Christ’s Resurrection Ascension
7th Bible: New Testament
- All four of the Gospel writers make it abundantly clear that Jesus arose on the ______day of the week. (page 237)
- Why was the stone removed from the Sepulcher? (page 238) ______
- “______stayed to look into the tomb where her Lord had been buried.” (page 238)
- Who did Mary think Jesus was when she met Him at the sepulcher? The ______. (pages 238-239)
- “Jesus revealed Himself to Mary by speaking only ______– her name.” (page 239)
- “The voice of Jesus cut through Mary’s grief and tore away the sorrow that bound her soul. Her answer, ______, declared her newborn faith in His resurrection.” (page 239)
- What was the message that Jesus sent to the disciples through Mary? (page 239)
- How does the message that Mary brought to the disciples help us understand the Cross? (page 239) ______
- The textbook mentions three evidences of the resurrection. The third evidence is the evidence of the ______. (page 239-240)
- Why should the actions of the unbelieving Jewish rulers be a warning to us? (page 240, bottom paragraph) ______
- What is very important? (240, bottom paragraph) ______
- “It would be hard to imagine two people more downhearted than were ______and his companion as they began to walk to ______on the afternoon of that first day of the week.” (page 242)
- Why were their hearts heavy? (page 242, last sentence) ______
- The Stranger who traveled with these two men rebuked them by saying, “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the ______have spoken.” (page 243, Luke 24:25)
- When Jesus took bread, blessed it, and broke it before them, their eyes were opened and they realized that they had been walking with the ______Lord. (page 243)
- “In that moment of wonderful knowledge, the Lord ______!” (page 243)
- Why did the two men hurry back to Jerusalem? (page 243) ______
- How did Jesus prove to the disciples that He was not a spirit? (page 243) ______
- What is the only explanation for the radical difference seen in Peter and the other disciples? (page 244, top paragraph) ______
- “When He returned to Heaven, He would ______His work through the disciples. Now He began to prepare them for that work.” (page 244)
- Jesus gave His disciples a new commission. He told them, “As the Father hath sent Me, even so ______I you” (page 244, John 20:21)
- The Greek word for “send” is the word from which we get our English word “______”. (page 244)
- “Jesus was now ______them as His apostles.” (page 244)
- What message did the apostles proclaim throughout all the world? (page 244) ______
- “To this commission Jesus added the power by which they were to carry out the commission. “He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the ______” (page 244-245, John 20:22)
- The full power of the Holy Spirit was not given until ______. (page 245)
- At the time of the raising of Lazarus in John 11, the disciples were afraid to go into Bethany with Jesus. It was ______who said “Let us also go, that we may die with Him.” (page 246, John 11:16)
- What is one reason for why Thomas may have been absent when Jesus appeared to His disciples on the day of His resurrection? (page 247) ______
- “The doubts and fears of Thomas did not remove his ______to Jesus.” (page 247)
- When a week had passed and another ______arrived, the disciples were again gathered in the upper room. This time Thomas was with them.” (page 247)
- What did Jesus say to Thomas? (page 247, John 20:27) ______
- Thomas responds by crying out, ______. (page 247, John 20:28)
- Why did John write his Gospel? (page 248, John 20:31) ______
- When the angel spoke to the women who had visited the empty tomb, he told the, “Go, tell His disciples and ______, that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you.” (page 249, Mark 16:7)
- “When they had returned to Galilee, Peter decided to resume his occupation of ______.” (page 249)
- “These men fished at ______, and the work of casting and hauling in the nets was ______labor.” (page 249)
- The disciples most likely needed to return to their former occupations in order to ______themselves and their families. (page 249)
- “The disciples had fished all night without ______and were returning to the shore.” (page 249)
- Jesus, who was standing on the shore, asks them if they caught anything. When they replied that they had not, He told them to cast their nets on the ______side of the boat and they would find some. (page 249)
- When they did this, they caught so many fish that they could not pull the net in. John then suddenly recognizes Jesus and says, “______.” (page 249, John 21:7)
- When Peter heard this, he also recognized Jesus. “He jumped into the water and ______to meet his Master, while the other disciples towed to shore the net full of fish.” (page 249-250)
- Jesus performed this miracle to show the disciples that He was the ______Lord they had known before. He still ______all things. (page 250)
- How many times had Peter denied Jesus? ______times. (see Matthew 26:75)
- How many times did Jesus ask Peter “Do you love Me?” ______times. (John 21)
- Why was Peter grieved in John 21:17? ______
- What did Peter say, when Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love Me?” (John 21:17) ______
- “Tradition tells us that Peter was martyred. Like Jesus, he was sentenced to be ______.” (page 251)
- The author of Acts must be ______, “the ______.” This is supported by the use of ______language in Acts.
- What is the full or expanded title to the book of Acts? (see the heading in your Bible) ______.
- What does this name tell us about the book? ______
- The Gospel of Luke was addressed to the most excellent ______. (see Luke 1:3)
- The book of Acts is addressed to ______. (see Acts 1:1)
- Besides the fact that both the book of Luke and the book of Acts have the same author and were written to the same person, how is the content of the book of Acts related to the third Gospel? (page 253) ______
- How does Jesus continue His ministry in the book of Acts? (page 253) ______
- When Jesus met with His eleven disciples in Galilee, He gave to them the ______. (page 254)
- What did Jesus say before He gave the disciples this commission? (page 254, Matthew 28:18) ______
- “Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry we have seen many examples of His authority. He demonstrated it by healing the ______and raising the ______. But now the risen Christ claims that ______authority is His.” (page 254)
- The apostles are not longer to limit their activity to the house of ______. (page 254)
- They are now to “make disciples of all the ______.” (page 254)
- “This work cannot be done in human ______.” (page 254)
- What promise does Jesus add to the Great Commission? (page 254, Matthew 28:20) ______
- What must be a vital part of the work of the Church today? (page 254) ______.
- “Christ still promises to be with us ______, to strengthen us for His work.” (page 254)
- “The disciples were instructed to ______in Jerusalem for the coming of the ______.” (page 255)
- “When the ______days were completed, Jesus led His disciples out of Jerusalem to a place near ______.” (page 255)
- There He lifted up His nail-pierced hands and ______them. (page 255)
- “As He did so, He began to ______. His disciples were able to watch Him ______higher and higher until finally a ______hid Him from their sight.” It is very likely that Jesus’ hands remained lifted in blessing as He ascended.”
- Use a dictionary or in your own words, describe what the word “ascension” means? ______
- Look up Acts 1:11 in your Bible. What is significant about the phrase “this same Jesus”? ______
- List or describe the four implications of the Ascension of Jesus: (page 255, last paragraph)
- It means that … ______
- It means that … ______
- It means that … ______
- It means that … ______
The Ministry of Christ: Chapters 60-64