Survival GuideProject - Hatchet

As Brian struggled to survive in the Canadian wilderness, he had to rely upon survival information he remembered from television and reading. Using researched information about the Canadian wilderness and about Brian’s own survival, create a survival guide for kids who may find themselves lost in the woods.

Your will be provided with a file folder to compile your research and create your guide. Divide the inside of your folder and label each section using the example below:

What to Expect
/ Food

/ Shelter

Tape 2 or more notecards in each section. On your notecards provide at least fourcorresponding ideas/tips that would help someone survive in conditions similar to Brian’s. Ideas/tips should be paraphrased, can include descriptions and/or pictures, and may be written in bullet point form.

On the cover of your folder, create a cover that includes a title, your name, and class period.

On the back of your folder, document your sources using the provided handout (glue or tape to the back of your folder.) You must use and document at least two sources.

Due Wednesday, September 20th at the end of class.

Survival Guide Project Rubric
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Amount of Information / All topics are addressed and all sections contain at least 4 ideas/tips. / All topics are addressed and most sections contain at least 3-4 ideas/tips. / All topics are addressed, and most sections contain at least 2-3 ideas/tips. / One or more topics were not addressed.
Quality of Information / Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. / Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples. / Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given. / Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.
Sources / All sources are accurately documented in the desired format. / All sources documented, but are not in the desired format. / One source is documented and is in the desired format. / One source is documented, but is not in the desired format.
Organization / Information is very organized and folder is well-constructed according to the example shown. Includes a well-designed folder/cover. / Information is organized and folder is well-constructed. / Information is organized, but folder is not well-constructed. / The information appears to be disorganized.

Total Points ______= ______%