Social Inequality: 10.4 and 10.5

Ageism (10.4)—330-332

  1. What is age stratification according to sociologists?
  1. What is ageism?
  1. What is happening to the median age is the US and how does this impact ageism?
  1. Complete the following chart regarding the 3 sociological perspectives

Functionalism / Conflict Theory / Symbolic Interactionism
How are elderly people treated? / With whom do the elderly compete? / What symbols (stereotypes) are implanted into children?
Agricultural Societies / Pre-industrial societies / What are common stereotypes of the elderly?
Colonial America
Industrialization / Industrial Society
Suicide / How are prejudice and discrimination used by dominant groups?
  1. How are sexism and ageism “two sides of the same coin”?

Social Inequality: 10.4 and 10.5

  1. Identify each of the following statements with the correct theoretical perspective: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism

Ageism results in part from an oversupply of labor _____

Young people are uncomfortable around older people _____

The stigma attached to aging promotes a low self concept among older people _____

Ageism is associated with industrialization (this one has 2 correct answers) _____ & _____

Older people are stereotyped _____

Ageism exists in part because older workers are inefficient _____

Inequality in America’s Elderly Population (10.5)—pp. 333-338 (skip 334-335)

  1. Why do sociologists consider the elderly population a minority?
  1. Although the economic situation of the elderly has had a general positive trend, what distorts the way poverty among older people is measured?
  1. What does the US government believe about the standard of living for the elderly?
  1. How much do the elderly spend on healthcare and housing compared to other age groups?
  2. Who are the “hidden poor” in the elderly?
  1. What is the primary source of income for the elderly in America?
  2. How is race a factor for the elderly?
  1. How is gender also a factor for the elderly?
  1. Overall what is the economic position of older people in the US?
  1. Describe the distribution pattern of elderly people across the US. (Map page 337)
  1. Where is Georgia in this distribution? (Map page 337)
  2. Given that the elderly tend to not have economic power, how is it that the elderly tend to have power in the US?
  1. From the 1997 US Census, what is the voter turnout for the following groups
  2. Age 65+
  3. 25-40
  4. 18-24
  5. According to the book, does voting lead to political power? Explain how the answer affects the status of the elderly.
  1. Do older people tend to vote in a bloc (mostly in the same way) on political issues?
  1. What is “gray power”?
  1. Define “interest group”. What is the significance of interest groups such as AARP and Gray Panthers?