This action plan is divided into the Whitefoot Assemblies priorities

·  crime & anti-social behaviour

·  lack of community facilities

·  activities for young people

·  roads and traffic

·  lack of community spirit

Priority – Crime & anti-social behaviour
Objective: Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and improve community safety
No / Issues and Actions / Timeframes & Progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
1. / Anti social-behaviour (ASB) in general i.e. vandalism & graffiti, drug abuse, underage drinking and youth in groups hanging around being rude and intimidating. Perception of ASB in the ward.
·  more street lighting
·  more street patrols and more visible police, particularly over the summer months.
·  encourage neighbourhood watch
·  extra support for youth issues,
·  surveillance cameras that work
·  after school activities on-going throughout the year.
·  Wingrove & Castillon SNT patrols needed in the evenings
·  encourage people to report to the SNT and keep a diary of incidents. / Benchmark taken from summer 2008 when the concerns were first raised. Then to show that there has been a reduction in reported ASB in the ward. / ·  Whitefoot SNT
·  Neighbourhood Community Safety Service
·  Local TRA’S
·  Residents
·  Schools
·  Detached youth team
·  Youth leaders
·  Love Lewisham
2. / Tackle the problem of noise nuisance over the summer period and cars speeding around the estates off of Castillon Road.
·  meeting to discuss the level of reported noise nuisance within the ward since these issues were raised in the autumn of 2010 to see whether there has been a reduction in reported cases.
·  to provide sign-posting to which LBL service will be able to deal with any issues with regards to noise nuisance. / Evidence of reduction in reported cases in the ward. / ·  Whitefoot SNT
·  Neighbourhood Community Safety Service
3. / Dogs roaming unsupervised & owners not in control of their dogs (Forster Park). Dog fouling on the footpath near shops on Whitefoot Lane and also in and around Castillon Road.
·  dog handlers to teach children about how to handle their dogs, provide free poop bags
·  police to set up surveillance + prosecute serial culprits’ i.e. the owner.
·  work with animal welfare to ensure that information is readily available for people to find out at assembly and also available locally.
·  targeted clean up campaign on roads which have been identified as problematic areas.
·  animal welfare roads shows, to include residents, SNT. / Dog control orders issued for dangerous dogs.
Overall visible reduction in dog fouling in the ward. / ·  Whitefoot SNT
·  Neighbourhood Community Safety Service
·  Glendale Services
·  Animal Welfare
·  Dog Trust
·  Dog Owners
·  Lewisham Homes
4. / Fly Tipping (Longhill Road, Castillon Road, Wingrove Road, Waters Road, alleyway next to Goldsmiths, Excalibur prefabs, outside Goldsmiths, Beachborough Road)
·  provide a free dumping area for unused items.
·  identify hot spots for fly tipping and maintain surveillance to capture the culprits.
·  encourage people to use Love Lewisham for the removal of fly tipping in their area.
·  awareness raising of the LBL collection service which is available. / Benchmark taken from May 2008 when the concerns were first raised.
Then to show that there has been a reduction in reported fly tipping within the ward.
Prosecutions for fly tipping issued. / ·  Whitefoot SNT
·  Neighbourhood Community Safety Service
·  Greenscene team
·  Local residents
·  TRA’S
·  Love Lewisham
·  Glendale recycling
Priority – Lack of youth facilities
Objective: Improve facilities and access to activities for young people, especially for sports and physical activities
No / Issues and Actions / Timeframes & Progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
1. / The Need for affordable/ free activities for children aged 8-19 years of age who are not referred children. Also aim to deter young people hanging around on the streets, to ensure that they are supervised activities in a safe environment.
·  make use of available halls in the ward, such as the Oakridge Centre
* places identified where children hang around listed below / Further affordable or free activities for young people with an increase in membership within local youth groups. Open to all. / ·  Lewisham youth service
·  Local Schools
·  Young Mayor’s Team
·  Goldsmiths Centre
·  Local Scout groups
·  Groups, organisations and individuals who will deliver projects to work towards addressing this priority.
2. / Lack of information on what’s going on for young people as well as a lack of outreach work being conducted within the ward.
·  open day where youth groups, clubs and organisations can showcase their work, what they do and encourage new members
·  youth programme of engagement to be publicised and join up what youth facilities there are more creatively
·  youth provision document produced for the ward and circulated to all of the local schools.
·  make use of contractors to teach employment skills to young people giving them practical experience. / Each group to contribute to a ready to hand document which is available upon request as to what is available for young people in the ward. / ·  Lewisham youth service
·  Local Schools
·  Goldsmiths Centre
·  Groups, orgs and individuals who will deliver projects to work towards addressing this priority.
3. / Support for existing youth work through volunteer mentoring / leadership scheme at Goldsmiths Community Centre.
·  local volunteers to receive some basic training for youth work with some experience of youth work i.e. teachers, army, police and coaches.
·  youth workers could also offer specific skills, confidence building or fund trips out of the ward for young people, perhaps cultural trips to broaden their horizons, introduce new interests accompanied by local volunteers.
·  development of a framework with funding to address this concern. / ·  Lewisham youth service
·  Local Schools
·  Voluntary Action Lewisham
·  Groups, organisations and individuals who will deliver projects to work towards addressing this priority.
·  Goldsmiths Centre

