Year 7

English: Term 2

Myths and Legends: Topic Overview

Essential Question: What do myths and legends tell us about the past? How do they influence the present?

Non-Fiction / Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling / Writing / Year Assessment Task
Texts: variety of myths, legends and dreamtime stories from around the world / Spelling List: myth, legend, creatures, mythological, dreamtime, bunyip, Hercules, vampire, labyrinth, Argonaut, mythology, culture, newspaper, rainbow, leprechaun, dragon, witch,
animation, illustration, headline, by-line
Ø  Collective nouns
Ø  Adjectives
Ø  Speech marks
Ø  Commas / Variety of creative writing exercises, such as, writing a narrative, speech and newspaper report all of which may involve some individual student research. / Task 2 - Listening 20%
Due Date: Term 2 Week 4
Outcomes Assessed: EN4-3B, EN4-8D
Task 3 - Speaking/Viewing and Representing 20%
Due Date: Term 2 Week 10
Outcomes Assessed: EN4-2A, EN4-6C, EN4-7D
Students to create their own mythological creature, write a reflective analysis and present to the class

By the end of this unit should have developed their knowledge and understanding of myths and legends and how society is influenced by these stories from the past. They should also have developed their understanding of the film techniques and how to write a newspaper report.

Year 7 Homework Expectations

All students in English are required to complete homework as per the school policy. Individual teachers may advise students of the homework requirements for that class which may vary over the school year. It is, however, expected that when a student has not been assigned class homework that they spend fifteen minutes per day reading some form of published material not social media.

All students are also expected to use the Cornell note structure in their workbooks and complete the questions and summary as part of their homework.