Irvington High School



Cell Phones, Computers, and other Electronic Devices

Students in 9 – 12th grades will be allowed to carry cell phones, e-readers, laptops, tablets, and I-pods at school with the stipulations listed below. Students who bring electronic devices on campus do so at their own risk. The schools are not responsible for call charges or lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices or accessories.

  1. Students shall be allowed to use electronic devices, before and after school and during the student’s lunch period only, unless the teacher has authorized the use of electronics for educational purposes only.
  1. At all times, including but not limited to class time, electronic devices shall be turned completely off, in all modes, unless the teacher has authorized the use of electronics for educational purposes only.
  1. Electronic devices used during class time, or whose devices are activated in class or in the halls, shall be confiscated and turned into the students’administrator. The following may be the disciplinary action taken:
  1. First Offense – confiscation of the items and parent is responsible for pick-up from the office during normal school business hours.
  1. Second Offense – confiscated item is kept in the locked cabinet in attendance for 30 days, or student will be required to turn phone into main office each day for 30 days.
  1. Third Offense – confiscated item may be kept in the locked cabinet for the remainder of the school year, or student will be required to turn phone into main office each day for the remainder of the school year.
  1. Subsequent Offenses – student may be suspended for defiance.

If a student refuses to surrender an electronic device to a teacher or administrator, he or she is subject to immediate suspension.

Fremont Unified School District Board Policy states:

Students in grades 9-12 will be allowed to carry cell phones at school with the stipulations listed below. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the administration.

Students bring electronic devices on campus at their own risk. The schools are not responsible for call charges or lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices or accessories.

  1. 9-12 students shall be allowed to use cell phones/pagers before and after school and during that student’s lunch period only. Lunch period practices at closed high school campuses may vary.
  2. At all other times, including but not limited to class time, cell phones and/or pagers shall be turned completely off—off in all modes.