Tennessee State University
College of Business -- Department of BIS
BISI 4410.80Advanced Website Development
Semester: SPRING 2005
Instructor: / Dr. Jeffrey S. Siekpe / Phone: / (615)-963 7132Office: / AWC, K-34 / Email: /
Office hours: / MW: 1-5pm, TR: 1-2pm / Course Website: /
Course Description:
BISI 4410 Advanced Website Development is problems-oriented course that teaches the use of dynamic elements to enhance Web pages and sites. The course includes technologies that enable connecting databases to Web sites, streaming audio and video, advance components integration, and web site testing strategies. Additional topics include advance forms, cascading style sheets, XML, DHTML, and advance authoring tools. Exercises and projects will allow students to apply the principles of Web design to their own sites that will be created in the course.
Learning Objectives and Methodologies
This course addresses the technical issues that arise when setting up e-Business and e-Commerce Web sites. You will learn and develop skills and knowledge in the following areas:
- Development of client and server-side scripts for interactive and database-driven Web sites
- Integration of client-side scripts and server-side scripts in advanced Web site development
- Integration of logic and presentation in advanced Web site design
- Management and maintenance of large Web sites
- Evaluation of Web servers and related technologies
- Configuration and maintenance of Web servers
Reading Text:
Readings will consist of articles, analyses, & referenced Internet Web sites. In addition, you will need to purchase e-Business & e-Commerce How to Program, Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, and Tem R. Nieto, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013028419X.
Additional Materials: Students in the classroom will be required to purchase a 100MB Zip cartridge or a flash/jump drive. Make sure it is an IBM Zip cartridge and a three-ring binder to keep activities and notes.
Prerequisites: You should have basic knowledge to designing static HTML pages and be a competent in using tags. BISI 4400 or an equivalent course (approved by the Head of Department) will suffice as a prerequisite. There are no particular programming skills I assume, but I will expect that you can learn enough about a new language in a week or two to complete simple programming assignments. You should have good communications skills.
Requirements and Evaluation:
The class will engage in weekly learning activities and quizzes during the course of each class session. Many of these activities are deemed as in-class activities and no makeup is permissible on missed in-class assignments. Only those assignments that are assigned for later (outside class assignments) completion are accepted. All assignments must be submitted by the due date to earn the possible maximum points allowable. All late assignments will be docked a letter grade for each class session.
Grade distribution: / Reward System:Project: / >=90 / A
Project assignments / 30% / 80 – 89 / B
End result and presentation / 10% / 70 – 79 / C
Exams: / 60 – 69 / D
Midterm exam / 20% / 60 / F
Final exam / 20%
Problem sets/Quizzes: / 20%
Total: / 100%
Each problem set and each project assignment will be counted according to its grade point value.
Course Policies:
- Class starts promptly on time. All students should be in the classroom ready for the day's work. Arriving late to class or leaving early from class is extremely disruptive for the instructor and other students.
- You are not to eat, drink, or smoke in class, use your cell phone. It is against the school policy to have food, drink, cell phones, or beepers in the classrooms and Computer Labs.
- Students are responsible for starting and completing withdrawals or drops from the course. A grade F may result from failure to comply with this requirement.
Procedures & Assignments:
There will be two kinds of assignments in the class. Please read carefully about policies for each kind, note that these policies are quite different!
Problem Sets - There will be problem sets given out throughout the course. These problem sets are for individual work. The problem sets are due in class at the beginning of a lecture on the due date. Solutions for some or all problems in a problem set may be discussed in class on the due date. No late submissions are accepted for problem sets.
Project Assignments -A large part of the course is a project which is done in groups. The project consists of 5 assignments. Project assignments are due on the due date not later than 6pm. Late assignments will be accepted with 20% credit loss for each 24 hours they are late.
Each project will be graded for the entire group working on the project. However, you need to specify contribution of each group member to the assignment. An individual grade for project assignments for each group member may be determined in cases when participation throughout the semester was significantly uneven for different group members.
- The Instructor reserves the right to change the class schedule as needed during the semester.
- In exceptional cases an extension may be given on assignments and projects, provided you discuss the situation with me before the assignment is due
- You are responsible to be in class for every exam. There are no make-up exams. A justified absence will result in the final exam counting twice. Everybody is required to take the final exam.
- Cheating on an exam will result into a Zero on that Exam and an F in the class and some other disciplinary actions.
Disabled Student Services:
The Business Information Systems Department, in conjunction with the Office of Disabled Student Services, makes reasonable accommodations for qualified students with medically documented disabilities. If you need an accommodation, please contact TSU’s Disabled Student Services Office at 963-7400 by the next class meeting.
Nondiscrimination Policy:
All students will be treated equally regardless of race, age, gender, color, national origin, handicap, religious affiliation, or veteran’s status.
Course Outline:
- Introduction to e-Business & e-Commerce
- Architecture of the World Wide Web
- Web Communication Protocols
- Review of Client/Server Architecture
- Client/Server and the Internet
- Two- vs. Three Tier Client Servers
- Review of HyperText Markup Language 4 (HTML 4).
- Markup Languages
- Editing HTML
- Common Tags
- Microsoft FrontPage and Dream Weaver
- Introduction
- Tables
- Forms
- Marquees and Scripts
- Introduction to Database Concepts
- Retrieving and Displaying Database Data in Web Forms
- Web-to-Database Connectivity with Front Page
- Access Databases and Forms
- Introduction to Scripting.
- JavaScript/Jscript/VbScript
- Control Structures I.
- Functions.
- Arrays.
- Objects.
- Dynamic HTML:
- Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS).
- Object Model and Collections.
- Event Model.
- Filters and Transitions.
- Data Binding with Tabular Data Control.
- Client-Side Scripting with VBScript.
- Active Server Pages (ASP).
- How ASP works
- ASP Objects
- Server-side ActiveX Components
- Databases: SQL, Microsoft UDA and ADO
- Accessing a Database from an ASP
- Other Business Solutions
- WepSphere AND DB2
- osCommerce, PHP, and mySQL
- ASP Case Studies
- Shopping Cart
- Auction Site
- Comparison Pricing Search Engine
- XML (Extensible Markup Language).
- Case Study: An Online Bookstore.
- Perl 5 and CGI (Common Gateway Interface).
- String Processing and Regular Expressions
- Form Processing and Business Logic
- Using ODBC to Connect to a Database
- Cookies and Perl
- Dynamic HTML:
- Structured Graphics ActiveX Control.
- Path, Sequencer and Sprite ActiveX Controls.
- Multimedia: Audio, Video, Speech Synthesis and Recognition.
- Adding Background Sounds
- Adding Video
- Using the Windows Media Player ActiveX Control
- Macromedia® Flash™ 4: Building Interactive Animations.
- Learning Flash with Hands-on Examples
- Creating a Projector (.exe) File Using Publish
- Embedding a Flash Movie in a Web page
- Using Flash for Special Effects
- Creating Storefront
While this syllabus is fairly complete, there may be some changes, especially in the outline to include problems sets and projects. All changes will be announced in lectures and posted on the course website ( ). Please read the vist the website regularly for information about changes in the outline.