Prepared by :
The Heat – El Nino CES
This activity is designed to engage students in writing an article for school magazine. It will also improve speaking and presentation skills.
Learning Objectives:
1)Students will be able to write an article for school magazine.
2)Students will be able to present their work and findings in front of others.
3)Students will learn to interview people.
4)Students will learn to use different sources in order to obtain information.
5)Students will work together to produce interactive presentation. /
Tools Used:
  • Microsoft Web Apps
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft Office Mix
Subjects Covered:
Literacy; Language, Science
Age Range:
Time Required:
2 weeks
/ Process
In this lesson, students are required to produce an article for school magazine. Students will write an article at the end of the lesson but they have to go through series of activities to obtain, analyze and present required information in groups. Students will give and receive feedback during activities, which will significantly improve their writing and presentation skills.
Step 1Group Distribution and Information Retrieval (2 periods)
Organize the class into small groups of 4 students. Teacher will explain about their main task and activities that they students have to do to get to the final product.
Essential question:
El-Nino : Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions
  1. Students will discuss about the causes, effects and possible solution of El-Nino.
  2. Students are encouraged to talk and discuss about possible sources available to obtain related to El-Nino:
  • Newspaper reports
  • Online portals
  • YouTube videos
  • Face-to-face interview (1 student, 1 teacher, 1 parent) – ask simple related questions and ask for their personal opinion regarding topic
  1. Students will be asked to determine the best possible source(s) for them to get the required information and distribute the task evenly among group members.
  2. Each group is required to prepare series of questions related to the topic and conduct Face-to-Face interview and record the sessions using their mobile phones.
  3. Each group is given time until the next lesson to come out with required information.
Step 2 Discussing and Analyzing Information (2 periods)
  1. Group members are required to bring forward all the information gathered in previous lesson and discuss it together.
  2. Each group has to analyze the information retrieved from sources and produce an interactive presentation using Microsoft Office MIX which will be presented in the next lesson.
Step 3 Conducting Interactive Presentation (2 periods)
  1. Each group will present their work and findings about the topic in front of class.
  2. Question & Answer (Q&A) session is recommended to be included during presentation.
Step 4 Writing the Article for School Magazine (2 periods)
  1. Each group will have to write an article regarding the topic to be sent to Editor of School Magazine.
  2. Teacher will ask each group to submit the written task to be checked and corrected before being sent to Editor of School Magazine.

/ 21st Century Skills Alignment

The learning activity is assessed using 21st Century Learning Design Framework. This brings together groups of teachers and offers a detailed set of definitions and strategies that act as a lens for the collective analysis of 21st century learning opportunities. Read more.

21stCentury Skill / Collaboration / Knowledge Construction / Use of ICT for Learning / Real World Problem Solving and Innovation / Skilled Communication / Self-Regulation
Code / 5 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 4
Evidence /
  • Students are required to work in groups.
  • Students have shared responsibility
  • Students make substantive decisions together about the content of the paper.
  • Students work is interdependent.
  • Knowledge construction is the main requirement.
  • Learning is interdisciplinary
  • The students have the opportunity to use ICT.
  • The ICT tools support the knowledge
  • The ICT tools are required for knowledge construction.
  • Students are not designers of an ICT product that others can use.
  • Students are developing a solution to a problem that is new to them.
  • The product is designed for a specific audience (outside the classroom)
  • Students are communicating a set of connected ideas.
  • The students are required to provide supporting evidence in their final paper.
  • The communication is not crafted for a specific audience.
  • This activity is could be considered a long term project if students are given ample time to write their papers.
  • Students do plan their own work.
  • There is time to revise based on feedback.

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