Period ______

Name(s) ______

Ecological Footprint Project (Rubric)

Attribute / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Project, Creativity and Audience Appeal / Work is less than ½ complete, unclear or impossible to follow. Visual aid is missing or does not engage the audience / Work is at least complete but lacks clarity or originality. Visual aid is sloppy, contains errors, or isn’t integrated into the presentation / Work is complete and is generally clear and contains original elements. Visual aid is neat, has minor errors and somewhat engages the audience / Work is exceptionally clear,original, and engaging, visual aid is neat, colorful, and free from errors and engages the audience
Oral Presentation / The presentation lacks organization. Listener has great difficulty understanding concepts and ideas / The presentation is somewhat organized, listener has some difficulty understanding concepts and ideas / The presentation is adequately organized. Listener has little to no difficulty understanding the concept and ideas / Presentation is highly organized and effectively helps the listener to understand the concepts and ideas.
Explanation of Ecological Footprint / Explanation of Ecological Footprint is missing / Explanation of Ecological Footprint is inaccurate or unclear / Explanation of Ecological Footprint is given but lacks detail / Explanation of Ecological Footprint is accurate, clear and detailed
Detailed Explanation of examples on how a person can reduce their ecological footprint with regard to the four consumption areas:
  • Carbon
  • Food
  • Housing
  • Goods and Services
/ Two or less examples are given for each of the four consumption areas but lack detail
0 / More than two examples are given for each of the four consumption areas but lack detail
2 / Two or less examples with detailed explanations are given for each of the four consumption areas
4 / More than two examples with detailed explanations are given for each of the four consumption areas
Explain how our lifestyle choices impact the four ecosystems of our ecological footprint:
  • Marine Fisheries
  • Pastureland
  • Cropland
  • Forestland
/ Less than two lifestyle examples are given for each of the four ecosystems but lack detail
0 / More than two lifestyle choices are given for each of the four ecosystems but lack detail
2 / Less than two lifestyle choices with detailed explanations are given for each of the four ecosystems
4 / More than two lifestyle choices with detailed explanations are given for each of the four ecosystems
How to become a zero waste family
Groups of four Only / Less than three ways of becoming a zero waste family are presented but lack detail.
0 / More than three ways of becoming a zero waste family are presented but lack detail
2 / Less than three ways of becoming a zero waste family are presented and are detailed
4 / More than three ways of becoming a zero waste family are presented and are detailed
Works Cited Page (MLA Format) / Not Submitted. / Works Cited page is submitted but not in MLA format or is not complete or is in MLA format but contains major errors / Works Cited page is in MLA format but contains minor errors / Works Cited page is in MLA format and contains no errors

Grade ______