Home Address Office Address

391 South Berkeley Ave. Department of Economics

Pasadena, CA 91107 318A Kaprielian Hall

(626) 584-0353 University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0253

Date of Birth: February 25, 1951 (213) 740-7698

FAX: (213) 740-8543



Ph.D., Economics and Agricultural Economics, 1981, Michigan State University,

East Lansing, MI

B.A., Political Science, 1973, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL


Development Economics

Economics of the Household

Economics of Human Resource Investments and Labor Market Outcomes

Health Economics and Development


2004-Present—Professor, Department of Economics, University of Southern California

2012-Present-Professor, Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California

2011-Present- Cheung Kong Chair Professor, National School of Development, Peking University

2005-2011 Chang Jiang Scholar, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University

1992-Present—Adjunct Staff, RAND

1992-2004--Professor, Department of Economics, Michigan State University

1989-1992—Senior Economist, Economics and Statistics Department, RAND

1987–1989—Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Economic Growth Center, Yale University

1983–1986—Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Economic Growth Center, Yale University

1981–1983, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Virginia


August 2003-October 2013-Editor-in-Chief, Economic Development and Cultural Change

November 2013-present, Associate Editor, Economic Development and Cultural Change

July 1990-Dec 2003—Associate Editor, Journal of Development Economics

2005-Present, Senior Fellow, Bureau for Research in Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD)

May 2013-Present, Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Development Economics

January 2016, Honored Member, Population Association of America

Member, American Economic Association

Member, Population Association of America

Member, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population


Principle Investigator, Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), 1999-present

Principle Investigator (with Yaohui Zhao and Gonghuan Yang), China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), 2006-present

Member, International Advisory Committee, Longitudinal Aging Study of India (LASI), 2012-present

Member, International Advisory Committee, Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR), 2013-present

Director of Graduate Studies, Economics Department, USC, Fall 2011-present.

Director, Institute for Economic Policy Research, University of Southern California, September 2006-August 2009

Resource person, African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), 1999-2011

Co-Chair ,Committee on Poverty and Population, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), 2003-2005

Chair, Clifford Clogg Award Committee, Population Association of America, 2013-2014


National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1986–1989, R01-HD-21098, “Rural Household Behavior and Policy Effects on Health, Mortality, and Productivity in Five Developing Countries”, co-PI (Mark Rosenzweig, PI)

World Bank, 1986–1987, “Determinants of Children’s Nutritional Status and Morbidity in Cote d’Ivoire”, PI

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1990–1993, P-50-HD-12639, “Human Capital Accumulation and Intergenerational Mobility”, co-PI (Julie daVanzo, PI)

US Census Bureau, 1991–1992, “Aging and Health in Jamaica”, PI

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1991–1995, P-01-HD-28372, R-01-HD-27560, “Household Resources, Economic Shocks, Infrastructure and Child Growth”, PI

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1992–1996, P-01-HD-28372, “Economic Causes of Adult Ill-Health”, co-PI (Paul Gertler, PI)

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000-2003, 1R01-HD38484-01, “Dynamics of Family Well-Being During Economic Crisis”, PI

National Institute on Aging, 2000-2004, 1R01-AG17637-01, “Third Indonesian Family Life Survey of Aging”, PI

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2001-2006, 1R01-HD40245-01, “Who Pays the Price of an Economic Crisis”, co-PI (Duncan Thomas, PI)

Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, 2001-2006, 1R01-TW05610-01, “Micro-Foundations of Health and Development”, co-PI (Duncan Thomas, PI)

US Agency for International Development, Jakarta Indonesia, Partnership for Economic Growth, 2001-2004, 497-G-00-01-00028-00, “Policy Analysis and Capacity Building Using the Indonesia Family Life Surveys”, PI.

