Executive Meeting – 2:30 Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Prairie South Board Office, Moose Jaw

President – Al Wandler, Assiniboia
Secretary – Tana Arnott, Peacock Treasurer – Joanne Feeley, Assiniboia

LEADS Rep – Derrick Huschi, Prairie South Trustee Rep – Al Kessler, Prairie South

Administration Rep – Derek Zacharias, Caronport Officials Rep – Jeff Kitts, Riverview

CEF Rep – Amberly Doucette, Ecole Ducharme Holy Trinity Rep – Levi Broda, Vanier

Communications Officer – Roger Morgan Athletic Commissioner – Leigh Pethick

Section Reps – Blake Buettner, Peacock; Laurie Hawkins, AES

Section Reps – Mitch Singleton, Rouleau; Darcey Huyghebaert, Gravelbourg

*Note – Additional Handout(s) Attached

1.  Call to order

·  Al calls the meeting to order at 2:30pm

2.  Adoption of agenda

·  Darcey moves to adopt the agenda; Laurie seconded; CARRIED

3.  Adoption of minutes from September meeting (Handout A)

·  Jeff moves to adopt the minutes; Levi seconded; CARRRIED

4.  Financial report – JF

4.1 Financial Statement (Handout B)

4.2 Per Capita Fees

·  All but two have been sent in

4.3 Team Fees

·  Team fees have been received by the elementary schools in MJ

o  We need a communication method for bantam teams (Vice Principals in MJ need to be taking care of this). Leigh will send a memo that will have which schools are participating

4.4 MAP Grants

·  Have been received

o  District hosts need to be sure to check the checklist, have a gate, and submit receipts, etc.

o  We are on track and on budget

o  Joanne moves to adopt the report; Jeff seconded; CARRIED

5.  Special Reports/Presentations

5.1 District Presidents Meeting – AW/LP

-save classification discussion for end

·  Four presentations were given

·  Many emails have been forwarded to athletic directors; admin, etc

·  Some discussions

o  Ejections – removed from the game, but they can stay on the bench; a memo is supposed to be coming out from the executive

o  Wrestling – has been moved due to conflict with officials – Regionals is the 3rd of March and provincials is the 10th of March

o  Track schedule has been changed and is online sooner with removal of the semis and the quad has been shortened

o  CIAAA presentation – the email has been sent out. Every school has a license; we have to call Drew Henderson for the activation code; he wants more to offer (resources, etc.)

§  National Conference in Regina – April 19/20 – includes workshops, meals, keynotes, social, etc. - SHSAA said MAP funding could be available

o  Survey sent out regarding 7-9 junior sponsorship

o  2018 AGM in Moosomin; President’s meeting will be later; golf has been eliminated as an expectation

o  Scholarship for SK student instead of Door Prize discussion did occur – we could do something like this for our own district.

o  Long Term Athlete presentation – focused on development; athletes shouldn’t be focused on one sport until high school sports. In high school, we focus on multi-sport athletes

o  Unified Support presentation – intellectually disabled people (definition is broad); 3 on 3 tourney in SK – 8 intellectually disabled athletes with 4 non-intellectually disabled students who run the show and help to develop these athletes and allow for them to be involved; she has money and is willing to come to the school and get programs set up. Information has been forwarded through email.

o  Youth Officials Conference – 2nd annual – planning phase right now; same concept as last year; we want more kids this year; 2 volleyball, 2 basketball, soccer and football sessions; in Regina this year; we would like to send 6 students to this from South Central; look for kids who will fit the criteria; Starts on Friday until supper time on Saturday; general sessions and sports specific; looking at Miller or Campbell as a facility; cost will be around $40-50 per student; provincial sport governing bodies supports the event. It is great to build the youth officials, etc; deadline is end of March; info will come out through email.

o  Possible Resolution regarding Transfer Policy – from Prince Albert – transient students and at risk students who transfer schools; SHSAA should rely on schools and administrators for feedback for some students and what is in the best interest of some students

o  Holy Rosary – participates in Alberta (10-12); in Alberta, grade 9s are not able to participate in high school sports; they are trying to get the grade 9s to participate in Saskatchewan for track and field. They do participate in SK for soccer. Their elementary schools participate in the North West section. The grade 9s are not participating at provincials for track and field. The SHSAA has denied them to participate in Provincials – they cannot pick and choose which province they are going to participate in and when.

o  South East – heck of a time getting officials for a weekend during Volleyball. Can we eliminate the stagger? The stagger was put in because of football 8-9 years ago.

o  6 man football – 1A/2A league is all over the province and makes for long travelling time; reclassification may help

o  Joint sponsorship is currently 3 years; is there any other option – why do we have to wait for the contract to be done before renewing? Looking at a student in grade 9 who does a joint sponsorship which will take them until their grade 11 year and then you renew then, the student is only there for 1 more year and then you do not have enough athletes to co-op the following 2 years of the contract.

o  Reclassification – really stressed that if you have concerns, do not bombard the executive with phones calls, etc., put the information through the Presidents.

5.2 SHSAA/Officials – JK

5.2.1 Provincial Officials Meeting

o  Paying Officials

o  Some pay through the school division; some pay through the High school Athletic Association; Officials association; through the school; concession or gate money

o  Many issues with Soccer officials

o  Football – awesome officials in our district; other districts are struggling with getting football officials.

o  Baskatball Sask is willing to send out mentors for junior or senior tournaments; they have some mentorship funding available

o  Officials Registry – we are pretty much up to date; it is a funding model

5.2.2 Volleyball Clinics Follow Up

o  We hosted in Bengough; not sure on the numbers of those who attended; we cannot make this a habit of hosting in remote places without a number of confirmed attendees

o  We hosted in Moose Jaw

5.2.3 Basketball Officials Clinics

o  We have hosted one in Assiniboia and in Moose Jaw

5.2.4 Basketball Mentorship opportunities

o  New Officials go and ref a “red/white” game; the new officials go through mechanics with veteran officials, they all take turns on the court and sub off and work with the veteran officials

o  Over the Christmas break? Alumni game?

o  Trial by error right now

o  The crew who was training really like it and asked for more opportunities

o  New officials get new jerseys for those who go through the training/mentorship opportunity

o  5 games that you commit to ref and you will get a new jersey

o  New jerseys will have to be ordered this year in different sizes, etc.

