Приложение №1

Museums and interesting places of Astrakhan.

(Богатырёва Т. В.)

1 Listen and pronounce the names of the places correctly.

Astrakhan the Museum of the Town History

the Kremlin the Museum of the Local Lore

Uspenskiy Cathedral the Dogadin Picture Gallery

2. Work in groups. Study the vocabulary.

to be founded famous provincial to be proud of

wooden artist cathedral to be rich in

stone exhibit dome to be worth

sight guide

builder construction

3 Read and match the texts and the pictures.

1 /
a)  Astrakhan was founded in 1558. At first a wooden Kremlin was built. In 1589 the best Russian town builders Velyaminov and Gubasty built the stone Kremlin. Now it is one of the sights of our town and a museum complex under the open air. Every day many students, tourists from other cities come here to learn interesting facts about the history of Astrakhan.
2 / b)  This is the Dogadin Picture Gallery – the place where you can see many pictures of the famous Russian artists. It was founded by Pavel Dogadin in 1918. There were only 130 pictures in it at first and now it has more than 11.000 exhibits. Many visitors come here to see pictures of Kustodiev, Savrasov, Levitan, Nesterov, Korovin and Polenov.
3 / c)  Everyone enjoys his visit to the Museum of the Local Lore. It is a very interesting place to visit. It is one of the oldest provincial museums in Russia. It was founded in 1837.You can learn here about the history of Astrakhan, its interesting places, famous people and nature of Astrakhan region.
4 / d)  There are many cathedrals and churches in Astrakhan. One of the best is USPENSKY CATHEDRAL. It was built in 1698 - 1710. When the weather is sunny, you can see the domes of the Cathedral far away from the town. The famous and talented architect Dorofey Myakishev guided the construction of the Cathedral.
5 / e)  We love our old town and are proud of it. Astrakhan is rich in museums. This museum is not large and is situated not far from the centre of the town. It’s the Museum of the Town History. Here you can see many interesting documents, books, photos about the history of Astrakhan, its famous people. This museum is worth visiting.

4. What place is it?

1.  You can see many pictures of the famous Russian artists here.

2.  It is one of the sights of our town and a museum complex under the open air.

3.  There are many interesting documents, books, photos about the history of Astrakhan, its famous people in this museum.

4.  It is one of the oldest provincial museums in Russia.

5.  It was built at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries.

5. Decide if the following sentences are true or false.

1. Astrakhan was founded in the 17th century.

2. You can see many pictures of the famous Russian and European artists in the Dogadin Picture Gallery now.

3 The Museum of the Local Lore has many exhibits about the history of Astrakhan, its interesting places, famous people and nature of Astrakhan region.

4. Uspensky Cathedral is one of the best cathedrals of our old town.

5. The Museum of the Town History has many interesting documents, books, photos about the history of Astrakhan, its famous people and unique nature of Astrakhan region.

6. What Astrakhan museum would you like to visit and why?