National Institute on Aging, 2006-2010, 1R01-AG026676-01, “Fourth Indonesian Family Life Survey of Aging”, PI

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2006-2010, 1R01-HD050764-01A1, “Dynamics of Family Well-Being in a Low Income Setting”, PI

National Institute on Aging, 2007-2008, 1R13-AG030312-01, “China Aging Conference”, PI

National Institute on Aging, 2007-2008, 1R21-AG031372-01, “China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, Pilot”, co-PI (Yaohui Zhao, PI)

National Institute on Aging, 2009-2011, 1R21-AG033675-01A1, “Biomarkers in the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study”, PI (Eileen Crimmins, PI)

Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, 2009-2012, 1R03-TW008358, “Studies of Health, Retirement and Living Arrangements of the Aging Population in China”, PI (Yaohui Zhao, PI)

National Institute on Aging, 2010-2015, 1R01-AG037031-01, “The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study”, PI (Yaohui Zhao and Gonghuan Yang, PIs)

National Institute on Aging, 2012-2015, 1R01-AG037031-03S1, “The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study”, competing revision, PI (Yaohui Zhao and Gonghuan Yang, PIs)

National Institute on Aging, 2012-2017, 1R01-AG026676-05, “Twenty Years On: The Fifth Indonesia Family Life Survey of Aging”, PI

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2013-2019, 1R01HD050764-05A1, “Dynamics of Family Well Being in Indonesia After 20 Years”, PI

National Institute on Aging, 2015-2019, 2R01AG037031-06A1, “China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study”, PI (Yaohui Zhao and Gonghuan Yang, PIs)

National Institute on Aging, 2015-2018, R03AG049144-01, “Archiving the CHARLS Data”, (Yaohui Zhao, PI)

National Institute on Aging, 2016-2020, R01AG053228-01, “Harmonized Cognitive and Dementia Assessment in China”, PI (Yaohui Zhao, Yueqin Huang and Xin Yu, PIs)



“Occupation Migration Out of Agriculture in Japan” (with Yair Mundlak), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 5, 1978.

“Determinants of Food Consumption in Rural Sierra Leone: Application of the Quadratic Expenditure System to the Consumption-Leisure Component of a Household-Firm Model,” Journal of Development Economics , Vol. 11, 1982, pp. 327–353.

“Joint Determination of Food Consumption and Production in Rural Sierra Leone: Estimates of a Household-Firm Model,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 14, 1984, pp. 77–103.

“Market Surpluses of Agricultural Households Producing Several Outputs: Responses to Prices, Production Technology, and Demographic Characteristics,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 66, 1984, pp. 321–331.

“Does Better Nutrition Raise Farm Productivity? Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, 1986, pp. 297–320. Reprinted in T.P. Schultz (ed.), Economic Demography, Volume 1, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, E. Elgar Publishing, 1998.


“Agricultural Household Models: A Survey of Empirical Evidence and Policy Conclusions” (with Inderjit Singh and Lyn Squire), World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 1, 1986, pp. 149–179. Reprinted in D. Lal (ed.), Development Economics, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, E. Elgar Publishing, 1992. Pages 149-150, 152-154 reprinted in Gerald Meier (ed.), Leading Issues in Economic Development, 5th, 6th and 7th Editions, Oxford University Press, 1989, 1995, 2000.

“Child Survival, Nutritional Status, and Household Characteristics: Evidence From Brazil” (with Duncan Thomas and Maria-Helena Henriques). Pesquisa e Planejamento Economico, Vol. 19, 1989, pp. 427-482, Instituto de Planejamento Economico e Social, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“Households, Communities and Preschool Child Nutrition Outcomes: Evidence From Rural Cote d’Ivoire.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 38, 1990, pp. 231–261.

“Child Survival, Height for Age and Household Characteristics in Brazil,” (with Duncan Thomas and Maria-Helena Henriques). Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 33, 1990, pp. 197–234.

“How Does Mother’s Education Affect Child Height?” (with Duncan Thomas and Maria-Helena Henriques), Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 26, 1991, pp. 183–211.

