Open Grant Application Form


Full name of your organisation
Main registered address, including postcode for your organisation
(This is the address we will send your offer letter to, so make sure you can receive mail from it. If you don’t have an office, this can be a home address.)
What type of organisation are you?
Please tick all that apply. / Charity / Charity number:
State School
Independent School
Local Authority
Other / Please state:
Primary contact - Who should we contact if we have questions about your application?
Position/ job title
Address including postcode
Landline and mobile phone numbers
Legally Responsible Contact - Who in your organisation will be legally responsible for the funding? This cannot be the same person as the primary contact. The legally responsible contact must be responsible for ensuring this application is supported by the organisation applying, and that any funding agreement meets our requirements.
This contact must hold one of the following positions: School - Head teacher
Local authority - Service Manager, Director or Chief Executive
Other organisations - Chairperson or Treasurer
Position/ job title
Address including postcode
Landline and mobile phone numbers


Project name
Your preferred start date
How much would you like from SSPDT? Up to £5,000 or instrument loan
What will a cash grant pay for?
Schools involved in your project
School name / Head teacher
Music teacher / Local authority / SIMD if known / % free school lunches, if known / Class years involved at the start e.g. P5, P6,
Tell us more about your project. Please include the following information somewhere in your description.
  1. Piping and drumming provision for young people in your area, and for those involved in your project.
  2. What you want to achieve and how you plan to do this.
  3. The numbers of pupils involved and whether teaching will be 1:1 or in groups.
  4. Demand and support for your project.
  5. The person who is going to manage this project and why they are well suited to it.
  6. What instrumental qualifications, band development and teaching experience/ qualifications do the project instructors have, and how are they selected?
  7. Other organisations that are involved.
  8. Details of any parent or support committee and how is it involved.
  9. How you plan to cover your costs after a grant from SSPDT ends.
Continue on the next page if you need more space.

Your budget

On an Excel spreadsheet please provide a budget showing all project costs, including instructor rates, number of sessions (if relevant) and income indicating which sources are confirmed, pending or unconfirmed.

What to do now

Please email this application form and your budget on the Excel spreadsheet to the Administrator:

Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust SSPDT

Charity Number:SC037980

Phone: 07823 886177

Our website:

Address: 14 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB