Enhancements to Basic Pay

for ALL employees covered by Single Status

Standby and on-call:

Level 1 Standby:

If the employees on this roster are called, they will always have to go out in response. The need may have been identified by a member of the supervisory on-call rota, or by the Alarm Centre, in accordance with agreed procedures. The employee would be expected to undertake a task, in line with their normal duties. They would be able to call on their supervisor for advice and support, as necessary. They would not be expected to take charge of a situation.

Standby payment:

£12.27 per session or £110.43 per week of 9 sessions.

Call out payment:

Minimum payment for 2 hours. Payment will be at normal overtime rates.

Telephone Rental:

The Council will pay the telephone rental of employees whilst they are part of the formal on-call rota. (For employees who participate in the winter gritting rota, payment will be for the period November - April.) In appropriate cases, employees will be required to use mobile phones, pagers or radios, provided by the Council, to maintain contact whilst away from home during an on-call or standby period. Where mobile phones are provided, telephone rental will not be paid.

Travel expenses:

Where employees are required to use their own vehicles to make additional journeys associated with their on call or standby commitments, these will be reimbursed at the normal mileage rate.

Bank Holiday:

Where on call and standby commitments cover a Bank Holiday, the employee will receive the normal 24 hour on-call payment of 2 sessions. If the employee is called out, payment will be at the normal overtime rates for the day.

Level 2 Standby:

Those on this roster might be able to give advice and support without leaving home. In some situations, the employees in this category will be required to go out to provide support and assistance in particular circumstances, possibly taking charge in an emergency, or liaising with those from other services.

Weekly on call /standby payment:

£31.73 per on call session. A normal week shall comprise 9 sessions (£285.5 per week).

Call-out payments:

Time off in lieu will normally be granted for the time taken for call outs (on the basis of hour for hour). However, in exceptional circumstances, the normal overtime payment for the grade may be made, subject to arrangement in advance with their line manager. There will be no minimum call out payment.

Telephone Rental:

The Council will pay the telephone rental of employees whilst they are part of the on-call rota. In appropriate cases, employees will be required to use mobile phones, pagers or radios, provided by the Council, to maintain contact whilst away from home during an on-call or standby period. Where mobile phones are provided, telephone rental will not be paid.

Travel expenses:

Where employees are required to use their own vehicles to make additional journeys associated with their on call or standby commitments, they will be reimbursed at the normal business mileage rate.

Bank Holiday:

Where on call and standby commitments cover a Bank Holiday, the employee will receive the normal 24 hour on-call payment of 2 sessions. If the employee is called out, payment will be at the normal overtime rates for the day.


Managers who are not eligible for standby or on call payments, but are expected as a part of their normal duties to be accessible whilst at home, will receive telephone rental. However, in respect of these officers, no other payments will be made. These officers will include the Heads of Service.

Irregular Hours Payment

An enhancement will be paid to all full time employees on grades MK7 and above where their hours of duty fall outside 7.30am - 7.00pm as part of their normal working week. Where hours worked per week outside these times is between 4 - 8 hours an allowance of 7.5% of annual salary will be paid. Where the hours worked per week outside these times exceeds 8 hours an allowance of 10% of annual salary will be paid.

Shift Payment

No shift premiums will be paid, with the exception of an allowance of 20% of annual salary payable to those staff working continuous rotating shifts payable to staff based at the Community Alarm Service Control Centre who are required to work such shifts and are not eligible for an irregular hours payment.

Night Duty Payment

Employees on grades up to and including MK6 who are required to work through the night as part of their normal working week are entitled to receive pay at an enhanced rate of time and one third for all hours worked between 9.00pm and 8.00am. Where employees work normal night shifts, this may be extended to 9.00am where the shift pattern requires.

Sleeping-In Duty

Employees required to sleep in on the premises shall receive an allowance at the rate given in the Green Book (Pay and Allowances Card). As at April 2003, this allowance is £28.44 per night. The allowance covers the requirement to sleep in and up to 30 minutes call out per night, after which the overtime/additional hours provisions, as stated below, will apply. Payment will only be made in relation to duties that are undertaken, and not in respect of periods of sickness or annual leave. Those in receipt of the sleeping in duty allowance will not be eligible for an irregular hours payment or night duty payment.

Public Holidays

Employees on grades up to and including MK6 required to work part or all of their normal working day on a public holiday shall, in addition to the normal pay for that day, be paid at plain time rate for all hours worked within their normal working hours for that day. Employees on grades MK7 to MK14 will receive time off in lieu on an hour for hour basis. Where employees on grades MK7 to MK14 undertake duties as part of a planned work programme, payment for hours worked at plain time rate on a Bank Holiday may be made on an hour for hour basis in full recompense.

In addition, at a later date, time off with pay shall be allowed as follows:

Time worked less than half the normal working hours on that day:Half Day

Time worked more than half the normal working hours on that day:Full Day

Weekend Working

Employees on grades up to and including MK6 who are required to work on Saturday and/or Sunday as part of their normal working week are entitled to an enhancement as follows:

Saturday Time and a half

SundayTime and a half - basic pay above spinal column point 11

Double time - basic pay at or below spinal column point 11

Free and Rest Day Working

Employees required to work on a free or rest day will receive payment at plain time for the hours worked. Normal overtime rules to apply where the hours worked are in excess of contractual hours.

Overtime/Additional Hours

Employees on grades up to and including MK6 required to work additional hours shall normally be granted either time off in lieu or flexi-leave (hour for hour). Where not possible and agreed with their manager in advance employees will receive payment in recognition of hours worked beyond their working week as follows:

Monday to Saturday:Time and a half

Sundays and Public and Extra Statutory Holidays:Double time (minimum 2 hours)

(Part-time employees are entitled to these enhancements only at times and in circumstances in which full-time employees in the establishment would qualify. Otherwise a full working week for full-time employees shall be worked by a part-time employee before these enhancements apply.)

Employees on grades MK7 to MK14 inclusive will receive payment at plain time rate in exceptional circumstances, when agreed as part of an approved planned overtime programme. Where possible time off in lieu or flexi leave (hour for hour) should be used as an alternative to payment.

Note: Where there is a contractual obligation to pay enhancements in excess of those outlined in this Agreement, these will be phased out, following consultation.

Issued: September 2003