“The Role of Education and Extension in the Adoption of Technology: A Study of Upland Rice and Soybean Farmers in Central-West Brazil,” (with Mariza Luz Barbosa, Sonia Texeira, Duncan Thomas and Raimundo Gomes Junior), Agricultural Economics, Vol. 5, 1991, pp. 341-359.

“Estimating the Impact of Income and Price Changes on Consumption in Brazil” (with Duncan Thomas and Mariza Luz Barbosa), Pesquisa e Planejamento Economico, Vol. 21, 1991, pp. 305-354, Instituto de Planejamento Economico e Social, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“Prices, Infrastructure, Household Characteristics and Child Height” (with Duncan Thomas), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 39, 1992, pp. 301-332.

“Gender and Life Cycle Differentials in the Patterns and Determinants of Adult Health” (with Paul Gertler, Omar Rahman and Kristen Fox ), Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 28, 1993, pp.791-837. Reprinted in T. Paul Schultz (ed.), Investment in Women's Human Capital, University of Chicago Press, 1995.

“Gender Differences in Adult Health: An International Comparison” (with Omar Rahman, Paul Gertler, Deanna Ashley and Kristen Fox), The Gerontologist, Vol. 34, 1994, pp.463-469.

“Quality of Health Care, Survival and Health Outcomes in Ghana” (with Victor Lavy, Duncan Thomas and Philippe de Vreyer), Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1996, pp.333-358.

“Public Policy and Anthropometric Outcomes in the Cote d’Ivoire” (with Duncan Thomas and Victor Lavy), Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 61, No. 2, 1996, pp.155-192.

“Health and Wages: Evidence for Men and Women in Urban Brazil” (with Duncan Thomas), Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 77, No. 1, 1997, pp.159-186. Reprinted in P. Bardhan and C. Udry (eds.), Readings in Development Economics, Volume II, Empirical Microeconomics, MIT Press, 2000.


“Health, Nutrition and Economic Development” (with Duncan Thomas), Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1998, pp.766-817. Reprinted in R. Floud, R. Fogel, C. Walgreen, B. Harris, and S.C. Hong (eds.), Health, Mortality and the Standard of Living in Europe and North America Since 1700, Edward Elgar, forthcoming.

“Intrahousehold Allocations: A Review of Theories and Empirical Evidence” (with Germano Mwabu and Kathleen Beegle), Journal of African Economies, Vol 9, AERC Supplement 1, 2000, pp.83-143.

“Giving to the Poor? Targeting of Food Aid in Rural Ethiopia” (with Thomas Jayne, Takashi Yamano and Daniel Molla), World Development, Vol 29, No. 5, May 2001, pp.887-910.

“Targeting of Food Aid in Rural Ethiopia: Chronic Need or Inertia” (with Thomas Jayne, Takashi Yamano and Daniel Molla), Journal of Development Economics, Vol 68, No. 2, August 2002, pp.247-288.

“Education in a Crisis” (with Duncan Thomas, Kathleen Beegle, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Bondan Sikoki and Graciela Teruel), Journal of Development Economics, Vol 74 No 1 June 2004, pp.53-86.

“Health outcomes and socio-economic status among the elderly in China: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, Pilot” (with Xiaoyan Lei, Albert Park, Yan Shen, James P. Smith, Zhe Yang and Yaohui Zhao), Journal of Population Ageing, Vol 3, No.3, December 2010, pp.111-142.

“Cutting the Costs of Attrition: Evidence from the Indonesia Family Life Survey”, (with Duncan Thomas, Firman Witoelar, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Bondan Sikoki, Cecep Sumantri and Wayan Suriastini), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 98, No 1., May 2012, pp.108-123.

“The Effects of Childhood Health on Adult Health and SES in China” (with James P. Smith, Yan Shen, Yang Zhe and Yaohui Zhao), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol 61, No. 1 October 2012, pp.127-155.

“Long-term impacts of investments in early schooling: Empirical evidence from rural Ethiopia” (with Subha Mani and John Hoddinott), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 99, No. 2, November 2012, pp.292-299.

