18 September 2001
Original: Spanish
This document is being distributed to the permanent missions and
will be presented to the Permanent Council of the Organization.
Washington, D.C.
September 10, 2001
I have the honor to transmit to Your Excellency the semiannual progress report on the activities of the Trade Unit of the OAS for the period from January 1 to June 30, 2001. This report was prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 1720 (XXX-O/00), “Trade and Integration in the Americas.”
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
César Gaviria
Secretary General
His Excellency
Ambassador Hernán R. Castro H.
Permanent Representative of Costa Rica
to the Organization of American States
Chair of the Permanent Council
Washington, D.C.
partnership for Development policiesCEPCIDI/SCSD/doc.147/01
July 23, 200112 July 2001
Washington, D.C.Original: Spanish
JANUARY 1 TO JUNE 30, 2001
JANUARY 1 TO JUNE 30, 2001
2.staff member responsible and post:
jose manuel salazar, TRADE UNIT DIRECTOR
3.Budget allocated by the regular fund for operations of the dependency: $1,819,600
4.femcidi resources administered by the dependency: $183,618
5.specific or trust funds administered by the dependency: ---
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appendix A
Name, place and date of the activity / Organizing entity / Description of the activity / Relationship with the Strategic Plan, and Inter-American Program and/or cooperation projects / Role played by the dependency in the activity / Source of funding for participation by the dependency / Relationship between the activity and the Annual Work Plan / Results / Staff member responsible for the activity / Remarks1-Support to the FTAA Negotiations
Ninth Meeting of the Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society. Miami, January 9-10, 2001. / FTAA process / Ninth Meeting of the FTAA Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society to discuss report of the Ministers. / Economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization and market access constitute one of the priorities established in the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element in this context. / As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit provides support to this Committee. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. / Progress in draft report of the Committee for the Ministerial Meeting. / Rosine Plank-Brumback
Seventh meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), Lima, January 24-25, 2001 / FTAA process / Seventh TNC meeting / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit always provides support to the TNC meetings. As the Tripartite Committee’s coordinating institution during January-June 2001, the Trade Unit worked closely with the Chair of the TNC. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of Point A of the Work Plan. / Preparations for the Ministerial Meeting. Many specific points agreed, including progress in draft of Buenos Aires Ministerial Declaration. / Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Deputy Director, Sherry Stephenson.
Tenth meeting of the Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society. Miami, February 13-14, 2001 / FTAA process / Tenth meeting of the Committee / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit provides support to this Committee. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. / Report of the Committee for the Ministerial Meeting. / Rosine Plank-Brumback
Eighth meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC). Buenos Aires, April 3-6, 2001 / FTAA process / Eighth meeting of the TNC / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit always provides support to the TNC meetings. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of Point A of the Work Plan. / Wrap-up of preparatory work for the Sixth Ministerial meeting. / Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Deputy Director, Sherry Stephenson
Sixth Ministerial Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 7, 2001 / FTAA process / Sixth Ministerial Meeting / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As the Tripartite Committee’s coordinating institution during January-June 2001, the Trade Unit worked closely with the Chair of the TNC. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of Point A of the Work Plan. / FTAA Ministerial Declaration, which gave a new orientation to the next phase of negotiations, and the Ministerial input to the Quebec Summit Declaration and Plan of Action. / Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Deputy Director, Sherry Stephenson.
Sixth Meeting of the Americas Business Forum, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 4-6 / Argentinian Chamber of Commerce and Union Industrial / Sixth Meeting of the Americas Business Forum / Information sharing related to the creation process of the FTAA is part of the 1997-2001 Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development / As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit organized booths to sell/distribute Trade Unit’s publications and CDs, and to show the Trade Unit and SICE website information. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of Point A of the Work Plan. / Sold Trade Unit publications and distributed Trade Unit studies. / Jane Thery
Second Academic Dialogue of the Americas, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 3-4. / IDB-INTAL, OAS Trade Unit and ECLAC / Second Academic Dialogue of the Americas / Information sharing related to the creation process of the FTAA is part of the 1997-2001 Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development / Trade Unit members participated in the discussion of different trade-related issues. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of Point A of the Work Plan. / Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar, Deputy Director, Sherry Stephenson, Maryse Robert and Jose Tavares
Eleventh meeting of the Negotiating Group on Services (NGSV),
Panama, May 7-9, 2001 / FTAA process / Eleventh meeting of the NGSV / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGSV, provide technical and analytical support to the Services negotiations. / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Sherry Stephenson; Patricio Contreras, Maryse Robert
Tenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Investment (NGIN),
Panama, May 10- 11, 2001 / FTAA process / Tenth meeting of the NGIN. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGIN, provide technical and analytical support to the Investment negotiations. / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Maryse Robert and Theresa Wetter
Twelfth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Market Access (NGMA),
Panama, May 14-16, 2001 / FTAA process / Twelfth meeting of the NGMA / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGMA, provide technical and analytical support in the area of Technical Barriers to Trade. / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Barbara Kotschwar and Gisela Vergara
Twelfth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Government Procurement (NGGP), Panama, May 17-18, 2001 / FTAA Process / Twelfth meeting of the NGGP / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGGP, provide technical and analytical support to the group. / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Rosine Plank-Brumback
Eleventh meeting of the Negotiating Group on Competition Policy (NGCP), Panama, May 21-22, 2001 / FTAA Process / Eleventh meeting of the NGCP / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGCP, provide technical and analytical support to the group / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Jose Tavares
Eleventh meeting of the Negotiating Group on Subsidies, Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (NGADCV), Panama, May 23-24, 2001 / FTAA Process / Eleventh meeting of the NGADCV / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGADCV, provide technical and analytical support to the group / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Karsten Steinfatt
