Employing organisation: / Offered on the following basis for one yearworking with the Northern Burn Care ODN Support Team. Employment remains via existing employer, to whom the following remuneration backfill is offered for 1 PA per week.Title: / NetworkClinical Lead (Burns)
Accountable to: / ODNs’ Manager
Grade: / NHS Physician or Surgeon or Senior Clinical Therapist/Nurse with (Agenda for Change) ‘consultant’ level expertise in burn care
Hours: 1 PA per week
This part time post will provide clinical leadership and expert advice across the full spectrum of burnsactivitieswithin North East, North West, Yorkshire & the Humber, North Wales and Isle of Manareas. The Clinical Lead will work with professional and clinical colleagues across the ODN and be responsible for providing clinical leadership and advice and presenting recommendations to the ODNs’ Central Support Manager and team ,ODN member organisations and NHS England and on the development of the ODN’s activities and on commissioning and service priorities. The role will require travel across the patch as well as to some meetings nationally.
Key Working Relationships:- ODNs’ Manager
- ODN Member organisations
- Burns Consultants/Surgeons/Anaesthetistsrelated to the specialty
- Provider Trusts medical leads
- NE, NW and Y&H Ambulance Service leads
- NHS England Specialised Commissioning Leads
- Emergency Planning, Response and Resilience Leads
- Specialist Commissioning Teams
- Patient & Carer Representatives
- Social Care
- Variety of key voluntary agencies
- Academic Health Science Networks
1. Job Summary
Strong negotiation skills, the ability to motivate teams and a flexible approach are required within the role, in order to support the work of the ODN effectively and advise and make recommendations about these clinical services. A high level of tact and diplomacy is essential, alongside the ability to understand other cultures, to enable effective working across organisational boundaries. The post holder is expected:
- To engage with clinical teams and managers across different care settings to promote engagement, participation and ownership in service delivery models for these services across the Burns ODN area.
- To provide expert advice, clinical leadership and support to the ODN central support team to help facilitate the consistent delivery of care in line with national strategies, outcome frameworks and NICE guidance, through the development of network-wide clinical protocols, guidance, whole system care pathways and clinical audit.
- To support the ODN in taking forward work or initiatives where there is divided clinical opinion and/or lack of national guidance; gaining clinical support and managing conflict effectively.
- To facilitate improvements in the care and quality of services for patients living withburns injuries.
- Through the ODN, support the development of consistently high quality services for patients and carers.
- To contribute to the development of evidence-based policies and strategies and contribute to the future development/planning of services across the ODN area.
- To champion and support service improvement activities across the ODN.
2. Operational Delivery Networks (ODNs)
The ODN will represent all organisations providing specialist burns services within North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, North Wales and Isle of Manand is accountable to each of them via theBurns ODN Board but will also be held to account by the ODNs’Oversight Group (membership includes ODN host provider and NHS England specialised commissioners).
The ODN will work as a membership model, and build up a high level of service improvement expertise in the delivery of evidence-based service models.
Rather than working within specific institutions, the ODN works across all the network areafocusing on the entire patient pathway, irrespective of Specialised Commissioning patch. It therefore crosses traditional organisational boundaries, bringing together clinicians and managers from across the sector to develop services and care in a consistent and equitable manner across the whole of the potential patient journey.
3. Key Responsibilities
3.1Clinical Leadership and Collaborative Working
- To establish strong working relations with key stakeholders across the ODN.
- To represent the ODN, with the ODNs’ Manager, at national meetings and events ensuring that the views of the ODN are fully promoted.
- To influence external agencies and bodies in decision making on these services, by working with other organisations in the statutory, non-statutory and private sectors including the NHS England, Care Quality Commission, Monitor, Health and Well Being Boards, Local Education and Training Boards, Academic Health Science Networks, NICE, Royal Colleges, voluntary organisationsetc.
- As a member of the ODN Board, contribute to the development of service strategy across the ODN, advising on the implications of relevant policies and guidelines.
- To encourage and facilitate effective communication and cross-boundary working across both professional and organisational boundaries.
- To provide clinical leadership for the ODN and, through the ODN, identify individuals who are able to provide advice on specific pieces of work.
- To actively support the development of these services and the dissemination of learning from national and local initiatives.
- To work in partnership with the ODNs’ Manager and relevant health leads in the development of sector-wide plans in relation to key areas including: workforce and education, service models, facilities and information.
- To provide clinical advice to the ODN team on papers for the Network Clinical Advisory and Audit Group on key areas of work, detailing recommendations for further action.
3.3Service Improvement
- To provide expert clinical advice and leadership to support and inform an evidence-based approach, with the aim of providing high quality, equitable services across acute, rehabilitation and community care, in potentially contentious and hostile environments where barriers to acceptance may exist.
- To provide clinical advise and support the development of sector-wide clinical guidelines and clinical governance and/or audits relevant to these service areas and to advise on implementation of relevant National Service Frameworks or equivalent national standards/guidance and frameworks
- To advise the ODN members on perceived areas of ‘good practice’ relating to these services inside and outsidethe Burns ODN area.
3.4Clinical Audit and Governance
- In conjunction with the ODNs’ Manager, lead the development and implementation of a documented system of clinical governance across the ODN and facilitate ODN audits and outcomes, ensuring that this is integrated within the work of the various sub-groups. Chair the ODN Clinical Advisory and Audit Group.
Operational Delivery Network – Burns Clinical Lead JDPage 1
Education/Qualifications / Essential / DesirableRegistered with the GMC or equivalent nursing or AHP body with a licence to practice with appropriate post graduate qualifications for these disease areas / √
Working at Consultant/senior clinical ‘consultant equivalent’level / √
Managing, training & mentoring staff / √
Practical experience in facilitating change / √
Scientific publications, presentation of papers at conferences & seminars / √
Experience of active involvement in local, regional or national strategy groups / √
Personal qualities
Able to prioritise work and work well against a background of change and uncertainty / √
Adaptable to situations, can work productively with people of all capabilities and attitudes / √
Commitment to team-working and respect and consideration for the skills of others / √
Self-motivated, pro-active and innovative / √
High standards of professional probity / √
Proven and recognised interest in clinical service development / √
Strategic thinker with proven leadership skills / √
Excellent oral and written communication skills with the ability to develop strong working relationships with clinicians and managers at all levels / √
Effective interpersonal, motivational and influencing skills / √
Ability to respond appropriately in unplanned and unforeseen circumstances / √
Good presentational skills (oral and written) / √
Pragmatic negotiator with sensible expectation of what can be achieved / √
Computer literate (evidence of knowledge and use of a variety of software packages eg MS Office) / √
Ability to design, develop, interpret and implement policies / √
Able to operate effectively across organisational boundaries / √
Understanding of the broader framework of the NHS Reforms alongside current policies in relation to health and social care / √
Understanding of social and political environment / √
Ability to travel throughout the ODN area as required and to travel to meetings nationally / √
July 2013
Operational Delivery Network – Burns Clinical Lead JDPage 1