
Notes for Applicants Section 1

Information for people applying to be a MHFA (WALES) Instructor


Thank you very much for your interest in being trained as a MHFA (Wales) instructor. The information set out here will, hopefully, help you to be clear about what will be expected of MHFA (Wales) instructors. Please read this information thoroughly.


A key aim of mental health policy in Wales is to raise public awareness of mental health and illness and to promote positive mental health and well-being. Training in Mind is seeking to recruit people from a wide range of backgrounds across Wales to train to become MHFA (Wales) instructors. MHFA (Wales) training is primarily concerned with raising awareness of the importance of mental health and to promote recovery of those who might be experiencing mental ill health.

The aims of Mental Health First Aid are:

1.  To preserve life

2.  To provide help to prevent the mental health problem or crisis developing into a more serious state

3.  To promote the recovery of good mental health

4.  To provide comfort to a person experiencing distress

5.  To promote understanding of Mental Health issues

MHFA (Wales) Instructor Recruitment

To apply for the instructor’s course please read the information below. Completed application forms should be returned to

Please answer all parts of the application form and questionnaire. We are looking for evidence from you that you are suitable to be trained as a MHFA (Wales) instructor. If you need to, please continue your answers onto a blank sheet of paper. Please do not send in a CV as this will not be considered.

Your application should also include, where appropriate, a letter of support to be involved in the training and delivery of MHFA (Wales) from a senior manager in your organisation.

If you are applying as an independent/self-employed trainer, please include the names and addresses of two referees who we can contact should your application be successful. The referees should be able to comment on your ability/experience/skill to be a MHFA (Wales) instructor.

Organisational Support

People who are applying to be trained as a MHFA (Wales) instructor as part of their professional remit will need to include with their application a letter of support from their line manager. The letter should include confirmation that the person is supported as a MHFA (Wales) instructor and that the line manager understands and approves the time and commitment that will be needed to do this. Where an organisation is supporting someone to be trained as a MHFA (Wales) instructor then Training in Mind would expect that ownership of the MHFA (Wales) instructors’ Toolkit will remain with the organisation rather than the individual.

In some cases, we may phone you to discuss your application in more detail.

Criteria for Selection

The following are the essential criteria for being considered for MHFA (Wales) instructor’s training programme and for being approved to deliver courses:

·  Returning a completed application pack

·  professional and/or personal experiences in the field of mental health

·  experience of delivering training/teaching effectively

·  networking experience

·  awareness of the range of Welsh mental health services

·  good interpersonal and communication skills

·  knowledge of mental health problems

·  positive attitudes towards people with mental health problems

·  enthusiasm to reduce stigma associated with mental ill health

·  delivering training to groups who focus on addressing inequalities

Please note that we have limited spaces available on the instructor courses and if a significant number of applicants fulfil these criteria we will allocate places to trainers who work in geographical areas where there is a limited number of active trainers or those who work for organisations where there are currently no trainers (even if there are other trainers locally).


The fee for attending the 7-day MHFA (Wales) instructor training is £1900.

At the training you will be provided with an Instructor’s Toolkit, plus a comprehensive package of training and reference materials, and membership of the MHFA (Wales) national network that will provide on-going support and updates.

Expectations of MHFA (Wales) Instructors

If you are allocated a place on the instructor’s course you will be expected to attend the full 7 days of training. This includes:

·  2 days Mental Health First Aid training

·  3 days for Development

·  2 days for the Skills Practice

There are usually two opportunities each year to participate in the MHFA (Wales) instructors’ training. Some people may need overnight accommodation in order to attend these sessions. Participants will have to arrange and pay for their own accommodation and travel.

In order to be able to deliver MHFA (Wales) courses all Instructors will need to participate fully in all aspects of the training, be assessed and approved by Training in Mind.

It is expected that all MHFA (Wales) instructors will deliver at least 3 MHFA (Wales) courses in the 12 months after being approved and participate in the national network. This will usually include at least one national meeting a year.

