Baltic Culture Wave Network Agreement - REGIONAL PARTNERS

The concept of the Baltic Culture Wave Networkwas born as a direct result of the South Baltic Programme funded projectBaltic Culture Wave.Since the start of this project in March 2012 it has, over the project period, brought together artists, organisers and creative people from Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, who have a passion for working with popular music. By developing a networkand organising events across the Baltic region, Baltic Culture Wave Network aims to foster and enrich co-operation between international partners for popular music across the South Baltic area.

Network Objectives

The Baltic Culture Wave Network intends to strengthen and build on the existing partnership co-operationsand links established through the project Baltic Culture Wave. The focus of the Network will be on the Pan-South Baltic region project work with a strong emphasis on being project orientated and mutually supportive on cross (international) boundary initiatives and project ideas.Network co-operation will also involve targeting results that are based on formal agreements between network members.The Network will enable its members to work together at an international level on popular music project creations with two or more institutions, musicians or bands for the benefit of music communities across the South Baltic region.

Duration of the Network Agreement

The Network Agreement will take effect on the date on which it is signed by those who wish to join the Network.The agreement is entered into for a period of 5 years from the commencement of the same.

Network Members

Members will include (but not necessarily exclusively)musicians, representatives of institutions, and creative artists who work in the popular music sector of the South Baltic area and for which, likewise, project ideas and creations target and benefit the citizens of the region.

The network has two kinds of members: co-ordinating members, who develop the network and bear responsibility for a region – and regional members, which belong to one of the regions and focus on contents of the network.

Specific Activities

The Networkand the signing party as one of its regionalmemberswill:

a)focus on undertaking international projects within the South Baltic region as and when network members have an interest in such initiatives

b)maintain the network website which will include:

i)giving up-to-date details of projects planned, projects in progress etc to the co-ordinating network partner of the region

ii)giving up-to-date information about the own institution,including details of a link/main responsible contact person (to include email, telephone number, address, details etc) to the co-ordinating network partner of the region

c)through the regional contacts (the signing party) will:

i)for its respective region, search for, identify and link up suitable partners for potential international project collaborations

ii)raise awareness of and be proactive and instrumental in stimulating interest in potential project collaborations

iii)ensure that all enquiries and expressions of interest in potential project collaborations are handled appropriately and followed through to a definitive outcome such as project kick-off or even a non-start.

Information Sharing and Intellectual Property Rights

By joining the Baltic Culture Wave Network members understand the implication that ideas and information are shared and exchanged, as appropriate, across the network and between partners.Information can, however, be confidential amongst partners where documents and other elements are explicitly provided with the statement “confidential” and will therefore be treated as such.

Network partners shall ensure that all products developed within the framework of the project are, subject to the provisions of national laws regarding intellectual property, kept free of all rights. They explicitly commit to giving up all patrimonial rights on teaching material, methodologies and other products of any nature resulting from the project.

Data for Website “Internal”-area

The password for the page “internal” is:********

Responsible Co-ordinating partner in the region is:

(Postal codeCity)
contact person:(Name)
(homepage) / (e-mail-adress)

Review of The Network Agreement and Arrangements

The Network partners shall agree to regular meetings to enable a review of the network agreement arrangements.The regularity should be a minimum of 1 meeting per year. Responsible for organising the meetings are the co-ordinating members.

The Network Agreement can only be changed by means of a written amendment that is signed by all members who have subscribed to the Network Agreement.

Name and address of the signing institution:

Name and position of the signing person:

(place and date)(signature of the signing party and stamp if existing)