Electronic ship's manifest


Detailed description

Version 2, May2015



1.1 Customs control in Koper free zone

1.2 Use of electronic ship’s manifest




4.1 Manifest advance notice – SI440 (LM, BM)

4.2 Response to the advance notice LM, BM – SI441

4.3 Confirmation of an item of the goods manifest advance notice – SI442

4.4 Response to confirmation of an item of the goods manifest – SI443

4.5 Entered items of the ship’s manifest advance notice – SI444

4.6 Information about release to the ship agent and cargo agents – SI445




1.1 Customs control in Koper free zone

For thepurposes of customs controls at entry or exit of goods from the Koper free zone in road, railway and maritime transport and for the customs control of goods kept or movingin the area of the free zone,Navodilo o izvajanju nadzora v prosti coni, št. 3/2008, is to be used.

1.2Use of electronic ship’s manifest

From the point of view of customs regulations, Port of Koper is a free zone area (FREE ZONE) of control type I. There the customs control is based on the fence dividing it from the rest of the customs territory.

Article 170(2) of Customs Code (CC)provides that goods shall be presented to the customs authorities and undergo the prescribed customs formalities only where they enter a free zone directly from the area outside the EU customs territory(entry in the maritime transport).

Presentation of goods means the notification (carried out in the prescribed manner) to the customs authorities that goods have arrived at the customs office or at any other place approved or designated by the customs authorities and that goods are made available for the customs control.

In maritime transport the goods having arrived by boat and to be unloaded in Koper free zone shall be presented to the customs authorities on the basis of the electronic ship’s manifest. Goods shall be presented in accordance with Article 186(2)(c) of CC Implementing Provisions.

Goods shall be presented in electronic form (in exceptional cases also in writing) by the agent of the ship or by some other entitled person. For the purposes of the customs control, other documents accompanying the goods shall be submitted together with the arrival manifest.


For the purposes of presentation or electronic advance notice, a catalogue of e-messagesandXSD schemesfor the ship’s manifest has been drawn up. It contains any information required for electronic data exchange between the customs authorities and traders (cargo agents, freight forwarders, etc.).

The catalogue of e-messages is intended both for developersof software for data exchange with the customs authorities and for users of these applications.

The exchange of electronic messages is supported by XML standard. The solution enables the electronic data exchange between agents, even if they use different software providers.

The system has been operational since 1 December 2013.


The current status of involved traders (agents) registered for the exchange of electronic messages of the ship’s manifest is shownin the table.


The following has been added to the exchange scenario (compared with FF structures and PGP data encryption operational until August 2013):

1. Response to the forwarded advance notice ofthe ship’s manifest addressed to all cargo agents mentioned in the advance notice of the ship’s manifest.

2. Response to the confirmation of the item of the ship’s manifest as provided by the cargo agent.

3. The login information shall beforwarded to the cargo agents.

All three messages are drawn up according to the current scheme "CarOdg" with minimal modifications / amendments. Agents get information about any error by replies SI441 and SI443, as described inthe corresponding message catalogue.

4.1 Manifest advance notice – SI440 (LM, BM)

For the purposes of the advance notice of a ship or agents who will declare the goods manifests, SI440 message is used. In case of the cargo agent,who is known to the shipper and who deals only in writing (not registered in EPOS for the e-manifest area), only information relating to the electronic declaration of the ship and cargo is to be given in the advance notice.

The paper-based business requires all documents to be delivered in writing and duly approved and certified. The paper-based business is expected in fallback procedures or in exceptional casesonly.

The sum of packages and BTMof the cargo on board included in the advance notice is of informative nature and is not to be controlled in the sum of packages and BTMaccording to the goods manifests.

Example of SI440 message – LM






























































































Example of SI440 message –goods manifest level (BM)







































































































































































































4.2 Response to the advance notice LM, BM – SI441

SI441 message is to be addressed to the ship agent and to any cargo agent mentioned in the SI440 advance notice of the ship’s manifest –tax number + organisation unit). The response is communicated to cargo agents where the advance notice is accepted and in all “action” cases (new, change, withdrawal).

The response scheme is amended in such a way that allows communication of information relating to the advance notice of the ship’s manifest and the position in the goods manifest:

  • reference number (reference number of the ship in the Port of Koper),
  • date and hour of the planned departure of the ship,
  • name of the ship,
  • item number in the goods manifest.

