Monday, February 1, 2016 – 4:30 P.M.
Present:Dick Robertson, PresidentSteve Large – Storm Water Inspector/Operations
Carol Cunningham, Vice PresidentLarry Lee – City Of Lebanon – Street Dept.
Tom Temple, SecretaryLana Fairfield – City Of Lebanon – Street Dept.
Monte Mildenberg, PE - BLN
Bob Clutter, AttorneyKerry Dailey – Christopher Burke
Jim Parker - CMT
Josh Frost – Lebanon Resident
1. Call to order, roll call and confirmation of appropriate meeting notification.
2.Vice President Cunningham made a motion to approve the minutes from the SWMB (Storm Water Management Board) meetingheld on 1-11-16. Secretary Temple seconded the motion and the motion passed.
3. Jim Parker, CMT, gave an update on the Lafayette Avenue project. He requested that the SWMB delay action on Change Order #12 for Smith Projects, Inc. No action was taken.
4. The SWMB reviewed the proposed 2016 Storm Water Budget. Following discussion, Vice President Cunningham made a motion to approve the 2016 Storm Water Budget. Secretary Temple seconded the motion and the motion passed. A copy of the approved 2016 Storm Water Budget is filed with the original minutes.
5. The SWMB discussed the problem with the corner drop-off/erosion of the lot in the alley at 517 North Meridian Street.
Photographs showing the extent of the problem were provided. The property owner, Josh Frost, was present to clarify the scope of the needed repair. Earth and Turf made a bid to complete the work but did not provide a diagram as to exactly the area included in their bid. The SWMB asked Mr. Frost to work with Steve Large to determine exactly the scope of the project and obtain another bid and ask Earth and Turf to provide a diagram of their proposal.
6. Attorney Clutter provided the SWMB with a document titled Settlement and Release Agreementfrom Calumet Civil Contractors in reference to the North Meridian Street project. In the document Calumet (a) agrees to execute Change Orders #22, #23 and #24. (b) agrees to the assessment of liquidated damages in the amount of $36,000. SWMB agrees to pay the final payment of $50,000 owed Calumet. Monte Mildenberg indicated he agreed with the settlement. Secretary Temple made a motion to accept the Settlement and Release Agreementfrom Calumet Civil Contractors. Vice President Cunningham seconded the motion. The motion passed. Signed copies of Change Orders #22, #23 and #24 and the signed Settlement and Release Agreementare filed with the original minutes.
7. The SWMB reviewed claims in the amount of $114,137.53. Vice President Cunningham made a motion to approve the claims for payment. Secretary Temple seconded the motion. The motion passed. A detailed outline showing the claims along with supporting documents are filed with the original minutes.
8. A Working Session to discuss the rate study with Donahue and Associates will be held on Wednesday,February 24, 2016 at 4:30 PM in theUtility Conference Meeting Room in the Municipal Building. The meeting will be properly advertised.
9. The next regular meeting of the SWMB is scheduled forMonday, March 7, 2016 at 4:30 PM in theUtility Conference Meeting Room in the Municipal Building. The meeting will be properly advertised.
10. There being no further business, Secretary Cunningham made a motion to adjourn. Secretary Temple seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Tom Temple, Secretary
Storm Water Management Board