Instructions for Name Change in Greenville, SC (as of 2014):
1. Contact SLED at(803) 896-1443and request a Name Change Packet, which will include the Records Check Form, Affidavit of No Convictions and Fingerprint Card. These will come in the mail within a week.
2. When packet arrives in the mail, take Fingerprint Card to local law enforcement center with $10.00 and get fingerprints done (In case you're like me and don't read the card, I will tell you now.... BLACK ink). I went to the main office on McAgee downtown (right before the BiLo Center right off 385) and they were super quick, but you can go to any police station for this presumably.
3. Fill out the 2 SLED forms (Affidavit of No Convictions and Record Check Form w/SLED seal on it) and mail them, the fingerprint card, and a $25.00 money order to the address provided on the paperwork.
4. Fill out the DSS Form 3072 and mail with $8.00 to the address provided on the paperwork.
5. Forms will be returned in the mail. Pretty quickly actually.
6. Fill out the name change petition, the child support affidavit, and the hearing request. If you need any help, the ladies at the records office in the Family Court building are awesome. The hearing petition is the weirdest, leave that one blank until you go to turn it in if you aren't sure, they'll help you there. You'll need a notary for a bunch of these forms, so try to get them all done and then take them to your bank all at once to save trips.
7. Make copies of all your documents if you can (if not, they will ask for 25 cents a page at the records office). Take all documents along with $150.00 to Records office in the family court building. It's the one on the corner of Church St. and University Ridge downtown (Across from DSS).
8. A court date will be appointed to you. They usually just mail the date within a week, but I got a call too so answer those unknown numbers!
9. Bring the family court cover sheet and the copies of all of the stuff Records gives back to you, and mails to you, to your hearing along with your birth certificate and ID. Have a good reason for wanting to change your name. Most people I know who had their names changed just simply stated their current name didn't match their gender identity and left it at that. Don't ramble. Use the pronouns of your current "legal" gender (whatever is on your license as they'll have a copy) to avoid confusion and alienation. Make sure the reason you give on paper is also the same reason you give in court (consistency is a thing).
10. Once name change order has been issued (CONGRATS!!!!!!), then the official order will be mailed to you about 5 days later or you can go pick it up two days later (you can call first to make sure they have it); take the order to DMV and Social Security Offices. License name change is $10 and they will take a new picture; Soc. Sec. is free. Mail your stuff (whatever they need - depends on your state of birth - Google has some decent info) for your birth certificate immediately because you only have ten days to change it on everything legal. I'm went ahead and attached the form for the soc sec and the license forms since I have them anyway. I also have a passport form in here if you need it. All documents I found online and may not be current versions.
Of course then comes changing all your bank info, etc etc. Entire life.