Information is added to boxes that are already defined in the scheme:

  • item number in the goods manifest --> PozBM,
  • reference number (reference number of the ship in the Port of Koper),
  • date and hour of the planned departure of the shipand name of the ship --> VrstaListine and RefListine,
  • 5 digits for the reference number,
  • date and hour YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI,
  • name of the ship.

Example of SI441 message– LM
























































Example of SI441 message –BMlevel





































4.3 Confirmation of an item of the goods manifest advance notice – SI442

SI442 message is sent by the cargo declaring agent after entry of data.

Example of SI442 message –BM level










































4.4 Response to confirmation of an item of the goods manifest – SI443

The message is received by the agent declaring cargo under the enquiry about the status of anitem or by confirming anitem(SI442 message).

Where the cargo agent has confirmed his position, the message is sent to the ship agent too. The message is addressed to the ship agent mentioned in the ship’s manifest advance notice (consignor in SI440 –tax number + organisation unit). By such message the ship agent gets opportunity to monitor what is happening on individual items before he gets a common message about all confirmeditemsof the ship’s manifest (SI444). The message has similar content as the SI441 message sent to the cargo agent, except the recipient is the ship agent.

Example of SI443 message –BM level






































4.5 Entered items of the ship’s manifest advance notice – SI444

The message is received by the ship agent and cargo agents, who have previously sent SI440messages. By this notice they are notified that all items of the ship's manifest are completed (all cargo manifests entered and confirmed in the Control Module – MNAD, status P04-accepted).

The customs procedure continues by physical presentation of goods and completion in the Control Module – MNAD by the customs authority. Agents acquire MRN of the ship's manifest, which is available for examination by the Port of Koper.

The sum of containers, packages and the gross mass of cargo on board is the sum of the declared containers, packages and BTM according to goods manifests.

Example of SI444 message – LM















































4.6 Information about release to the ship agent and cargo agents – SI445

By this message the ship agent and the cargo agents are informed that the ship’s manifest has been entered into the customs records (Control Modul– MNAD, status P08-prepuščeno) and further goods manipulation is allowed consequently.

Example of SI445 message – LM









































Wherethe official IT system has not been functioning for more than half an hour, the decision to use paper records shall be taken by the head of sub-office or the head of shift.

Presentation of goods by PLM is carried out in paper form. The customs authority shall enter the particulars in paper records, wherein the numbering system differs from the numbering in the computer records. At the beginning of the calendar year paper records start with number 900.001.Particulars specified in the Instructions on keeping customs records of goods subject to customs supervision, No. 16/2006, shall be entered in paper records. In the ship's manifests the codes of paper records, the serial numbers of recording and the year of recording (for example: P-MNAD / 900010/2015)shall be entered in the ship’s manifest.The record number shall be communicated to the shipagent and the cargo agent. Paper records keeping ends after the computer systemis officiallyrestored.

If it happens thatthe transmitted data get stuck in the system because of non-functioning of the official system,the data are automatically processed after restoring the system. The system informs the ship agent and the cargo agents on the receipt confirmation of the manifest. Number assigned by the system in the event of prior registration in paper records serves for information purposes only (assuming that they all activities related to cargo have been carried out on the basis of the pre-assigned paper record number). The assigned record number has the form of MRN (e.g. 15SI006044P1234569). Traceability over the previously kept paper record is also ensured.

Where due to the failure of the official IT system, the applicant could not have sent the data required for the ship's manifest in electronic form, the customs officer enters them after restoring the system. The assigned record number has the form of MRN (e.g. 15SI006044P1234569). Traceability over the previously kept paper record is also ensured.


  1. Login in the e-business system in the customs area (EPOS) on the basis of a form (if the initial registration has not yet been completed)
  2. Entry of ELM in the area of e-business in the EPOS system
  3. Registration for testing (at email sd.fu(at)gov.si)

a. company information

b. persons responsible for testing (on the side of an external partner)

c. contact details

d. desired date of testing, etc.

4. Determination of testing date

5. Determination of extent of testing and testing scenarios

6. Execution of testing

7. Analysis of testing results

8. Determination of corrective actions (if necessary)