Eastern Connecticut State University’s Affirmative Action Program for Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance is a comprehensive, working document. This document sets forth the University’s policy for affirmative action to recruit, hire, retain, and promote minorities and women who may have been underrepresented; delegates responsibilities for implementation; summarizes ongoing programs and efforts; and establishes internal audit and reporting systems. The plan includes a detailed utilization analysis, which is updated annually for purposes of monitoring program effectiveness. In sum, personnel conducting recruitment and hiring activities implement the affirmative action program throughout the University. Eastern Connecticut State University has taken affirmative steps to ensure that applicants are recruited, evaluated, offered employment, placed, trained, upgraded and promoted without regard to race, gender, color, marital status, military status, religion, age, disability (except where a disability is a bona fide occupational disqualification), natural origin or ancestry.
In the last three years, Eastern Connecticut State University has initiated a series of programs and activities targeted to students, faculty, and staff with the goal of creating a culture of inclusion at the University. Activities to address this goal have included the Arts & Lecture Series (e.g., James Earl Jones, Spike Lee, Soledad O’Brien, Linda Cohn, Poncho Sanchez). The University has also planned and conducted a series of “heritage month celebrations” thematically grouped around Hispanic Heritage Month, National Disability Month, Black History Month, and Women’s History Month. These celebrations typically include four or five different events (such as culturally specific performances including dance, music, and art; expert panels; presentations; and information displays). During Spring Semesters 2008 and 2009, University faculty and students presented the Vagina Monologues and the Akus Art Gallery sponsored a Sand Mandala for Peace and Compassion in Fall Semester 2007.
In addition to University-wide events, the Center for Educational Excellence organizes weekly professional development workshops for faculty and university staff. A partial list of offerings during Academic Year 2008-2009 which dealt directly with issue on diversity follows:
- Excellence and Inclusion: “Diversity Clutter,” Daniel Terguchi, Wesleyan University (October 9, 2008)
- Teaching Excellence Seminar: “Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching Classes Overseas,” Dr. Branko Cavarkapa (October 23, 2008)
- Wednesday Seminar: “National Survey of Student Engagement 2008 Results,” Dr. Brian Lashley (November 5, 2008)
- Project Compass: “Virtual Workshop: Systemic Change Related to Underserved Populations,” Mr. Glenn Gabbard, Facilitator, Associate Director, NERCHE (November 5, 2008)
- Teaching Excellence Seminar: “The Inclusion Dialog: Diversity Crossroads,” Dr. Constance Belton Green (November 12, 2008)
- Research and Creativity Forum: “Rejection from the Other Side: Psychological Consequences of Rejecting Others,” Ms. Jennifer Daniels (November 11, 2009).
- Teaching Excellence Seminar: “Advising First Generation Students – Panel Discussion,” Ms. Susan Heyward, Facilitator (November 22, 2008).
- Wednesday Seminar: “Strands that Shape the Past: The Politics of Maroon Identity,” Dr. Mary Kenny (November 30, 2008).
- Project Compass: “Open Session on Professional Development Directions for Eastern Faculty Members with Focus on Asset-based Approaches for Enhancing Achievement,” Dr. Eunice Matthews-Armstead (December 10, 2008).
- Wednesday Seminar: “Reflections on the Comprehensive Diversity Plan at Eastern,” Drs. Constance Belton Green, Brian Lashley, and Madeleine Fugere (February 11, 2009).