·  Volleyball playdowns was really busy; our volleyball officials have been great and very accommodating;

·  There is a process of evaluation in Moose Jaw and if there is an external body to come in and to evaluate all of our officials in Moose Jaw, as well. We should try and get Basketball Saskatchewan in to do this to help build up the officials; this is something that has been mentioned by outside teams

5.3 Athletic Commissioner – LP

o  Medals and ribbons are here, so please make sure that you take what you need for your schools, etc.

5.4 LEADS – DH

o  We really have to look at instructional time in Prairie South; there are going to be conversations regarding everything and this is coming down from the province. Be forewarned – a focus group is coming together as to how we are going eliminate the use of instructional time for sport. Weekday games are difficult for officials to get to the games, as well.

o  We need to find a balance for our teachers/coaches, as well.

5.5 Trustee – AK

o  Nothing to report

6.  Old/Unfinished Business

6.1 District Track Follow-Up (RM)

o  We cannot speak on behalf of all districts; we will need some more time; meetings are currently happening right now in terms of instructional time; district track being held on a weekend is an absolute priority; we MAY be able to stay with status quo, but everyone is coming together to discuss this in the future weeks.

6.2 SCDAA Organizational Chart (AW) – retool for June

o  This will be a fluid document for this year; Leigh and Al will continue to touch base and update the chart as needed.

o  Please give any feedback as you see fit

7.  District Commissioners Reports and/or Sports Updates

7.1 Grass Golf

o  Responsibilities of who is doing what during an event

o  Belinda stepped up and helped with the event

o  Checklists on the website need to be updated and we need to direct people to the website

7.2 Cross Country

o  Worked well with Vanier and went up on the charter bus

o  Well run Provincial meet

o  $20 was worth the bus, etc.

7.3 Soccer

7.3.1 MJHSAA Girls League
7.3.2 MJHSAA Boys League

o  Officials are a concern in MJ

o  Talk about whether there are enough officials to even have a MJ league

o  A couple of teams pulled out of the league

o  Swift Current won both girls and boys finals this year

o  Vanier won bronze at Provincials

o  Hosted regionals and provincials back to back this year

7.4 1A-5A Boys/Girls Volleyball

7.4.1 MJHSAA League Summary

o  Congrats to Rouleau and Avonlea for hosting Provincials; Big congrats to Rouleau for Winning 1A provincials

o  Caronport won City and Provincial titles, as well! Congrats.

7.5 Bantam Boys/Girls Volleyball

o  Schedule was made up by Leigh

o  There are few teams, so you are playing the same teams over and over, but there is nothing else that you can do to avoid this issue

7.6 6-man Football

o  Nothing to report

o  Struggling with numbers in both Central Butte and Assiniboia

o  The League is so spread out throughout the province that travel time is an issue

7.7 12-man Football

7.7.1 MJHSAA League Summary

o  1st time ever that the League final was not in Moose Jaw. Yorkton won and went to the Provincial final

o  Officials’ cost for the league final – Regina refs went to Yorkton and it was a huge cost

8.  Upcoming Sports

8.1 Section/District Hosting Updates (Handout C)

8.1.1 Basketball

- Assigning host sites for SHSAA Conference tournaments

-1A Boys Conference 4

Central Butte, Rockglen, Coronach

-3A Boys Conference 4


-1A Girls Conference 8

Coronach, Central Butte

- Bantam District playoff structure & hosting

o  Last year, it was an open invitation tournament. We will keep this plan for this year, as well, for all division except for the boys division (depending on declaration numbers). Mixed teams will play in the boys’ tournament.

o  March 3 – district tournament

o  For all teams, we need to declare by Feb. 2

o  Section tournament will be during the week

o  Moose Jaw will host girls

o  Coronach will host boys

8.1.2 Badminton

-Regionals @ Peacock (May 5)

-Sr Districts @ Peacock (April 28)

-Sr Moose Jaw Section @ Peacock (April 24)

-Sr South East Section @ ACHS (Rockglen/ACHS) (April 20)

-Sr Southwest Section @ Gravelbourg (Mankota/Moss) (April 20)

-Sr North Section @ Caronport (Rouleau/Avonlea host) (April 20)

-Bantam Districts @ ACHS (April 28)

-Ban Moose Jaw Section @ Peacock (TBD)

-Ban South East Section @ Rockglen (April 21)

-Ban South West Section @ Gravelbourg (Glent/Laf host) (April 21)

-Ban North Section @ Caronport (CB/Chaplin host) (April 21)

o  Jeff is making the league schedule for the Moose Jaw Section

o  Mitch is making the league schedule for the North Section

o  Laurie is making the league schedule for the South Section

o  Roger is planning on posting all of the draws from 2 teams to 20 teams – very user friendly

o  Leigh does all districts – Bantam and Senior

o  ** For sections, make the deadline as close to the date as possible to eliminate any changes. The Monday before is a good time – the later the better. Suggested date is April 16, 2018

8.1.3 Curling

-Possible Moose Jaw school to join bantam south east sections (LP)

-Sr Regionals @ Moose Jaw – Boys, Girls; Assin – Mixed (Mar 2/3)

-Sr Districts @ Central Butte (Feb 9/10)