“Height, Height Shrinkage, Health at Older Ages and SES: Evidence from China” (with Wei Huang, Xiaoyan Lei, Geert Ridder and Yaohui Zhao), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013, pp.86-121.

“Determinants of Schooling: Empirical Evidence from Rural Ethiopia” (with Subha Mani and John Hoddinott), Journal of African Economies, Vol. 22, No. 5, November 2013, pp.693-731.

“Cohort Profile: The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study” (with Yisong Hu, James P. Smith, Gonghuan Yang and Yaohui Zhao), International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 43, No. 1, February 2014, pp.61-68.

“Health Outcomes and Socio-economic Status Among the Mid-aged and Elderly in China: Evidence from the CHARLS National Baseline Data, (with Xiaoyan Lei, Xiaoting Sun, Yaohui Zhao, Gonghuan Yang, Perry Hu, Yisong Hu and Xiangjun Yin), Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol. 3, pp.29-43, 2014 (reprinted in Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol 4, pp.59-73).

“Comment: Can China Age Healthily?” (with Yaohui Zhao and James P. Smith), Lancet, Vol. 384, August 30, 2014, pp.721-722.

“Healthy Aging in China” (with Yaohui Zhao and James P. Smith), Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol. 4, 2014, pp.37-43.

“Depressive Symptoms and SES Among the Mid-aged and Elderly in China: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study”, (with Xiaoyan Lei, Xiaoting Sun, Peng Zhang and Yaohui Zhao), Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 120, November 2014. pp.224-232.

“Validation and Quality Control for Dried Blood Spot Based C-Reactive Protein Assay: Experience from the Indonesia Family Life Survey and the Longitudinal Study of Aging in India” (with Peifeng Hu, Elizabeth Herningtyas, Varsha Kale, Eileen Crimmins, Arun Risbud, Heather McCreath, Jinkook Lee, Jennifer O’Brien, David Bloom and Teresa Seeman), Biodemography and Social Biology, forthcoming, December 2014.

“Living Arrangements of the Elderly in China: Evidence from the CHARLS National Baseline” (with Xiaoyan Lei, Meng Tien, Chuanchuan Zhang and Yaohui Zhao), China Economic Journal, Volume 8, Issue 3, December 2015, pp.191-214.

“Intergenerational Correlation of Health Among Older Adults: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia” (with Younoh Kim, Bondan Sikoki and Firman Witoelar), Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol 6, December 2015, pp.44-56.

“Prevalence, Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus Among Older Chinese: Results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study” (with Yaohui Zhao, Eileen Crimmins, Perry Hu, Yang Shen, James P. Smith and Yuan Zhang), International Journal of Public Health, Vol. 61, Issue 3, May 2016, pp.347-356.

“Health Insurance and Health Care Among the Mid-aged and Older Chinese: Evidence from the National Baseline Survey of CHARLS”, (with Xiaoyan Lei, Chuanchuan Zhang and Yaohui Zhao), Health Economics, January 2016.

“Estimation of Poverty Transition Matrices With Noisy Data” (with Nayoung Lee and Geert Ridder), Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No. 1, January/February 2017, pp.37-55.


Agricultural Household Models: Applications, Extensions and Policy, Co-edited with Inderjit Singh and Lyn Squire, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.

Indonesian Living Standards Before and After the Financial Crisis (with Kathleen Beegle, Agus Dwiyanto, Yulia Herawati, Daan Pattinasarany, Elan Satriawan, Bondan Sikoki, Sukamdi and Firman Witoelar), Santa Monica: RAND and Institute for Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS, Singapore), 2004.

Handbook of Development Economics, Volume 4, Co-editor with T. Paul Schultz, Amsterdam: Elsevier Press, 2008.


“Occupational Migration Out of Agriculture in Japan” (with Yair Mundlak) in Y. Mundlak (ed.), Intersectoral Factor Mobility and Agricultural Growth, International Food Policy Research Institute, Research Report 6, 1979, pp.33-42.