{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}

{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs22 VOMIT BAG VIDEO UPDATES, FEB.-MARCH, 2006.\par




WARCAMP-Violent 1983 Phillipine war-action flick, about a special squad of soldiers sent to\par

rescue American POW's being held in a sadistic slave-labor camp, where they endure cruel \par

and bloody games that end in death. Lots of shootings, impalings, stabbings, fights, tortures,\par

explosions, etc. Very cool! Uncut print in Engl., good qual. RECOMMENDED!(BA)\par


HEART OF A FATHER-Rare Turkish crime film dubbed in Engl., starring Cuneyt Arkin as a \par

father torn between his life of crime and his son, left alone after his mother is killed by an \par

assassin. This is NOT the same film as INSAN AV'CISI also starring Arkin! Good flick!\par

Uncut, in Engl., o.k.-good qual.\par


BABALIK- Another violent Turkish action film with Cuneyt Arkin, this one without Engl. subs.\par

Plenty of bloody kung-fu fights, eye-gougings, shootings, stabbings, beatings, etc.! Loads of\par

fun here! Uncut, Turk. w/NO subts., o.k.-good qual. RECOMMENDED!\par


I AM THE LAW- Rare1977 Itln. crime-drama, about a ruthless law enforcer who'll stop at\par

nothing to destroy and dismantle the Cosa Nostra operating in Sicily. Shootings, fights, \par

some nudity. Uncut, in Engl., good qual.(BA)\par


CAGED SEDUCTION-Tough to find 1994 Women's Prison film, starring Stacy Keach and \par

Judith Light. A woman falsely imprisoned fights for her and other inmate's rights against the \par

brutal guards who rape and beat them on a regular basis. Ultimately, a riot ensues! Made for\par

cable. Uncut, in Engl., excell. qual.\par


GOOD LUCK, MISS WYCKOFF- Very rare 1979 sexploitation drama, about a schoolteacher\par

in a rural Kansas town who is brutally raped by a black janitor at her school. The rape and \par

sexually violent beatings are pretty graphic! The schoolkids and teachers find out and write \par

"Miss Wyckoff fucks niggers" on her drawing board and classroom door! Some full-frontal \par

nudity, beatings, sleazy un-PC dialogue, etc. Uncut, in Engl., o.k.-good qual.\par


DOCTOR'S WIVES-Rare sleazy sexploitation drama made in 1971 with an all-star cast! You\par

get Carroll O'Conner, Dyan Cannon, Richard Crenna, and Gene Hackman in this cheezy film\par

about doctors and their wives who cheat on them, and vice versa. There's some very gory and \par

real heart surgery footage thrown in as well. Very rare uncut version in Engl., good qual.\par


PROOF OF THE MAN-Violent and megarare 1977 semi-Blaxploitation drama, about a black man\par

leaving the NYC Harlem ghetto to go to Japan and ends up being brutally murdered there for a \par

mysterious reason. American and Japanese police get involved in the case. George Kennedy plays\par

a dumb racist cop in NYC who hassles the "brothers", and Broderick Crawford plays a police chief.\par

Bloody stabbings, bar fights, racist dialogue, shootings, etc. Uncut, in Engl., o.k.-good qual.\par


THE COMING OF SIN(VIOLATION OF THE BITCH-ENGL. UPGRADE!)-Very good print in Engl. of the 1977 \par

Joe Larraz sleazy sexploitation drama. This version is the SOFTCORE version, with NO HARDCORE INSERT scenes.\par

Rape, nudity, sleazy interludes, and a gory shotgun death at the end! Check it out!!\par


NIGHT OF THE JUGGLER-Absolutely GREAT and action-packed 1980 sleazy thriller, with James Brolin, Cliff Gorman,\par

and Richard Castellano. Why a flick this cool and fun hasn't been officially put out on DVD here yet, i'll never know! Cliff \par

Gorman plays his greatest role as a psychopathic pedophile-kidnapper living in a burned-out Bronx building(black lady \par

neighbors refer to him as "the MOLE MAN! That sucka's CRAZY!") who decides to try and kidnap a rich NYC man's\par

young daughter and demand money for ransom. He screws up 'tho, and takes a look-a-like working class guy's daughter \par

instead! The father(Brolin) chases the wacko kidnapper and his girl all over the Big Apple, including 42nd. st. in it's \par

heyday(with huge marquees showing double and triple features of films like TINTORERA:BLOODY WATERS, VAMPIRE\par

CIRCUS, and SCREAM BLACULA SCREAM!). This film shows the entire city of New York at it's grungey, dirty, nasty best,\par

circa summer of 1979! Stabbings, shootings, off-the-wall dialogue from the psycho("I want money or yer daughter's CHUNKS\par

OF MEAT, ya hear me?!" "Niggers and spics came in and SHIT ALL OVER my neighborhood!!"), some nudity, special guest\par

