Library Instruction Lesson
What Happened to Marion’s Book
Resource Title / What Happened to Marion’s BookFile Name / What Happened to Marion’s Book.doc
Resource Description
(This is information about the resource.) / This lesson is an introduction to the care of library books for primary students.
Standard / AASL / FCPS
Strand / AASL / FCPS
Indicator / AASL / FCPS
Benchmark / AASL / FCPS
SOL / Eng K.1, K.2, K.3, K.4 K.8 SS K.8
(Books, files, links, graphic organizers, databases, etc.) / 1. What Happened to Marion's Book? by Brook Berg
2. Stuffed Marion Hedgehog
Lesson Length / 20 minutes
Keywords or key phrases / Book Care, Library Orientation, What Happened to Marion's Book?, Brook Berg
Year Created? / 2008
Teacher Editable? / X Yes
(Resources may have more than 1 audience.) / X Librarian
(Resources may have more than 1 purpose.) / X Lesson Plan
Created By
(written by or adapted from) / Robin Mathews
Grade Level / Pre-K
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
LEARN Lesson Plan
What Happened to Marion’s Book
Link / Ask students if they have ever had a book damaged by a younger sibling or if they have ever accidentally damaged a book?Assessment: Discuss and monitor student responses
and Educate / Read book. Stop at appropriate points to discuss situations presented by the story.
Assessment: Monitor student understanding of situations in the story.
Active Learning / · Ask students if they have ever had a book damaged or damaged a book like Marion.
· Ask students how they felt when their book was damaged.
Assessment: Student discussion and participation
Reflect / Have students discuss ways to keep library books safe from harm.
Now and Then / Tell students we will continue to discuss book care throughout the school year.