Four Lakes Condominium Association B

Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting

April 18, 2011

Board of Directors Treasurer Mr. R. Topps called the Four Lakes Condominium Association B Monthly Meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. on Monday, April 18, 2011 in the West Annex Room of the Lodge.

In Attendance –

R. Topps - Treasurer

Jim Ciaffara – Director

Matt Willey – Secretary

Erin Kelly - Director

Steve Elmore (EPI)

Absent –

Chris Entwhistle - President

Guests -


Open Forum:

●Lisa Headley: 6010 Oakwood Drive – Unit #1M – Question on gas bills. Unit owner questioned as to why her name and address are not on her gas bills and why she was not receiving them. She also asked when was the fiscal year-end? S. Elmore stated that the fiscal year is the calendar year for the Four Lakes Condo B Association and that he had previously e-mailed her all of the invoices that she owed. She stated that she had received the January, February and March invoices and Mr. Elmore stated that they were the only bills send out so far in 2011 so she had in fact received the invoice. Mr. Elmore also stated that the bills were in the name that was denoted on the census card.

●Don Krupa – 6010 Oakwood Drive – Unit #4L – Unit owner stated that his fiancé’s car was towed from the guest parking and wanted to know why. The car was a 1999 Black Camry and was called in for a tow at 11:04 p.m. on April 4th. A black Toyota License Plate #L489631 was also towed on April 5th, according to the towing records. Mr. Elmore stated that the dates his guest was parked was on March 7th, 9th, 15th and the 16th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 30th 31st, and April 3 and that the vehicle was towed on April 5th. The Board stated that no one can park in the guest parking areas for more than 3 days in a week (3 days per 7 days) which is why the vehicle was towed. The Board also noted that there will be signage going up shortly with the detailed rule on them but that the exact location of the signs still had to be determined. The Board stated that they will review his request and that Mr. Elmore will issue a response accordingly.

●Jeff Vihnanek/Amanda Meyer - 5900 Oakwood Drive – Unit #4M – The unit owner would like to have hardwood flooring put in their unit and that he had brought letters from his doctors regarding the allergies and that the doctor had stated that the carpeting should be removed. The Owner had also brought in an example of the hardwood flooring that they would be putting down in the unit (the material was a wood laminate). Cork material and/or bamboo was suggested by S. Elmore as the noise dampening effect would be greater than a hardwood floor and would be virtually sound proof. The Board stated that if any noise was transmitted to another unit, the flooring will have to be pulled up and the cost for removal and replacement would be borne by the Unit Owner. The Board stated that they would review the request and that the unit owner would be advised accordingly.

●Marianne Iannotta - 5950 Oakwood Drive – Unit #3L – This unit owner stated that her tenants were fined $150 for storing items in the furnace room which have since been removed. S. Elmore stated that the Fire Department was enforcing these rules because of the potential for fire. The Board advised the Unit Owner that they would review her request in executive session and she would be advised accordingly.

●Unit owner stated that he had trouble getting a hold of the Accounting Department at EPI Management. Mr. Elmore stated that he would like to receive emails from any unit owner from the Association’s website and then could respond directly to those requests. The Unit owner also stated that a gentleman lets his dog out every morning at the same time at the front of the building. Mr. Elmore stated that he would review the security cameras if the Owner could give him an approximate time and date. The Owner could not recall the date but stated that he would email the office if he saw this person again. Also, the Owner stated that behind the 5900 Building, there is only one light outside the door and that the raccoons are very bad in the darker areas. The Owner was advised that the 5950 Building will be experimenting with a sound transmitter that is supposed to scare aware animals and that if the unit works there will be more installed.

Approval of the Monthly Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2011

R. Topps asked whether or not any corrections/deletions were to be made to the March 21, 2011 minutes. On Page 4, under New Business, Mr. Topps wanted a new rule, not to change the by-laws for limits on rental changes; this could possibly be changed by a rule.

Motion: M. Willey made a motion to accept the March 21, 2011 minutes as amended; seconded by E. Kelly. Motion approved.

Rules & Regulations

●The Board discussed the parking rules – it did not seem to be clear to unit owners what the “one week” provision in the rules means Sunday-Saturday, Monday-Sunday, etc. Mr. Topps reiterated that (as an example): on Day 1, a car is parked and the spotter sees it; on Day 2 and Day 3, at a random time, the spotter will be there; on the 4th day the violation gets reported to the towing company and the vehicle is removed. The Rule was read to the Board by Mr. Topps. The rule should be changed to state “one week” instead of “7 days.”

Motion: Mr. Ciaffara made a motion to have the verbiage on this rule changed for clarification to state “7 days” instead of “one week.” The Board noted that the parking signs will have to be changed. Seconded by M. Willey.