Sharon Mitchell as a 42nd. st. porn booth worker, gang attacks, etc. This flick ROCKS, TRUST ME! Uncut print in Engl., good\par





EXPOSE(HOUSE ON STRAW HILL)-Uncut import print of bloody 1975 slasher/sexploitation film starring Udo Kier as a writer\par

living in the country looking for help with his work. He gets more than he bargained for in a pretty blonde secretary, including \par

nightmares, sexual fantasies, and bloody deaths! Throats cut, nudity, stabbings, beatings, rape, etc. Weird film indeed! In Engl.\par

and in very good qual.\par


SERPENT GOD-Odd and bizarre 1970 's Itln. sleaze gem, about a snake goddess possessing men and women in the \par

Carribean on an island. Voodoo rituals, tons of nudity, some violence, etc. Uncut, lbx'd., Itln. w/No subts., very good qual.\par


MACUMBA LOVE-Rare classic 1961 voodoo/adventure film, about an evil black voodoo goddess with platinum blonde hair\par

terrorizing the inhabitants of a Brazilian island. An American writer attempts to expose her evil ways, but gets caught up in \par

a curse on him and his family! Weird voodoo rites, some surprising gory deaths(a tortured man has a pin pushed into his eye),\par

etc. In engl., good qual.\par


A SAVAGE HUNGER-Well-made 1984 tale of survival set in an American desert and played out ala SURVIVE! People are stranded\par

out in the desert without food or water and end up resorting to CANNIBALISM to survive. They first turn on each other, then start to \par

eat the dead bodies, cutting off strips of flesh and burning it over an open flame. Some nudity, beatings, fights, flesh-cutting scenes, \par

etc. Uncut, in Engl., excell. qual.\par




AN EYE FOR AN EYE(DRUMMER OF VENGEANCE., DAY OF JUDGEMENT)-Rare 1974 Spaghetti Western/revenge tale, about a \par

Confederate soldier getting even with the men who killed his family. Every time he gets ready to execute them, he puts a wind-up toy\par

drummer boy down at their feet, tells them when it stops moving, it's their time to die, etc. Pretty cool! Gordon Mitchell and Rosalba\par

Neri star. Uncut, in Engl., good qual.\par




DEMONIOS DEL DESIERTO(DEMONS OF THE DESERT)-Very obscure 1990 Mexican horror/biker action film, with a gang of \par

satanic punked out bikers who find human sacrifices for a bald, evil old satanic priest in the middle of the desert. Very violent, with\par

stabbings, shootings, impalings, throats cut and impaled, nudity, sleazy biker madness, and more! Fun stuff all the way!! Uncut\par

print, in Spn. w/NO subts., good qual. RECOMMENDED!\par


ASES DEL CONTRABANDO-Lotsa shootings and fights in this 1985 Mexican obscurity about drug runners and cops south\par

of the border. Uncut, in Spn. w/NO subts., good qual.\par




ENFORCER FROM DEATH ROW-Super-cool and ultra-violent 1978 Phillipine/U.S. prod. with Leo Fong as a mean badass\par

hired killer saved from being killed in the gas chamber by people working for a "peace" organization who want to hire him to \par

take out an evil druglord in Manila. This is some GREAT shit here, with a groovy, funky soundtrack, bloody kung-fu fights, \par

rough torture scenes with rats eating away a man's genital area and another guy hung upside down and bitten by snakes, \par

eyes gouged out in bloody detail, faces burned, sleazy scenes of naked women all over the place, ninja attacks, etc.!!\par

Not out on DVD anywhere and long out of print, this is the UNCUT version in Engl. and in overall good qual. Cameron \par

Mitchell also stars too! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!\par




ANARCHY U.S.A.-Very rare 1966 racist docu. backed by the far, FAR RIGHT, showing how the black uprisings of the 1960's are\par

linked to Communist activities in the u.s. and abroad. These ignorant jerks are thoroughly convinced Martin Luther King Jr. is part of\par

a communist plot(they even hire some fake ex-communist party members who are black to make statements, etc.!). Some grisly\par

footage and photos of folks murdered by Communist regimes and people is shown, incl. one with these two Turkish guys heads cut off\par

and their penises sticking out of their mouths, etc. Lots of un-PC dialogue and footage of riots, beatings, a redneck getting on a microphone\par

and calling Lyndon B. Johnson a "Nigger Lover", etc. Well-made and creepy stuff! Uncut, black and white, in Engl., good qual.\par




BLOOD RAIN-Very violent and graphic 2004 Thailand made period horror film taking place in the old days, about a gruesome revenge\par

against five people who falsely accused a man and had him executed by being torn apart(graphically shown!), that is carried out by the \par

dead man's spirit(or so the townsfolk believe). Heads are crushed, one dude is boiled alive in hot oil, impalings, throats cut, etc. Uncut, in\par

