GBNT Open Board Of Directors Meeting

January 24, 2009

Meeting called to order at 10:05 am

Present: Bill Trautman, Steve Weeden, Char Bentley, Orma Giles, Dan Hanley, Scott McLeod, Peggy Fitzwater

Absent: Sherrie Dougherty, Ted Jackson

Announcements: Moment of silence for Earl Blankenbaker, a long time employee of GBNT and for Pete Peterson, a long time member who was on the board in the 1980s.

MSA to approve the minutes from the December 13, 2008 meeting.

President’s Report: Colleen Wright #449 asked the board to make a donation to the Center for Career Alternatives. Colleen gave a short presentation about the work that this non-profit agency does with at-risk youth (ages 16-21) in Snohomish county such as helping youth with finding employment, writing resumes, getting their GED’s, providing work experience, providing clothing for job interviews, and giving support to foster kids, among other activities. Colleen asked if GBNT would be willing to purchase a half page ad for $250 to place in their annual dinner program which is their primary fundraiser. Lori Boucher #617 asked if we could hire some of these kids to help around the park; Colleen said they could place some through their job training program. After discussion it was agreed that GBNT would purchase a full page ad. This organization is providing important services for the youth of the community; everyone agreed that the youth are our future so we need to help them in whatever way we can.

MSA to purchase a full page ad at the cost of $500 for the annual dinner program for Center for Career Alternatives.

Vice President’s Report: Volunteers are needed to help with various activities throughout the park; the park runs on volunteers so please do your part! Start thinking about running for the board of directors.

Treasurer’s report: Char handed out the latest Financial Statements which are as of November 30, 2008. Our net income is $106,829. December reports are not finished due to the snow. GBNT is financially sound; all of our deposits are FDIC insured; we have over $860,000 in reserve funds; and our cd’s are all guaranteed. Stu Sawyer set up our banking system in the 90’s and it has served us well over the years.

Bill T conducted a phone poll of board members in early December to finance the ballpark doors. This poll needs to be ratified.

MSA to pay up to $20,000 from activity funds to revamp the ballpark covered area.

Recently membership #1096 was available for sale to GBNT. Bill T did a phone / in-person poll of board members to authorize the purchase as a decision had to be made before the next board meeting. The park purchased the site for $3000; it will be cleaned up then listed for sale. Bill Moe is sure the park will make a good profit on this membership. The board voted to ratify the poll regarding this purchase.

MSA to purchase membership #1096 (Hawk) from the owners for $3000.

Secretary’s report: none

Park Managers report: Bill Moe reported that there is still a lot of work to be done from the snow and freezing weather in December & January; there were a few trailers and vehicles that were damaged by trees; standpipes frozen; and frozen pipes in trailers. Employees have installed over 20 standpipes to replace ones that froze. Bill is working with DNR regarding the creek. People living outside the north end of the park (off of Chapel) have 2 pitbulls that have been entering the park through a hole in the fence – this is being repaired. A permit is being submitted for the work up at the ballpark – the footprint of the structure is not being changed. If members have brush or debris from cleaning up, place it at the end of your driveway and it will be picked up. Bill is looking into a snowplow for the front of the water tender, it is too hard trying to plow the roads with the backhoes. The back walk-through and bike gates are being reinforced; once the new posts & cement are installed this should stop the gates posts from being spread apart. Bill M will be installing combination locks on these gates. This will be complete before the Memorial Day weekend.

Reports of Committees

Administration: Scott presented the revised wording to Administrative Policy 02, page 6 which the board voted to approve at the December 13, 2008 meeting. The revised policy reads “There shall be a Monthly Profit / Loss Financial Statement made up by the Treasurer, for members, showing the In and Out going monies of all the existing separate funds, such as: Bingo, Activities, Violation Fines, Dues. Etc.”

MSA to accept the changes in wording.

At the January 10th activities workshop there was discussion regarding the number and condition of vehicles in the park. There was concern that there are a number of dead cars and members using the park as a storage facilities for their unused vehicles. No action was taken at this time.

Scott reminded everyone that it is their responsibility to meet their guests at the front gate and that all guests must be registered. On holiday weekends having window hangers helps to identify guests’ vehicles.

Activities: There is $16,764.49 in the activities balance after paying $11,958 to Lowe’s for the installation of the ballpark doors.

Char asked the board to approve $800 for supplies for the Fourth of July Survivor Weekend activities. Last year the committee received $600 for supplies, and made over $1200 from the sale of meals. On February 20th at 5 pm (in the ACH) there will be a spaghetti dinner cooked by Greg Creech, to be followed by a slide show of last year’s survivor weekend activities. At that time applications for this year’s contestants will be available. It was suggested that this year t-shirts are made up in the team colors and sold during the weekend.

MSA for $800 for supplies for the 2009 Survivor Weekend.

Long Range Planning: none

Membership Committee: One person went through membership in January and was accepted.

Violations: The committee has not met for the past 3 months; members will be notified if there will be a meeting in February.

Sales: Terry is doing a good job; there are 21 memberships for sale through the sales office ranging from a bare lot for $6,400 to a membership on Chapel for $69,500.

Facilities, Safety and Security: Volunteers are needed for gate duty for Memorial Day Weekend; sign up at the office. There had been a question regarding some of the outdoor lighting – Bill M reported that the youth pool lights are on a timer; when the power goes off, the timer needs to be reset. Those lights will be turned off at this time. The lights by the tennis courts at the ACH are controlled by an underground wire that was damaged. This will need to be repaired in order for the lights to function properly.

Civic Report: none

Bingo: The balance in the Bingo fund is $20,655.48. Bingo will start up the first weekend in May. Last fall the bingo committee decided to purchase pool furniture. Tater built a new shed at the youth pool to store the furniture.

Unfinished business: none

New Business: Jody Bedell #27 expressed her concern about not being able to reach any employee by phone for a number of hours during the snow and heavy freeze. The office was closed; no one answered the emergency phone number; and the voice mail box was not setup so she could not leave a message. Bill M said that this was an oversight as the phone was left in the office – it should be with security whenever the office is closed.

Cece Johnson #645 asked about the trailers with frozen water pipes and if they froze as the water in the park was shut off for an extended period of time (14 hours). Last year there was discussion regarding the purchase of generators to keep the office; ACH freezers; and the water pump house running during power outages. The office does have a generator that runs the gate system. No MSA was voted on at that time to purchase generators. Bill M will look into what would be needed and get prices.

The motor for the exit gate is in Florida getting fixed; in the meantime it is important for members to key out when leaving the park.

Greg Creech #1106 asked if the office has backup systems on the computers; yes there is a battery backup to give the employees time to shut down equipment in the case of a power outage.

Bonnie McLeod #1203 asked if we could look into thermal windows for the ACH to help with heating costs. Barb Hansen #1118 said that it gets very cold in the back part of the ACH and that the lighting in the older main part is too dim for working or playing cards. Lori Boucher #617 reported that at her previous job the power company came out and did an energy audit.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 am