Advances in Warfare during World War 1 Group Project
Due: Tuesday February 17, 2014
Total Points: 50
Students will gain a better understanding of the importance and impact of World War 1 on the advancement and modernization of weapons of war.
· Students will be working either by themselves or in a group of no more than 2 to create a Google Slide project about a particular weapon of war that was used during World War 1.
· Students will have Thursday and Friday in class to work on their projects
o Google Drive project needs to have a minimum of 5 slides and a minimum of 2 outside sources
o Each slide will need to have pictures and information in order to count
o Each slide will be 10 points each for a total of 50 points
o Each group will need to answer three things about their weapon:
1. When was it created? Who created it? Why was it created? Etc.
2. What role did it play during WW1? How did it impact the battlefield during WW1? How did it change the outlook of warfare for years to come?
3. Is it still in use today? How has it changed since WW1? If it has been replaced, what is used today and why did it go out?
o Below is an example of a Google project:
· Slide 1-Introduction page with group name and weapon
· Slide 2- History and Background of Weapon (question #1)
· Slide 3- Use and importance during World War 1 (question #2)
· Slide 4- Changes of the weapon since WW1 or what has taken its place (Question #3)
· Slide 5- Works Cited Page
· Students will need to choose only one weapon from the list below in which they will be doing a project and presentation over (please make sure all weapons are chosen first before a weapon is reused).
1. Submarines / 2. Airplanes3. Machine Guns / 4. Trench Warfare
5. Grenades / 6. Flame Throwers
7. Chemical Weapons / 8. Artillery
9. Tanks / 10. Aircraft Carriers
11. Gas Masks / 12. Drones
· I have given you several different websites on my teacher webpage for you to look through, but please feel free to use other websites and sources as well (it can be found under the World War 1 and its Aftermath folder); there is also some basic information in your book on page 462 that might be helpful.
· REMEMBER- this is a project and presentation, not a report. Good, quality information is what we are looking for, not quantity of information