Network Disclosure Number: / ATT20090421S.1 / Issue Date: / 04/21/2009
Modification Date: / 06/23/2009
Carrier’s Name: / AT&T Southeast
Carrier’s Address:
Contact: / Your Account Manager or Service Representative

Technical Issues

Richard R Hatch
3 AT&T Plaza, Rm. 915
Dallas, Texas 75202
214 858-1547

Public Notice: / can be obtained on the Internet at:
Network Change:
Non-optional interLATA Extended Area Service between AT&T’s North Carolina Salisbury exchange (SLBRNCMA63F), area code 704 in the Charlotte, NC LATA and Piedmont Telephone Membership Corporation’s Churchland and Reeds exchanges, area code 336 in the Greensboro, NC LATA effective 6/23/2009.
Description of Type of Changes Planned: /
The North Carolina Utilities Commission ordered AT&T and Piedmont Telephone Membership Corporation (TMC) to establish two-way, non-optional interLATA Extended Area Service between AT&T’s North Carolina Salisbury exchange, area codes 704 and 980, in Rowan County in the Charlotte LATA and Piedmont TMC’s Churchland and Reeds exchanges, area code 336, in Davidson County in the Greensboro LATA.
On June 23, 2009, the basic local calling area for end-user customers in the Salisbury, North Carolina exchange area is being expanded to include the exchanges of Churchland and Reeds. The Salisbury, North Carolina basic local calling area will include the following exchanges: China Grove-Landis, Churchland, Cleveland, Granite Quarry Rockwell, and Reeds, North Carolina.
Below is a listing of the Area Codes and 3-digit Central Office prefixes of the telephone numbers included in the basic local calling area of the Salisbury, North Carolina exchange as of June 23, 2009.
Following is a list of the Area Codes and Central Office prefixes for the exchanges:
Area code 704: 202, 209, 210, 212, 213, 216, 223, 232, 239, 245, 267, 278
279, 310, 314, 326, 431, 433, 603, 610, 630, 633, 636, 637
638, 639, 640, 642, 645, 647, 680, 738, 754, 762, 797, 798
855, 856, 857, 859
Area code 980: 234
Area code 336: 220, 752 (Added to Salisbury, North Carolina basic local calling area 6/23/09.)
Area code 336: 787, 797 (Added to Salisbury, North Carolina basic local calling area 6/23/09.)
Note: Numbers listed above are current as of April 15, 2009.
Description of Reasonably Foreseeable Impact of the Planned Changes: /
When the basic service area for AT&T NC Salisbury customers is expanded to include Churchland and Reeds exchanges, customers will dial their local calls as 10-digits (area code + the 7-digit number) as opposed to dialing calls as long-distance (toll); 1+10 digit number (area code + the 7-digit number).
Location of Change: /
CLLI Code/Statewide / City / State / Implementation Date
SLBRNCMA63F / Salisbury / NC / 6/23/2009