●Dog Billing and Census Form – It was noted that a census card needs to be filled out and mailed in whenever a change is made in any way, this includes adopting a pet.

●Maintenance Committee – Nothing to report.

●Finance Committee – Nothing to report.

●Ethics Committee – This committee will be changed to “Social Committee” from Ethics Committee and E. Kelly is the Chairperson.

MHOA Report (R. Topps Reporting)

Mr. Topps reported that there was no meeting held this month due to a lack of a quorum.

Car Vandalism

Mr. Topps noted that car break-ins have picked up and that the Lisle Police Report noted that it is mostly happening in the Condo 1 area.

Treasurer’s Report (R. Topps Reporting)

Balance Sheet

Mr. Topps reported that the Association’s assets were $236,000.00; current liabilities are at approximately $83,000.00; net cash position of $153,000.00 as of the end of March 2011.

Profit and Loss Statement

Mr. Topps reported that the Profit and Loss Statement total income is $1,700 ahead of budget; administration expenses are approximately $12,000 under budget; this is attributable to the fact that the bad debts have not been written off as yet; common areas expenses are $6,500 over budget; attributable largely to snow removal; repairs and maintenance are on budget; utilities are about $7,000.00 under budget. Reserve funding (year-to-date) - have contributed only $12,459 whereas $37,000 should have been contributed. Net income of $63,000 versus net income of $24,000; but if the reserve funding was done correctly it is slightly over budget for net income.

Delinquency Report

Mr. Topps reported that as of February 28, 2011 total receivables are $172,000.

Number of units more than 60 days past due: 7%; 11 units

Number of units more than 90 days past due: 68%; 69 units

Number of Units in collection: 76%

Mr. Topps reported that the problem regarding the receivables is the size of what is outstanding rather than the number of people that are not paying. Collections of over $80,000 in rental income for units obtained through possession orders are not in this report. It was noted that the collection efforts have been increased and are progressing nicely. It was noted also that none of the bad debts have been written off as yet. The web portal will be up and running Friday, May 20, 2011. Mr. Elmore would like to hear comments back from the Board Members; after comments are incorporated a Newsletter will be sent out to all of the unit owners with the information and directions for this portal shortly thereafter.

Motion: R. Topps made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by J. Ciaffara. Motion carried.

Management Report (S. Elmore of EPI Management Reporting)


Mr. Elmore reported that the sealcoating work will be completed in July 2011, weather permitting.

Storage Room Doors

S. Elmore reported that the price on the doors has decreased by approximately $1.00 from last year. L. Brown has kept his installation price the same as last year for the labor to install the doors (approximately $300 per door).

Motion was made by R. Topps to approve the security door installation, in the amount of approximately $6,315.61 for 12 doors (includes installation), seconded by J. Ciaffara. Motion carried.

Wi-Fi Installation

Mr. Elmore reported that the Wi-Fi system is now active in the 6000 Building; it was reported that the transmitters should be set up in the remaining buildings by the end of the week per “Dragon.”


Mr. Elmore stated that the raccoon deterrent will be installed where the “gondolas” are located (5950 Building), at the very back of the fence area and that the device is battery operated.

Insurance Claim

S. Elmore had requested approval for the insurance claim deductible to be billed back to Wells Fargo Bank for the 5950 Building – Unit #3J (frozen pipe claim [$2,500 deductible]). Instead, the total charge of $12,296.75 for the claim will be charged to Wells Fargo as they did not secure the unit after possession.

Motion made by J. Ciaffara, seconded by R. Topps. Motion carried.

Potential Storage Lockers

R. Topps discussed that the City Storage Company is a company that installs storage lockers for rental and pays the Association a portion of the rental fee. S. Elmore stated that he would contact this firm for a quote and see what, if anything, they can do for the Association.

Motion made by R. Topps for S. Elmore to call them for a quote, seconded by M. Willey. Motion carried.

Inspection Report (S. Elmore Reporting)

●S. Elmore spoke about the paneling on the elevators is deteriorating and will need to be replaced within the next 5 years and that the Board will have to start looking for alternative coverings’ soon.

●The scavenger service will reimburse the Association to re-seal the areas for the oil spill behind the 5950 Building which also killed some of the lawn areas in the parking lot by the 5900 building.

Old Business

●S. Elmore stated that alternate carpet tiles will be brought to the next meeting for perusal by the Board as the current carpet squares have increased significantly in price.

●R. Topps made a suggestion to move the Rule Violations up on the agenda after Open Forum.

Motion made by Willey to adjourn the meeting at 9:14 p.m.; seconded by E. Kelly. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted;

EPI Management Co. LLC