* areas identified where children are hanging around with nothing to do:

Boundfield Road; Crutchley Road; Reigate Road; Forester Park; St John’s Churchyard; Beachborough Road; Woodlands Walk

Priority – Lack of community facilities
Objectives: Improve community facilities and access to activities for residents of the ward
No / Issues and Actions / Timeframes & Progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
1. / The overall lack of community facilities and the need for facilities in key locations such as Green Man / Southend Village.
·  have a restaurant, café or function room on the Green Man Site owned by Phoenix Community Housing Association.
·  community facilities provided within new developments and included within planning permissions.
·  more Phoenix type festivals in the local area to improve community spirit over the summer time
·  better facilities within the parks for young people and families such as the play area and cafes.
·  make use of the following resources:
·  school facilities at weekends and over the summer (like St. Dunston’s College or Bonus Pastor)
·  Beckenham Place Park which belongs to L.B.Lewisham
·  St John’s Church Hall at Bromley Road
·  Wesley Hall, Downham way / Further facilities both private and public being made available to the residents of the Whitefoot ward. / ·  Schools
·  CSU
·  Church groups
Community Halls/
·  Phoenix Community Housing
·  LBL Planning
2. / Nowhere for adults to socialise and no real centre to the area, more shops required.
·  a directory of what social activities are going on locally for adults in the ward.
·  looking at the use of St John’s church hall, Wesley Halls on Downham way and Goldsmiths Centre for further social events and/or activities to take place for new and existing groups. / Information available on what social activities there is for adults within the ward.
To look in to whether there are any further developments planned for the area with regards to shops. / ·  Church groups
Community Halls/
·  Phoenix Community Housing
·  LBL Planning
Priority – Lack of community spirit
Objectives: Improved social interaction for the people living in the Whitefoot ward
No / Issues and Actions / Timeframes & Progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
1. / General lack of community spirit and awareness raising to let people know what is going on locally.
·  coordinated Fun day / street party / big lunch
·  welcome to Whitefoot sign.
·  regular newsletter
·  further communication to residents as to what is going on locally.
·  web site such as The HUB: / Local communities coming together joining groups and becoming more actively involved locally. / ·  LBL
·  Local residents
·  Local community groups/orgs/ libraries/ centres
·  Schools
·  Faith groups
2. / More employment opportunities as well as Information on how to volunteer and become more involved locally. / Employment increase within the ward along with more volunteers signed up. / ·  North Downham Training Project
·  VAL
·  Local community centres
·  Libraries
·  Faith groups
·  Apprenticeship
schemes via LBL
·  Mentoring programmes
Priority – Roads & Traffic
Objectives: Improve the conditions and concerns raised for the road and traffic issues in Whitefoot
No / Issues and Actions / Timeframes & Progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
1. / Too much traffic overall with no space for cars and busses on the small residential roads around the estates.
·  roads become too crowded during the school drop off and collection.
·  pavements become obstructed with cars either side no room for pedestrians to walk through.
·  work with our various partners to discuss viable options as to how to reduce the weight of traffic within the ward. / Reduced weight of traffic moving through the ward during busy times. / ·  TFL
·  LBL Highways
·  Schools
·  Local residents
2. / Speed humps do not reduce speed, cars still use roads as through roads. Large lorries also travelling over speed humps create shaking walls and vibrations (tipper trucks)
·  to investigate whether there is an aim by the Council to reduce the speed humps in and around the estate off Castillon Road
·  restriction for large vehicles to use residential streets as through roads (perhaps only allowed during certain times of the day)
·  gates on Evans Road to be closed at night in the summer to deter people using roads as a through cut. / ·  TFL
·  LBL Highways
3. / Improved sign posting on key routes as well as the roads repairs addressed within an adequate timeframe.
·  Whitefoot Lane needs to be resurfaced particularly on the park side.
·  work with TFL / Highways to evaluate current signage within the ward and what improvements need to be made.
·  statistical information on road maintenance work carried out and timeframes for this to be completed. / ·  TFL
·  LBL Highways
4. / Southend Lane / Whitefoot Lane junction needs improved traffic light system
Please use the link to the right for the latest developments with regards to the junction. /