Economics Syllabus – 2017-2018

Ms. Carfield

A. Course Description:This course will provide students with an understanding of the way in which society organizes its limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants. Students will be introduced to the major characteristics of the mixed market economic system in the U.S. and how basic economic questions are answered. Emphasis will be placed on the individual’s role as a producer, saver, and taxpayer in relation to the system.

  1. Materials: Students are expected to have the following in class everyday:
  2. Laptop
  3. 3-ring binder or folder (everything we do on paper in class will be hole-punched in order for students to stay organized)
  4. Pens or Pencils
  5. Good Attitude 
  1. Rules and Procedures:
  • Show RESPECT at all times to both the teacher and classmates.
  • Enter the classroom on time and sit in your assigned seat.
  • Be prepared for class by bringing your binder, pen or pencil, and charged laptop
  • Complete bell work upon entering the room.
  • Raise your hand to ask/answer a question or to get out of your seat
  • Leave all furniture, windows, and the thermostat as they are, unless the teacher tells you otherwise.
  • No food in the classroom
  • No sleeping in class
  • Please try to utilize the time between classes for restroom breaks.
  • Students are responsible for completing all make-up work in a timely manner.
  1. Grading System:I use a total points grading system. Points vary depending on the assignment. A variety of methods will be used in order to determine the final grade in the class including:



Quizzes and TestsFinal Exam

Bartlett City Schools Grade Scale

A……………….. 90-100

B……………….. 80-89

C……………….. 70-79

D……………….. 65-69

F.……………….. Below 65

August 7th, 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I am so excited to have your child in Economics this semester! This is a one semester course that is required of all seniors in order to graduate.

I will always be accessible to you by both e-mail and phone. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, and concerns. I will need your help at home to encourage your child in their studies. Please check PowerSchool to make sure your student is on track to pass this class and therefore graduate. In addition, please encourage them to attend school every day and be prepared. Together, I know we can have a successful year!

On the reverse side of this letter is the syllabus for the course. Please sign at the bottom of this letter and have your child return it to me. Thank you so much for your time and interest in your child’s education. Let’s work together to make this a greatyear!

Jessica Carfield

Bartlett High School


School Phone Number: (901) 373-2620

I have read and understand the attached rules and procedures for my child’s Economics class.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Student Name______

Parent e-mail address______

Parent daytime phone number ______