As a quality assurance measure, MHFA (Wales) is part of an ongoing monitored and evaluation programme. Instructors will need to be able to support this by returning completed forms and providing relevant information as requested.

Organisation of and Payment of MHFA (Wales) Courses

Once you have successfully completed the MHFA (Wales) instructor course, you will be responsible for the organisation of your own courses (or with the support from your organisation). This includes the logging of courses and ordering of MHFA (Wales) manuals and MHFA (Wales) certificates for participants as well as the practical arrangements for delivery, e.g. venue, refreshments, equipment, etc.

Training in Mind is not responsible for finding or organising courses for instructors.

It is recognised that many organisations will charge people a fee to attend MHFA (Wales) courses and that this fee will include a percentage of the venue hire and refreshments and the Instructor’s preparation and delivery time.

Application Form section 2

Mental Health First Aid WALES

MHFA (Wales)

Instructor Training Application

(Please complete in black ink and write legibly)

Please do not include a CV as this will not be considered

Personal Details:

Post Code:
Job Title
(if applicable)
Email address:

How did you hear about the MHFA (Wales) Instructor Training course?

Word-of-mouth - manager / O / website / O
Word-of-mouth - friend / O / Leaflet / O
Word-of-mouth - colleague / O / Mental Health e-bulletin / O
Poster / O / email / O
Other, please specify

Part 3 - Application Questionnaire


MHFA (Wales)

Questions for Instructors

In order to select people with the appropriate skills and experiences to organise and teach MHFA (Wales) we need you to reply to the following questions. When writing your responses please include specific examples of what you have done. Please do not send in a CV, as this will not be considered.

Please write in black ink and try to make your responses as legible as possible. Please try to keep your responses brief and succinct. You may continue your responses on a blank sheet of paper in needed.


Q1 Will you tell us what the term ‘mental health’ means to you?

Q2 In your opinion, what are the three key benefits of MHFA (Wales) training for Wales?

Q3 What are your personal and/or professional experiences in the field of mental health, including any relevant qualifications?

Q4 What experiences and/or qualifications do you have that would enable you to conduct training sessions effectively?

Q5 What experience do you have in effectively networking with mental health services and community groups?

Q6 Are you able to commit to the time commitment involved in this training, delivering MHFA (Wales) and in the MHFA (Wales) Instructors’ network? Y / N

What support is your employer able to give you to be a MHFA (Wales) Instructor?

Q7 In your opinion, what are the key skills needed to be an effective MHFA (Wales) Instructor?

Q8 Drawing on your experience, what would you do if, during one of the MHFA (Wales) training sessions you are running, one of the participants becomes distressed or approaches you about their personal mental health problems?

Q9 What are your 3 key reasons for wanting to be a MHFA (Wales) Instructor?

Q10 Do you have any other skills or experiences that may be relevant?

I confirm that the information on this application form is correct.

Signed: ………………………………… Date …………….

Return completed forms to:

Example for ‘Letter of support’

Mrs D Jones

Any job

Any where

1 South Crescent


NP12 9EB



Support of application to train to be a Mental Health First Aid (Wales) Instructor

I am writing to confirm my support for (full name of applicant) to apply to train to be a MHFA (Wales) instructor. My professional relationship with (name of applicant) is………….

Our organisation is willing to free (name of applicant) in order to attend and participate in the 7 days training for MHFA (Wales) instructors as well as to deliver MHFA (Wales) courses. We agree to release them and support them to deliver at least 3 MHFA (Wales) courses over the 12 months following completion of the course then 2 courses each consecutive year; this includes time for preparation as well as delivery.

We agree to pay any fees including travel and accommodation expenses for them to attend.

We want to fully support this application as it fits in with our organisation’s priorities and plans by: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Please give examples/reasons why having a MHFA (Wales) Instructor in your organisation fits in with your plans and priorities.)

Finally, we recognise that monitoring and evaluation of all training courses is an essential part of quality assurance and we will give our commitment to being involved in this by agreeing to return all MHFA (Wales) evaluation forms to Training in Mind

Yours Sincerely,


Job Title


Company number: 07211462