2013 LA 17 Parent Information Book

Year 7

Year 7 Parent Information

Welcome to LA17s class of 2013. This booklet will provide you with information of the teaching and learning that will take place in the classroom.
My Aims as a Primary School Teacher:

  1. To create and maintain an open, trusting and stimulating environment where teaching and learning is exciting.
  2. To foster self efficacy, empower students and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning.
  3. To acknowledge and accommodate individual needs and learning styles so that all may experience success.
  4. To plan meaningful teaching and learning experiences.
  5. To promote critical thinking skills, encourage problem solving and to facilitate the acquisition of lifelong skills.

Teaching and Learning:

Literacy and Numeracy will continue to be a major focus for all classes at Campbell Primary. LA17 will complete explicit activities and lessons in Literacy and Numeracy every day. Society and Environment will be embedded in Language and Research tasks, whilst Science and Technology will have scheduled times each week. Students will have the opportunity to continue on with Robotics in Year 7.

For term one, students will be learning about: Investigating the Ancient Past

Classroom Behaviour

The students in LA17 have developed a list of rights and responsibilities. These are:
1. Learn in a safe and supportive environment.
2. Be treated with kindness and respect by my teachers and peers.
3. Be myself
4. Enjoy my learning.
5. Voice my opinions and share my ideas
6. Work towards my goals with the help of my teachers and peers.

1. Treat my peers and teachers with respect at all times.
2. Listen to other people’s ideas and opinions.
3. Make sure I am consistently prepared for learning and have all necessary equipment for all classes.
4. Respect all school and personal property.
5. Lead by example as a senior student and set a high standard of behaviour for younger students to follow.

In LA17, I use a variety of reward and recording systems to acknowledge students who are working well, trying their hardest and displaying appropriate behaviour in class, as well as document students who are behaving inappropriately or not completing tasks.

1st Warning- Verbal
2nd Warning- Name in tracking book
3rd Warning- Name in tracking book/Time out in buddy class- Parent contact
4th Warning- Name in tracking book/Time out with admin- Parent contact

The tracking book provides a record of inappropriate behaviour and follows the students to specialist classes.

Restorative Practices:

The aim of Restorative Practices is to encourage the use of restorative approaches to manage conflict and tension, by focussing upon repairing harm and strengthening relationships. Discussions with students are based on two sets of restorative questions. Our goal in using this process is to teach students to make responsible choices and follow frameworks of responsible and acceptable behaviour within both the classroom and playground.
School Absences:
Please send a note to school with your child explaining any absences. If you can give notice in advance this would be appreciated, particularly when planning for learning. You can SMS the school on 0407 996 173 or call 9456 8300 to advise of an absence.

Homework Policy:
I believe homework is valuable to help develop independent learning and to assist in the revision and extension of class work. Students in LA17 will be encouraged to complete some set tasks, at home, throughout the year. Often this will be class work, which is incomplete. Students may also receive projects to enrich learning that occurs at school. It is recommended that in Year 7, students are to complete two hours of homework a week.

Students are encouraged to write any homework and notices in their Diary which needs to be seen andSIGNED BY PARENTS EVERYDAY– Diaries will be checked every morning.

Specialist Learning Area Information

Physical Education - Mrs Gill and Mr Risol

Year 7 students will focus on developing positive attitudes towards being physically active and developing leadership skills and management skills. The Physical Education focus for 2013 is:

  • Cooperation
  • Teamwork
  • Adventure experiences in the playground
  • Learning strategies & tactics
  • Game sense approach (learn skills, rules & strategies through playing games)
  • Learning sport for leisure (ultimate frisbee, bocce, table tennis)
  • Goal setting
  • Creating games
  • Sport management
  • Small ball skills
  • Large ball skills

Performing Arts Music – Mrs Horne and Ms Almeida

Students will focus on group co-operation skills and developing their own musicianship within a group framework. Within lessons during the year they will be covering theory, instrumental, recorder, keyboard and music technology activities with an emphasis on playing in a class band setting. They will be expected to be able to collaborate effectively to produce musical works that reflect different styles and contexts. Students have the opportunity to play in the band, guitar ensemble, rock band or be part of the Senior Choir.

