Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

1. What are the Ke Ala Pono values? mälama, kuleana, höÿihi

2. On what page can you find basic Hawaiian utterances for the classroom? Page 6

3. How much is a snack during recess at Kalama Dining Hall? $.75

4. On what page can you find the Lord’s Prayer in Hawaiian? Page 10

5. If you are absent, what number should your parent/guardian call for homework? 842-8364

6. Use your School Smart™ agenda..because, (phrase listed below)It’s, the, secret, to,academic success – students may not get this…give point to any group that is close

7. On what page can you find the TRIBES agreements? Page 4

8. On what page can you find the multiplication chart? Page 107

9. On what schedule days do we have Ho‘opa‘a Ha‘awina? Odd/Even days

10. What time is breakfast and where is it served? 6:45 – 7:15 am, Kalama Hall on the west end

11. What are the Back-to-School days? October 1, Oct. 2

12. Who wrote “Sons of Hawai’i,” our school’s alma mater? William B. Olson & Theodore Richards

13. In what months do we celebrate the two Founder’s Days? December and January

14.What is the Spiritual Theme for this school year?Dig Deep, Reach High

15. What is found on the very back cover of the SAB? 2009-2010 KMS Bell Schedule

Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

1. What are the Ke Ala Pono values? mälama, kuleana, höÿihi

2. On what page can you find basic Hawaiian utterances for the classroom? Page 5

3. How much is a snack during recess at Kalama Dining Hall? $.75

4. On what page can you find the Lord’s Prayer in Hawaiian? Page 10

5. Under what section can you find information on dealing with Cyberbullying? Online Safety

6. What does the acronym SMART stand for in goal setting? Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic and Timely

7. On what page can you find the TRIBES agreements? Page 3

8. On what page can you find the multiplication chart? Page 115

9. On what schedule days do we have Ho‘opa‘a Ha‘awina? Odd/Even days

10. What time is breakfast and where is it served? 6:45 – 7:15 am, Kalama Hall on the west end

11. What are the Back-to-School days? October 1, Oct. 2

12. Who wrote “Sons of Hawai’i,” our school’s alma mater? William B. Olson & Theodore Richards

13. On what page would you find “The Process of Writing” and “Reading for Understanding”? Page 112

14. On what day of the week would you find a “What Matters Most” question or statement? Saturday

15. What is found on the very back cover of the SAB? 2009-2010 KMS Bell Schedule