(office use only)
Student Scholarship Application
High school seniors that are attending a college or university or technical/trade school are encouraged to apply for the Bullard Education Foundation. Scholarships are awarded based on educational need of applicant, benefit BISD, family/student income need, and sponsor recommendation. The Bullard Education Foundation will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, age, or disability in the administration of this program.
Student scholarship requests for the 2010-2011 academic year must be received by the Foundation no later than March 25, 2011.
Please mail application to: Bullard Education Foundation, Attn: Darren Davis, P.O. Box 250, Bullard, TX 75757.
Awarded scholarships will be limited to a maximum of $500.00 per student.
Date of Application:______
Applicant Name:______
Home Address:______
E-mail address:______
Home phone:______Cell phone:______
Current employment (if applicable):______
Anticipated annual family income (per FAFSA):______
Anticipated annual student income (per FAFSA):______
Current School and Classification:______
Current GPA:______(on a ______scale)-please attach current transcript
Degree plan desired (please attach copy):______
Name of college/university:______
Location of college/university:______
Course hours to be taken each semester (minimum of 12 required):______
Anticipated tuition and related expenses for 2011-2012:______
Please provide a brief description of your reason and plans for pursuing your desired career (you may attach an additional page).
In a paragraph of 150 words or less, explain why awarding you this scholarship would be a wise investment of the Bullard Education Foundation.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge that the information on this form is true and the approval of this scholarship request is recommended.
Student’s Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature______Date______
Principal’s Signature______Date______
Counselor/Advisor Signature______Date______
Scholarship Application
In addition to this application the following should be submitted:
1. Two letters of recommendation. Dated, signed letters of recommendation from additional persons in authority. Letters may be from high school administrators, faculty, staff, community members, employer’s personal friends, or clergymen who are familiar with your ability, work habits, integrity and potential. Letters must come from someone other than the person who nominated you and must not come from family members.
2. Official high school transcript. (as of January 2011)
3. Photo. A color or black and white photo suitable for press release. Wallet size is acceptable. Photos will not be used in the selection of scholarship awards.
4. Resume of accomplishments. (Maximum of two pages) List all your academic and scholastic accomplishments, awards, honors, extra-curricular activities, community service, work experience and other significant accomplishments. This may be chronologically (i.e., grade 12, grade 11, etc.)(optional).
Additional requirements for Scholarship consideration:
· Current Bullard High School Senior
· Must have attended Bullard High School two years
(Jr. and Sr. year)
· Scholarships will be payable to a college/university or trade school
· Student must take a minimum of 12 hours
*Complete Application Packets must be postmarked on or before MARCH 25, 2011.***