Visual Art - Mrs Wallis

Students are expected to have Art shirts with them when coming to art. It is their responsibility to wear them. We will be working with a variety of media including paint, ink and clay in our experiencing and experimenting in the art room. Art shirts protect clothing from some accidents but not all.

Visual diaries from last year should have been returned to continue working in this year.

Term one with the year 7 classes this year is linked to the History component of the Australian Curriculum. We are looking at Ancient civilisations, with emphasis on Aboriginal art. Using the art elements, students will explore the colours, shapes and lines that create the patterns of this artwork.

They will also discuss the symbolic meanings of these elements to the Aboriginal people, and how the Dreamtime was the creation of all things.

It is important that students do additional art at home. Drawing is a skill that should be practised daily in the same way that a musician practises scales daily.

The visual art page on the school website has interesting information for parents and students alike about art scholarships, holiday programmes, websites, art competitions and sometimes homework.

Year 7’s will be given some Art in Society projects and may be expected to complete work at home if not completed in class.

A copy of the rules in the art room and the letter home to parents is also online for parents to view. Classes are awarded points and raffle tickets are given out to students through out the term. A student who has their name drawn out of the raffle, can select from movie tickets and other prizes.

Languages Italian – Mrs Vito and Ms Hird

The Languages learning area provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding and appreciation of another culture and the ability to communicate with members of that culture in both the written and spoken forms.

The student’s ability to communicate in Italian includes:

- Listening and Responding, and Speaking: Students comprehend and communicate in Italian through listening and responding, and speaking.

- Viewing Reading and Responding: Students view and read a variety of Italian texts and respond appropriately.

Writing: Students write a variety of texts in Italian

Other Important Reminders:

- NAPLAN will be in week 2 of Term 2.

- CampbellPrimary School is a NO NUTS SCHOOL, due to large number of student allergies.
- We have Classroom snack (CRUNCH & SIP) at 10.00am every morning (where possible). Students are
encouraged to bring an extra piece of fruit or vegetables to eat during this time.
- I CANNOT administer any medication. Please see office staff for a form on Medications. Ensure this is
updated at all times.
- Campbell Primary has a NO HAT – NO PLAY policy. Campbell has provided ALL students with a
WIDE BRIMMED school hat. Caps and other unsuitable hats are not permitted.
- Your child’s art day is TUESDAY. Students must have an Art Shirt and sketch pad.
- Your child’s LOTE day is TUESDAY. Please ensure they have the appropriate file/book.
- Your child’s sport day is THURSDAY. Appropriate footwear, hat and water bottle should come to school.
- Your child’s music day is FRIDAY. Relevant equipment/instruments must come to school.
- Your child’s library day MONDAY. Children should bring their library book to school in a library bag each week.

NOTE: Your child will also be involved in Upper School Sport. This will occur on FRIDAY afternoon.
Like in regular sports classes, appropriate footwear, hat and water bottle should come to school.

- Campbell to Canberra:It is important that all families intending on sending their child on the Campbell to Canberra 2013 camp, offer their support and assistance during the upcoming year of fundraising events.
The majority of events to be held will require group effort from both the students and parents; such the money raised will be divided evenly amongst all students attending the camp. So in fairness to all students, it is essential that each and every family participates as much as possible in the events organised.

Parent/Teacher Contact:
It is a firm belief of mine that parents and teachers need to work collaboratively to ensure their children can maximise learning. Open, honest and professional communication should occur when needed between the two parties. Parents will be contacted when necessary, often to discuss concerns about student learning or behaviour.

I am more than happy for you to initiate contact. If you would like to arrange a meeting, it is best to give a few days notice. Feel free to ring the school and leave a message or send me an email. I endeavour to check my emails every morning before school, and every afternoon before I leave school.

My email is:

Trevor Williams:

Administrator Contact: The Year 6/7 teaching and learning Team Leader is Trevor Williams.

In general, as an Upper School student, your child will be encouraged to take responsibility, set a good example and work to their fullest potential.

I look forward to your support and contact.

Kind Regards

Miss Josephine Tan
Year 7 Teacher