Your a Poet and Didn't Know It/An Activity in Formatting Text and Creating Decorative Pages in Publisher

Assignment # 1
To format text is to change the look of the font. The above example is not an example of formatting, but animated gifs which we will cover later. You will be working in Microsoft Word, a program that is part of Microsoft Office 2000.

Directions: Formatting is changing the look of something. To change the look of text, you have several options. To see these options, point your cursor just past the small blue triangle past the pen with the yellow underline in Microsoft Word. With your left mouse button pressed, pull the toolbar down onto your work area. You can change the points of a font, the type of font to use, the size of your font, etc. We are going to do several exercises in order for you to see what each of these items do on the toolbar.
(Tip-In the resource section on Lesson Plan Blues Web page there is a Microsoft Word Tutorial that may answer other questions you might have.)

In this lesson you will learn formatting skills while trying your hand at poetry. Certain poems require you to follow rules dealing with parts of speech. We will review parts of speech first, then you will begin your poetry writing project. Using the format commands, you will change the format of various parts of speech in a sentence so that they stand out.

Noun-a word that describes a person place, or thing (chair, Bob, love).

Verb-a word that expresses action or helps to make a sentence (run, be, think).

Pronoun-a word that replaces a noun (he, she, it).

Adjective-a word that points out, describes, or limits the meaning of a noun or pronoun (big, good, enjoyable).

Click on the Parts of Speech Worksheet, save your work as Parts_Speech, then move onto your poetry activities.

Format the nouns bold. Format the pronouns underlined.
Format the verbs italic. Format the adjectives with yellow highlight.

Parts of Speech

For the remainder of your poetry assignments, we will be using Microsoft Publisher. Follow the steps below to create your own work of art. Remember to save your file as instructed on each assignment.

  • Open Microsoft Publisher (Start-Programs-Microsoft Publisher)
  • Click on Brochures
  • Click on the Blank Publications
  • Then on Blank Page (You should now have a full blank page on your desktop)
  • Click on layout and choose Message only
  • Give your poem a title (One of your poems will not have one)
  • Save your poems with the name of its poetry type
  • Construct your poem according to the rules of that particular poem
  • When you have done this, click on design and choose a frame to go around your work. To do this you must choose your border by clicking on it. You will have to choose your border several times if you wish to put a frame around your whole picture. Remember to choose the border you feel fits your poetry theme.

Assignment # 2
Now you are a poet. The first poem you will compose is an Acrostic poem, a poem in which you use each of the letters of a word(s) to make new words.

Sample Acrostic:
Jan Smith
Joyous Sincere
appreciative mellow
nifty interesting

Directions: Open Publisher. Using your name, make an acrostic poem. Use positive adjectives to describe yourself. Make sure to use different fonts, sizes, and styles to make your acrostic more interesting. Use your spell checker to help you find any spelling mistakes. Save the file to your folder under the file name Acrostic.

Assignment # 3
You are now going to compose a Diamante poem, a diamond-shaped poem that follow the following rules:

Line 1: Any topic
Line 2: Two adjectives describing that topic
Line 3: Three participles (ing words) relating to that topic
Line 4: Four nouns relating to that topic
Line 5: Three participles showing a change in that topic
Line 6: Two adjectives describing the change
Line 7: A word showing a change in that topic



wet, cool
drinking, swimming, splashing
stream, pool, glass, faucet
freezing, skating, sleeting
cold, frozen

Directions: Open Publisher.Make sure to give your poem a name. Make sure to use different fonts, sizes, and styles to make your diamante more interesting. Use your spell checker to help you find any spelling mistakes. Save the file to your folder under the file name Diamante.

Assignment # 4
This poetry is getting to be a snap. Let's now try a Haiku poem. These poems are always about nature and are very descriptive. They do not have titles. However, the following rules must be followed:
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables


Winter's cold freezing
Snow glistening and shining
Icicles hanging

Directions:Open Publisher and create your own poem. Make sure to give your poem a name. Make sure to use different fonts, sizes, and styles to make your diamante more interesting. Use your spell checker to help you find any spelling mistakes. Save the file to your folder under the file name Haiku..

Assignment # 5
You are now going to construct a Clerihew poem in Publisher. A Clerihew poem is a four-line humorous rhyming poem.
The following rules must apply:

Line 1 Famous person or place
Lines 2,3,4 Tell about that person or place
Lines 1,2 Rhyme together
Lines 3,4 Rhyme together

Keep the lines short and the topic humorous. Choose formatting tools to make your poem more visually attractive. The following is an example (Notice that the center and italic format has been chosen):

Abe Lincoln

Abe Lincoln
He wasn't stinkin'
He was brave
to free the slaves

Save your file as Clerihew.

Assignment # 6
Now that you have the hang of things, lets move on the the Cinquain Poem, a five line simple descriptive poem.
The following rules must apply:

Line 1: Any noun

Line 2: Two adjectives describing that noun, separated with a comma

Line 3: Three verbs (preferably participles telling what the verb does)

Line 4: A short phrase containing a thought about that noun

Line 5: A synonym for that noun or some other related word

Use your own formatting to make your poem more attractive. Notice that in the example, the bold and underline format has been used. The following is an example:


Colorful, exciting
Typing, drawing, playing
Cool Graphics

Save your file as Cinquain.

Assignment # 7

A concrete poem is the shape of your topic. There are no rules to follow, but thought must be put into it to make it look right. The following is an example of a Concrete Poem.

A Tree

Tall & Wide
with big branches
Keeps the air clean for us
Breathes out oxygen and moisture.
The fall colors
are beautiful!!!

Save your file as Concrete.