Enterprise SA 8.9 - Academic Advisement: Making Course Substitutions, Directives, and Overrides
/ SA 8.9 - Academic AdvisementFile Name
/ Making Course Substitutions, Directives, and Overrides_BUSPROC.docVersion
Document Generation Date
/ 4/25/2006Date Modified
/ 4/25/2006Last Changed by
Making Course Substitutions, Directives, and Overrides
You can substitute courses as well as change or override requirements to make exceptions for a specific student or group of students.
Advisement overrides enable you to override any part of a student's degree requirements. You can override courses, standard requirements, or even configure a unique set of requirements for a specific student or group of students.
Course directives, a method of course override, enable you to mandate (or direct) where specific courses will or will not be used to satisfy requirements. For example, you can direct that a course be used toward satisfying a student's major requirements, but not general education requirements.
Course substitutions enable you to select courses to use in place of the required courses. You can even waive a course so that it is no longer requirement. You can set up substitutions in advance or after course completion. For example, transfer work in the summer session can be preapproved so that it is automatically calculated in the fall session.
You can make course substitutions, directives, and overrides on the Authorize Student Exceptions page. The system uses the data that you enter on this page to override data only for the degree audit portion of the Advisement Report. Original data recorded on all other Student Administration pages remains unchanged.
In this topic, you waive a required course for a specific individual.
Required Field(s)
Output - Results
Additional Information
1. / Begin by navigating to the Authorize Student Exceptions page.Click the Academic Advising link.
2. / Click the Authorize Student Exceptions link.
3. / Click the Add a New Value tab.Step
4. / Click the Add button.5. / Use the Authorize Student Exceptions page to override, waive, or change a requirement or substitute a course for an individual.
6. / Enter the desired information into the *Description field. Enter "PSYCH STATS".7. / You must enter a Long Description of the exception.
To save key strokes, for this example, the explanation will be entered for you.
8. / Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub-Plan fields can be blank as long as the subject of the override exists at the career level or higher.
9. / Click in the *Academic Career field.
10. / Enter the desired information into the *Academic Career field. Enter "UGRD".
11. / Click in the Academic Program field.
12. / Enter the desired information into the Academic Program field. Enter "LAU".
13. / Click in the Academic Plan field.
14. / Enter the desired information into the Academic Plan field. Enter "PSYCH".
15. / Use the Selection Code field to identify to whom or what the override should apply.
Values include:
• Primary Academic Plan to apply the override to all of the students in the specified primary plan.
• Academic Program to apply the override to all of the students in the specified program.
• Student Group to apply the override to all of the students in the specified student group.
• Student to apply the override toto a specific student.
For this example, accept the default value of Student.
16. / Click in the *Selection Data field.
17. / For this example, you want to enter the ID for Stella Anastasiou.
Enter the desired information into the *Selection Data field. Enter "0060".
18. / Use the Operation Code field to identify the type of advisement override you are creating.
Click the *Operation Code list.
19. / Values include:
• Course Directive to override a specific course to satisfy a requirement. For example, you can redirect a course to satisfy a major requirement instead of a general education requirement.
• Requirement Change to override and change to a specific requirement.
• Requirement Override to override a specific requirement with a student individualized plan requirement.
• Requirement Waiver tooverride and waive a specific existing requirement.
For this example, you want to waive an existing requirement.
Click an entry in the list.
20. / For any Operation Code other than Directive, the Level field appears so that you can enter the level at which you want the operation code to work.
Values include:
• LN for line level.
• RG for requirement group level.
• RQ for the requirement level.
If the operation code is Requirement Change or Requirement Waiver, then the available values are LN, RG, and RQ. If the operation code is Requirement Override, the available values are RG and RQ.
If the Operation Code field value is Course Directive, then the Level field is not applicable. Course directives can be accomplished only at the requirement line level.
21. / Click in the Level field.
22. / Enter the desired information into the Level field. Enter "LN ".
23. / Access the From and To pages for this exception.
Click the Create Exception link.
24. / Use the From and To pages to record specifics of the items that you want to override and change.
Identify the target of the exception on the From page, and specify the detail about the change on the To page.
25. / For this example, you want to enter the code for Psychology Requirements.Enter the desired information into the Requirement Group field. Enter "0001116".
26. / Click the Apply button.
27. / Access the To page.Click the To tab.
28. / Fields on the From and To pages appear based on the information that you enter on the Authorize Student Exceptions page.No fields appear on the To page for the Operation Code of Requirement Waiver.
29. / Assume that you selected the Operation Code of Directive, the To page would appear as shown here, providing fields where you could further define the exception.However, you did not select the Operation Code of Directive. This is just a sample to show that information you enter, including the Operation Code, controls the fields that appear on the To and From pages.
In our example, there are no fields on the To page.
Return to the From and To page in our example.
30. / Save data and return to the Authorize Student Exceptions page.Click the OK button.
31. / The Authorize Student Exceptions shows the exception that you just created. Save the exception.Click the Save button.
32. / When you save the exception, the system assigns an Advisement Override number.
You can use the Advisement Override number to access this exception in the future.
33. / Congratulations! You successfully created an override of a required course for a specific student. This override will be applied only to that student's Advisement Report.
End of Procedure.
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Last changed on: 4/25/2006 2:20 PM