Thai Lng. w/Engl. subts., excell. qual. RECOMMENDED!\par


BUYU(THE SPELL)-Bloody and weird 2004 Turkish horror film about people on an expedition being killed in various gory ways\par

by an evil force let loose by them. Impalings, heads roll, stabbings, some nudity, etc. Very atmospheric! Uncut, in Turk. Lng. w/NO\par

subts., good qual.\par


DECAPITATION ISLAND(SECRET OF WOMEN'S PRISON ISLAND)-Brutal and violent 1969 Jpn. WIP flick that starts with a female\par

prisoner trying to escape being caught and beheaded by the guards, her head then placed on a stick for all to see! That's just the start\par

of what's to come! Whippings, burnings with hot oil, tortures, rapes, beatings, etc. Uncut, in Jpn. w/Engl. subts., excell. qual.\par


SRIGALA(THE FOX)-Very rare 80's Indonesian version of FRIDAY THE 13TH! Barry Prima stars. Of course, there's lots of violent deaths,\par

impalings, stabbings, and even a JASON rip-off swamp monster at the end! Uncut, Malay Lng. w/NO subs, o.k.-good qual. from VCD.\par


MALAM SATU SORO-The great Indonesian horror star SUZZANNA stars in this 80's supernatural flick, which is a continuation of her\par

playing the "SUNDEL BOLONG" character, a female ghost with a hole in her back! Some bizaare deaths, incl. bodies melting into \par

skeletons, suicides, etc. Creepy and fun! Uncut, in Malay Lng. w/NO subts., ok-good qual. from VCD.\par


KEGELAPAN TELAGA MAUT-Yet another in the "SUNDEL BOLONG" series from the 80's, also starring SUZZANNA as the forlorned ghost\par

with a hole. In this one, she gets revenge on the evil gang of thugs who killed her family by using the powers of darkness. One guy is stepped \par

on and crushed by a giant teddy bear! Odd flick! Uncut, in Malay w/No subts., good qual. from VCD.\par






core DOUBLE-FEATURE tape packed with sleaze and sex!\par

The first one is a 1976 Greek sexploiter with XXX hardcore inserts added, about a group of criminals holding people hostage on an island.\par

One of the gang is an impotent psychopath! Shootings, stabbings, fights, and of course, XXX sex scenes so you don't get bored!! It's in\par

Itln. only w/NO subts. The second is a 1987 Asian XXX flick dubbed in Engl., showing mondo-style footage of sex acts and shows performed\par

in Bangkok nitecubs by sexy Asian chicks, incl. the "smoking vaginas" trick! Wild stuff here! Both films are in good qual.\par


VARIACOES DO SEXO EXPLICITO/LOUCURA EROTICA-Another double porn tape, this one with two very explicit XXX Brazilian ones\par

from the 70's-80's, the second with a horror twist! The first deals with a pornographer making weird and kinky porn flicks for his clients,\par

and some of the stuff this guy films is very kinky and sick indeed! Plenty of rough, wild sex in this one! The second is about a nutty guy\par

who's a beekeeper that goes crazy and tries to punish and kill women for their sinful acts with other men, etc.! Some violent deaths in\par

this one! Both flicks are uncut, in Portg. Lng. w/NO subts. and only OK-good qual. due to their rarity.\par


LA NIPOTE/JASPANIA:A PREFEITA EROTICA-Yet another XXX double-feature for your viewing pleasure! The first is a rare XXX version of a 1973 \par

Itln. softcore porn comedy dir. by Nello Rosati. A old guy's niece has sex with whomever she wants, in many wild ways! This is in Itln. w/NO subs.\par

The second is a 80's Brazilian period-piece porn flick that actually looks like something Andy Milligan would've made if he ever went to Brazil to\par

make a XXX movie! A kinky queen demands all her followers to have sex with her, including one young stud and one big dude with a hood over\par

his head. Pretty sleazy stuff here! In Prtg. Lng. w/NO subts. Both films are in OK-good qual.\par


RAPED/TIA'S RAPE AND TORTURE-More graphic XXX double-feature madness, this one starts with a Dutch XXX shot on video flick about hitchhikers\par

getting raped and made to perform sex with their captors. The second XXX title is a graphic rape and spanking/beating of a young blonde slut at\par

the hands of two guys, one a younger man, the other a silver-haired, mean old bastard who repeatedly yells at and torments the girl, saying to her\par

"Come on, suck my dick you bitch, do it right!!". He spanks and slaps her all over until she's red everywhere! Ironically, the old guy just can't seem\par

to get his dick hard no matter what!! This one is in Engl. and good qual. \par


MISC. ROUGH XXX SHORTS/SPECIAL REQUEST #2-One more double-feature tape, this one starts with a lot of old XXX S/M and \par

bondage shorts set to music, then the second title is a kinky XXX 90's s/m-bondage video with Sharon Mitchell as a mean lesbian bitch,\par

meting out punishment and discipline to a new member of the bondage club. Both are in Engl. and have good pic qual.\par


