Request for Applications

Terms of Reference (TOR)

Community Systems Strengthening Program

Global Fund grant

Ref: RFA-AFSA-CSS201801

PLEASE NOTE: Changes made to this RFA and all relevant documents will be posted on AFSA’s website:


AFSA AIDS Foundation of South Africa

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

ART Anti-Retroviral Therapy

CCM Country Coordinating Mechanism

DOH Department of Health

GBV Gender Based Violence

GFATM The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

HCT HIV Counselling and Testing

HTS HIV Testing Services

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

IEC Information, Education, Communication

KP Key Populations

LFA Local Funding Agent

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MSM Men Sleeping with Men

NSP National Strategic Plan

PCA Provincial Council for AIDS

PEP Post-Exposure Prophylaxis

PR Principal Recipient

PWID People Who Inject Drugs

QA Quality Assurance

RFA Request for Application

SAPS South African Police Services

SAW Social Auxiliary Worker

SR Sub-Recipient

SSR Sub-sub-recipient

SW Sex Worker

SS&CF Stepping Stones & Creating Futures

TCC Thuthuzela Care Centres

TG Trans Gender

TVET Technical, Vocational, Education and Training

TOR Terms of Reference


The AIDS Foundation South Africa (AFSA) is one of eight Principal Recipients[1] (PRs) of the Global Fund Grant 2016-2019, and one of two PRs responsible for the management of the Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) Program. AFSA is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced civil society organisation as sub-recipient (SR) to implement the program within specified areas in Mopani District of Limpopo province.

1.1 AIDS Foundation South Africa (AFSA)

AFSA was established and registered in December 1988 making it one of the oldest indigenous HIV and AIDS organizations in South Africa. AFSA defines its purpose as being a development organisation that exists to mitigate the impacts of HIV and AIDS and poverty, through the implementation of health and community development projects in vulnerable communities. AFSA has strategically positioned itself to work in partnership with CBOs and NGOs because of their access and close proximity to vulnerable communities and target populations. It has always been AFSA’s belief and practice that community participation and ownership are key to ensuring the success and sustainability of local interventions and that target communities should be agents of their own development rather than objects of charity. AFSA has worked as a donor intermediary for the past 30 years, managing and disbursing funds to sub-recipients, developing and strengthening their capacity, monitoring and tracking their performance, and reporting and accounting to the back donors. AFSA’s head office is based in Durban, KwaZulu Natal.


AFSA is seeking to appoint a sub-recipient to strengthen the capacity of traditional leadership structures to implement HIV/AIDS and TB prevention interventions targeting traditional leaders and vulnerable populations residing in communities under the authority of Traditional Councils in Mopani District of Limpopo province.

It is strongly recommended that organizations that have worked with such structures in Mopani district, and that have not previously served asGlobal Fund sub-recipient submit applications for consideration.

The Appointed SR shall be required to strengthen the technical capacity of traditional leadership structures to improve the coordination of the HIV/AIDS and TB response within these sectors/networks; and through these platforms implement priority HIV and TB prevention interventions targeting vulnerable populations. AFSA intends to appoint 1 SR to implement this programme.

The appointed SR shall be required to perform the following scope of work:

a)  Deliver a quality HIV prevention education package to, and facilitate dialogues with, Traditional Leadership structures;

b)  Conduct HIV, TB prevention education, with linkages to care and support, with vulnerable populations residing in communities under the authority of Traditional Councils in the Mopani District of Limpopo Province.

Output Targets

Table 3: Number of Traditional Leadership dialogues to be facilitated by the SR and number of participants to be reached.

No of dialogues / No of participants
12 / 360

Table 4: Number of Vulnerable Populations (persons) to be reached with HIV, TB prevention education & linkages to care, support & other resources: 60% of the reached vulnerable population must be successfully linked to, and receive, HIV Testing Services (HTS)



Applicants are required to prepare a budget using the budget template provided. The budget template includes the proposed grant allocation for the contract period 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.


In order to be considered for selection as a SR, the applicant organisation must:

·  Be a South African registered legal entity

·  Be based in Limpopo province and working within Mopani District

·  Be experienced in relevant area of service delivery

·  Have a functional board of directors or governing body

Copies of the following supporting documents are to be submitted with the application form:

Organizational Supporting Documents:

·  The Organization’s Constitution / Trust Deed or Memorandum of Incorporation (which ever applicable)

·  Registration documents

·  Organizational profile or capacity statement

·  Most recent annual report

·  Organizational structure (organogram)

·  Example of previous report submitted to a donor

·  Letters of support or MOUs

Monitoring and Evaluation:

·  Describe your organization’s monitoring and evaluations systems

·  Provide examples of data collection tools, indicator reference sheets or standard operating procedures for data collection (if available)

·  Reporting templates.

Financial Management Supporting Documents

·  Audited financial statements – most recent audit

·  Letter of good standing from the Department of Labour (in respect of UIF and COIDA)

·  Tax Clearance from SARs

·  VAT registration

·  PBO registration (if registered)

·  Copy of your organization’s financial policies and procedures manual

·  Please describe what accounting system is used by your organization.

Organizations wishing to apply are required to email completed applications, including required supporting documentation, to:

Destination / Address
Email Address /
Physical Addresses for Hand delivery
AIDS Foundation of South Africa / 135 Musgrave Rd, Musgrave, Durban, 4001
Limpopo AIDS Foundation of South Africa Satellite office / Rampie Smith Building, 41 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, Limpopo, 0700

Closing date for submissions is on the 23rd February 2018 at 16h00pm. Email applications & attachments must not exceed 10MB in size. Please include the reference “CSS SR Application” in the subject line of emailed applications.

Applicants will be advised of their application status within four weeks from the closing date of submission of the RFA. Short-listed applicants may be required to make a presentation to the evaluation panel and be subject to an on-site capacity assessment. The final selection of the SR is subject to approval by the South African Country Co-ordinating Mechanism (CCM) and the Global Fund.

CSS Budget Template: Excel Version of Template can be downloaded from: or requested by email:


[1] Seven other PRs are: National Department of Health, Western Cape Department of Health, Right to Care, Soul City, Kheth’Impilo, AFSA and KZN Treasury.