / #5 Proverbs 17:9 He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.
Maddie thinks about the situation and decides Hannah doesn’t need to hear such ugly words because they would only hurt her feelings. Instead, Maddie changes the topic to something else.