English with Elizabeth 2013 Basic Communication 2

Your written review should share information people need to know about a place to plan a visit. Here are some examples of questions you should ask. You don’t have to answer all of them, but use them as a guide and add your own. Filling out this form is not required. You don’t have to hand it in.

1.  What is the name of the place? What kind of place is it? A restaurant? Park? Museum? Club? Historical monument? Is it indoors or outdoors? Is it for evenings? Is it best in certain months or seasons?

Who would like it? Is it for children? Families? Young adults? The young at heart? Is there any group that would probably not enjoy this place? Example: Tree Rock Park is the perfect place for families, young adults and the young at heart. If you have health problems that make it hard to climb, this is not a good place for you, because there are several hills to climb on all the trails.

Online Research

Surf the Net.

When you go online, keep track of how much time you spend online gathering information. There are questions at the end of this section about that.

1. Does this place have its own website? Include that in your written report.

2. How about a phone number?

Are there other websites with good information about this place? What info can people get about this place online? (Buy tickets? Check the schedule? Read reviews?)

Location & Directions

2.  Where is it?

a. Include the exact postal address, including zip code.

b. a general location such as “At the corner of Broad & High, kitty corner from the Statehouse.” How do you get there? Include specific directions from Columbus State to this location.

c. How far is it from Columbus State? Use the address 315 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43215 as your starting point.

d. Find out if a COTA bus goes there. If it does, tell which bus to get on at Cleveland and Mt. Vernon in front of our building. Tell approximately how often it runs and cost.


3.  Cost: How much does it cost? Is it free? about the cost? Is it a fair price? Will you run up a huge bill if you go there?

Can people get a coupon or discount somewhere? Is it cheaper on the weekends? Is there a discount for senior citizens? Can students get a discount with a college ID?

Where can you buy tickets or admission?

4.  Schedule: When is it open? Get the full schedule. Does it change in different seasons?

Did you look at any online reviews of this place online? Where did you find them? Are they professional articles or reviews from everyday people?

What do they say are the best and worst things about this place? Do agree with their opinions or not?

General Background Information

What do you know about the history of the place? How long has it been around? Is there an ethnic history?

Who owns it? For example, is it a government property, like a state park? Is it a Somali restaurant owned by one of your neighbors?

Fun Facts. Look for interesting or fun facts about this place. Why is it special?

Example: “It’s considered the 2nd best zoo in the USA.” “It has 12,000 roses planted in the garden.” “President Clinton ate there.”

How long did you spend online gathering information about this place?

This is not an in-depth research project. It’s OK to just surf 2-4 sites briefly and just read two or three online. Copy & paste the URL of the websites you get information from.

Plagerism Do not copy information word for word from the Internet (or anyplace else) without telling us where it came from. That is called plagiarism or copyright violation.

Your Experience at this Place

Tell us about your personal experience there.

When did you go? Who did you go with? How many times have you been there?

How did you find out about this place?

What did you do? How long did you stay? How was the weather? Were there lots of people? What age groups?

What was your first impression? Was the place like you expected? What 3 adjectives could best describe your experience? Why?

If you never went there, why did you select it for this project?

5.  What do you like the best about this place?

6.  Can you name two other good things about this place?

7.  What are the negative things about this place? What do you think needs to change to make this place better?

8.  Are you going to go there again?

Share your opinion of the place.

What’s your favorite thing about this place?

Can you tell two other good things about this place?

What are the negative things?

What 3 adjectives describe this place well? Why do you pick these adjectives?

Who do you think would enjoy this place? Who wouldn’t enjoy it?

What did your spouse, kids friends etc. say or feel about the place? What’s something you would like to have changed about this place?

What makes this place special? Are there places like this in other cities or states?

Why do you like this place?


What visuals are you going to share? Are they pictures? A webpage? A brochure?

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