Ninth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Intellectual Property (NGIP), Panama, May 28-29, 2001 / FTAA process / Ninth meeting of the NGIP / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGIP, provide technical and analytical support to the group / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Theresa Wetter and Cesar Parga
Eleventh meeting of the Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement (NGDS), Panama, June 4-5, 2001 / FTAA process / Eleventh meeting of the (NGDS) / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGDS, provide technical and analytical support to the group / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan / Organization of work program for the next phase of negotiations / Rosine Plank-Brumback and Cesar Parga
Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Customs-Related Business Facilitation Measures, Panama, June 6-7, 2001 / FTAA process / Sixth meeting / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the group, provide technical and analytical support to the group / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan / Organization of work program and report to the TNC / Jane Thery
Ninth meeting of the Consultative Group on Smaller Economies (CGSE), Panama, June 7-8, 2001 / FTAA process / Ninth meeting of the CGSE / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the CGSE, provide technical and analytical support to the group / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan / Organization of work program for the next phase of the FTAA process / Gisela Vergara and Jorge Mario Martínez
Sixth Meeting of the TNC Sub-Committee on Budget and Administration, Panama, June 11-13., 2001 / FTAA process / Sixth meeting of the Subcommittee on Budget and Administration / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As a member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit participates in the meetings of this Committee / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan / Review the manual regulating the activities of the FTAA Administra-tive Secretariat / Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar, Rosine Plank-Brumback and Ivonne Zuniga
First meeting of the Technical Committee on Institutional Affairs, Panama, June14-15, 2001 / FTAA process / First meeting of the Technical Committee on Institutional Affairs / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the Committee, provide technical and analytical support / OAS regular fund / Organization of work program for the next phase of the FTAA process / Trade Unit Director, Jose Manuel Salazar and Rosine Plank-Brumback / Group created at the Buenos Aires Ministerial meeting.
Twelfth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Services (NGSV),
June19-22, 2001 / FTAA process / Twelfth meeting of the NGSV / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGSV, provide technical and analytical support to the Services negotiations. / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Support to the activities of the Work Plan / Sherry Stephenson; Patricio Contreras, Maryse Robert
Eleventh meeting of the Negotiating Group on Investment (NGIN),
Panama, June 25-27, 2001 / FTAA process / Eleventh meeting of the NGIN. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGIN, provide technical and analytical support to the Investment negotiations. / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Support to the activities of the Work Plan / Maryse Robert and Theresa Wetter
Tenth meeting of the Negotiating Group on Intellectual Property (NGIP), Panama, June 27-29, 2001 / FTAA process / Tenth meeting of the NGIP / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / At the request of the NGIP, provide technical and analytical support to the group / OAS regular fund / This activity is contained in point A of the Work Plan. / Support to the activities of the Work Plan / Theresa Wetter and Cesar Parga
Eleventh meeting of the Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society, Panama, June 28-29, 2001 / FTAA process / Eleventh meeting of the Committee / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As member of the Tripartite Committee, the Trade Unit provides support to this Committee. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point A of the Work Plan. / Work program for new phase of the FTAA process / Felipe Robayo
2- Foreign Trade Information System (SICE)
Redesign of SICE Website / SICE / Restructure the SICE Website to make it more user-friendly and to facilitate the growth of the site. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As part of the Trade Unit, SICE plays an important role in providing information on trade liberalization and on the Hemispheric process of economic integration. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. / / SICE staff
Redesign of the FTAA Official Website / SICE / At the request of the TNC Chair, redesign the FTAA Official site to make it more attractive and to make the information more accessible. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / SICE manages the FTAA official website ( on behalf of member countries. In terms of the site content, SICE maintains 80 percent, while the IDB maintains 20 percent. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. / / SICE staff
Redesign Trade Unit website / SICE / Improve the Trade Unit Website to better disseminate Trade Unit information. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As part of the Trade Unit, SICE plays an important role in providing information on trade liberalization and on the Hemispheric process of economic integration. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. /
sice.oas.org/TUnit/tunite.asp / SICE staff2
Create aninternal Website for Georgetown course (described below in the Technical Cooperation section, under “Multilateral and regional Trade Issues for the Americas: an advanced Training Course for Government Officials” / Trade Unit/SICE / Creation of a mechanism to make available course materials from previous years including participants lists, class schedules, reading lists, papers and presentations on the internet for access by course participants. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / As part of the Trade Unit, SICE plays an important role in providing information on trade liberalization and on the Hemispheric process of economic integration. / This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. / Course materials are made easily accessible to course participants and alumni. The site provides for a continual learning process.
Maintain FTAA Calendar of Activities / As mandated by Ministers in the Toronto Ministerial Declaration, keep updated the calendar of activities for FTAA negotiators. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. / FTAA negotiators are kept up to date on tasks in the negotiating areas. / SICE staff
Post Ministerial Declaration of Buenos Aires and all other public FTAA documents / As soon as it was completed, posted Buenos Aires Ministerial Declaration in all languages. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / SICE manages the FTAA official website ( on behalf of member countries. In terms of the site content, SICE maintains 80 percent, while the IDB maintains 20 percent. / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. / Declaration was posted on FTAA and SICE site upon completion / SICE staff
Maintain FTAA Secure Site / Keep FTAA Document Dissemination Facility updated. / The process of creating the FTAA is a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001. / SICE maintains the FTAA Secure Document Distribution Service / OAS regular fund / This activity is part of point B of the Work Plan. / FTAA negotiating documents are posted 4 hours after received from Secretariat. / SICE staff
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