Brize Norton Primary School

Station Road

Brize Norton

Oxon OX18 3PL

01993 842488

Headteacher: Anna Fairhurst

Dear Parents,

Class 5 Information – Summer Term

Physical Education and Forest School

This term, we will be having PE on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. On Mondays, the children will be carrying out rounders or athletics with Miss Musgrave and on Tuesdays will continue to be taught by Mr Gannon, the sports coach. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school throughout the week, in case of any unexpected changes to our timetable. Class 5 will be starting Forest School on Tuesday 27th June.


Our homework expectations remain the same, but we have included these in case you or your child feel they would like to be reminded.

Class 5 children are expected to hand their homework in on time – this way, there is time for it to be marked and returned before the following piece of homework is due and also prepares them for the homework expectations at secondary school.

Reading records:

  • Handed in on Thursdays.
  • Children should have five entries over the course of one week.
  • Each entry should consist of the book title, date, the page numbers they have read and three bullet points either stating what has happened or their opinion/thoughts on what they have read.

Maths homework:

  • Sent out on Wednesday and due in on Monday.
  • Often based on what we have been learning about in the lesson.
  • Children should spend approximately 20 minutes on this.


  • Spellings will be sent home regularly for children to practise and learn.

We are more than happy to help children if they have difficulty with their homework, and to provide strategies and support where needed. Please encourage your child to come and talk to Miss Musgrave or Mrs Bostock before the homework deadline, so that we can support them.We also really appreciate the effort and support that parents put into their child’s learning, so thank you.


Every morning, we carry out Maths and Literacy. Our afternoon timetable is currently as follows:

Monday – PE (rounders) and PSHE (relationships)

Tuesday – RE and PE (games with our sports coach)

Wednesday – Topic (The Roman Empire)

Thursday – Music (brass) and Computing (animation)

Friday – Science (living things and their habitats)


At the start of this new term, we would like to remind you of the importance of regular attendance at school. Our target is 95% because it has been proven that children who attend less than this can suffer damage to their education. 95% attendance is still the equivalent of 2 weeks’ missed learning over the year. Children who attend fewer than 90% of sessions can find this having a serious impact on their learning, because that is the equivalent, over a year, of 4 weeks’ missed learning, or 100 missed lessons

Key Dates for Class 5

Tuesday 2nd May – Clubs start

Thursday 4th May – Kathy Haig and Chris Cowley to meet Year 5 afterschool

Friday 5th May – RAF Falcons launch day for Year 5/6

Monday 8th – Thursday 11th May – SATs week for Year 6

Thursday 18th May – Cycling proficiency

Monday 22nd May – Cricket festival for Year 5/6

Wednesday 24th May – Richard Conner discussing criminal responsibility with Year 6

Thursday 25th May – Cycling proficiency; parent celebration assembly 2.50pm

Friday 26th May – INSET; End of term

Monday 5th – Friday 9th June – Condover Hall residential for Year 5/6

Tuesday 13th June – Quad Kids for Class 5

Thursday 15th June – Cycling proficiency

Friday 16th June – Enrichment day at Burford for Year 5

Monday 19th June – Music festival for Year 5 (rehearsal during the day + evening performance)

Tuesday 20th June – PE Wow Day

Wednesday 21st June – Cycling proficiency

Thursday 22nd June – Cycling proficiency test

Friday 23rd June – School photo

Monday 26th June – Maths Problem Solving Wow Day

Wednesday 28th June – Puberty talk for Year 5/6; sex education for Year 6

Friday 30th June – Year 5/6 sharing assembly

Tuesday 4th July – SATs results day

Thursday 6th July – Shuffle up day; Burford induction for Year 6

Friday 7th July – Burford induction for Year 6

Sunday 9th July – School and village fete

Wednesday 12th July – Bolougne trip for Year 6

Thursday 13th July – KS2 summer concert

Friday 14th July – Parent celebration assembly 2.50pm

Monday 17th July – Sports day

Tuesday 18th July – Sports day (back-up) and open evening 3.30-5.30pm

Thursday 20th July – Leavers’ assembly 2.00pm

Friday 21st July – End of term

We have had a fantastic year so far with Class 5 and feel like it is flying by far too quickly! They are a hardworking, enthusiastic and lovely group of children and we cannot wait for the residential with them!

Yours sincerely,

Miss Musgrave and Mrs Bostock