AHAN Steering Committee
Wednesday, October 1st, 2008– 2:30– 4:30
Three Oaks Boardroom, 58 Highland Ave.,Belleville,
Completed by Carmela
In attendance:Diane Poirier,Carmela Ruberto,Rahno Godfrey, Gina Cockburn, Diane Poirier
Regrets:Reta Sheppard,Patty Park, Bob Cotrell
Chair: Pam MurphyGuests:
2:30 / 2 min. / Welcome & Agenda Review2:32 / 3 min. / Minutes of the Last Meeting were reviewed and accepted.
2:35 / 5 min. / Matters Arising from the Minutes
Changes to the Community Plan – Carmela reported that she met with Alex from Service Canada who helped her make the changes. The changes were mainly focused on the priorities and now that we know we are funding a third transitional house those changes were made. Number of how many people can be served were included and the wording of the priorities were changed slightly. The Community Plan was emailed to the group and it should be resaved. Carmela noted that Ruth Hatton has received a revised copy for her records and that Ruth would likely be interested in revising the plan if it is required next year. Alex indicated to date he was unsure of any funding for the 2009/2010 fiscal year.
2:45 / 5 min. / Homeless Partnering Strategy Update: Diane met with some neighbours on Wickett Street who were asking some questions. Had some concerns. Diane indicated the house is on schedule.
2:50 / 30 minutes / Task force updates
10min. each / Advocacy
Gina reported that the endorsement AHAN made is on the 25-5- campaign.
It was discussed that a package will be sent out for the NDP, Liberal, Green Party and Conservative parties in this area informing them of AHAN. She will also include an invitation to the November 20th AHAN National Housing Day.
Carmela will post the document “tell them Housing Matters” on the website and email this out to the AHAN contact listing.
Information Sharing
National Housing Day– Marvin Novak will present on the 25-5 campaign. The group reviewed the pamphlet and some changes were made. Pam will present the changes to Sandi Sidsworth. Interpreters are available and Derek will take the RSVP for this. He will need to know by November 14th. This will be marked on the pamphlet.
It was noted that the website should be checked for key messages. We need to ensure that our messaging is clear.
Carmela and Pam will be meeting re: media for November 20th.
(Bricks & Mortar)
All-Together Housing update
Rahno reported that they are looking at a potential date of January 15th for the AGM.
Community Report (Bob) – Bring Forward
Next AHANOrganization – 2009
Speaker – Pam noted that there is a possible speaker named Phil Spry, who could perhaps provide an update on the new affordable housing building in Belleville.
Location: Carmela will book the CountyAdminBuilding, 3rd floor committee rooms for 2009.
The following dates for the 2009 AHAN meetings are:
February 18th, 2009
May 20th, 2009
September 16th, 2009
November 19th, 2009 –National Housing Day – Location to be announced.
3:35 / 5 min. / Fundraising
Pam distributed information regarding CMHC and Wellesley Institute. The deadlines are both for October 31st, 2008. It was suggested to write to these groups to see when the next deadlines are.
Pam will email the group the information.
Trillium – Next deadline would be November 1st. If AHAN were to apply we would need a lead agency.
3:40 / 15 min / AHAN Website –The group noted that Reta is revamping the HHRC website. It was noted that the AHAN site will remain the same.
Website communications – Website has been updated.
AHAN Voicemail - none received.
3:55 / 5 min / New Business
Strategic Plan – address the goal of increasing the mailing list. Bring your Community Keys to the next Steering Meeting.
Carmela will put the old strat plan on a memory stick for November or December meeting. We can review this on computer and make appropriate changes for next year.
OMSSA conference – Pam reported she attended the OMSSA conference and noted that the main idea/theme was “supports”. There were lots of discussions surrounding supports in place for people especially seniors who are taking up bed space in the hospital. Pam encouraged others to attend next year if they can.
4:00 / Adjourn – Next meeting is at the Legal Clinic. Bring Strat Plan, Community Key. Carmela to bring the labels for the Reeves. We will send out invitations to the Reeves for the upcoming November 20th meeting. Also will send out invitations to City of Belleville and Quinte West. This will be a working meeting.