Department of Nursing

Mayo Clinic

Education and Professional Development Division

EMR Scavenger Hunt

Use MICS LastWord Training and the test patient provided by instructor to answer questions.

1.  Go to Patient Data Views -> select Labs. Does your patient have a Hemoglobin result? YES or NO

Note: You may need to change the Go Back date to greater than 7 days.

2.  Go to Patient Data Views -> Notes, Tests, Procedures -> use Filters to view Cardiology/Vascular Reports. Are any cardiology reports available on this patient? YES or NO

3.  Has your patient received a pneumococcal vaccine? Go to Allergies/Immuniz tab -> Immunizations. YES or NO

4.  Has your patient's allergies and reactions been entered into MICS LastWord? Go to Allergies/Immuniz tab -> select Allergies View. YES or NO

5.  Verify that the patient has completed the Patient Family History (PFH) and Current Visit Information (CVI) forms. Go to Patient Forms tab -> select PPI - PFH, CVI. CVI Completed? YES or NO PFH Completed? YES or NO

6.  Does the patient have an advanced directive? Go to Patient Forms -> Advance Directives. YES or NO

7.  You have to initiate an Electronic Nursing Referral for this patient. On the MICS LastWord homescreen, go to Other Apps/Web Sites filter -> select Synthesis: Hospital Summary ->. Has a dismissal summary been started for this patient? YES or NO

8.  The patient had a chest x-ray. On the MICS LastWord homescreen, go to Other Apps/Web Sites filter -> select QREADS -> click Get MC button. Is there an x-ray image available? YES or NO

9.  On admission, you need to verify that the patient has an Outpatient Medication List. Has a list of medications been documented? Go to Medications tab and choose Outpatient Meds - List. YES or NO

10.  What is the current resuscitation status of the patient? ______Look at the MICS LastWord top banner for resuscitation status, or go to Orders tab -> Resuscitation Status.

11.  On admission, did your patient report having difficulty swallowing? YES or NO

Go to Patient Data Views tab -> Baseline Assessments -> scroll down to Nutrition (may need to change go back date).

12.  What is the patient’s admission height and weight? Height _____ Weight______

Go to Patient Data Views tab -> Vitals Intake/Output.


L:\Groups - Dept Shared\Nursing Computer Class\Block A\2011-5-EMR Scavenger Hunt-Block A.doc Updated: 3/24/2011 MAS