This submission recognises the additional challenges faced by transgender and gender diverse employees in the workforce. This award seeks to acknowledge excellence in inclusion initiatives that specifically seek to create inclusive workplaces for, and promote the visibility of gender diverse people within our society.


Please send to:

or Pride in Diversity, 1st Floor, 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010

or Pride in Diversity, PO Box 350, Darlinghurst NSW 1300


Employer Name: / Please enter name as you would like it to appear on certificates or any awards if applicable
Is your head office located in a regional /rural area: / Please enter name as you would like it to appear on certificates or any awards if applicable


Contact Person for nomination:
/ Name:
Postal address:
Phone number:


Please verify that the information contained within this submission is accurate understanding that errors in the submission could result in the withdrawal of any awards. / Yes / No
Name of Person verifying accuracy:

PLEASE READ THROUGH ALL THE NOMINATION QUESTIONS before entering any information to ensure that you place your nomination data within the right sections.

Q1 INCLUSIVE HR POLICY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICE: Please add a new row for each unique area of contribution.

/ ‘X’ in first column for each row that applies / Evidence required / Evidence provided
Please indicate filename if your evidence has been included as a file. Filename must include the Question number and row reference letter ie. XYZ Company – Q1 – Row A. /
(a) / We clearly communicate support for transgender people within HR or diversity documentation easily found online / Please provide a screen capture of page communicating support. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(b) / We have guidelines, process and/or policies in place to support someone transitioning within the workplace / Please provide:
(a)  an overview of documentation in place; and
(b)  provide evidence to support your response. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(c) / Our HR/Diversity Teams have undergone training to understand what it means to be transgender, the challenges faced by many transgender employees and how organisations can support transgender employees. / Please provide:
(a)  an outline of the training covered;
(b)  identify when the training was last conducted
(c)  Identify approximately how many people attended the training / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(d) / Our HR/Diversity Team have year-round documentation or online resources readily available to assist them in understanding what it means to be transgender, the challenges faced by many transgender employees and how organisations can support transgender employees. / Please provide:
(a)  an outline of the resources available;
(b)  how HR/Diversity teams find out about the availability of these resources
(c)  evidence of at least one of these resources. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(e) / We have diversity and inclusion training offered across the organisation that covers transgender awareness / Please provide:
(a)  an outline of the training covered;
(b)  the approximate amount of time spent on transgender awareness / P Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(f) / We have leave that transgender people can take to assist with their transition. / Please provide details of leave that would be afforded employees undergoing transition. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(g) / Our bullying/harassment documentation clearly includes transphobic examples of unacceptable behaviour. / Please provide a copy of examples cited within your documentation. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(h) / We have employees who identify as Transgender or Gender Diverse within HR, Engagement or Diversity surveys conducted within the 2016 calendar year. / Yes / No
If yes, please indicate approximate number of employees. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(i) / Our HR/Diversity teams have a good understanding of non-binary genders including BiGender, AGender, Gender Fluidity / Please identify any materials or training made available to HR / Diversity teams in terms of non-binary genders and provide evidence of at least one. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(j) / Our recruitment teams have been trained in the difficulties faced by transgender people seeking employment. / Please provide evidence of the training and topics covered.
(k) / We have measures in place to assist the recruitment of transgender employees. / Please describe and provide evidence in support of your response.

Q2 VISIBILITY: Please add a new row for each unique area of contribution.

‘X’ in first column for each row that applies / Evidence required / Evidence provided
Please indicate filename if your evidence has been included as a file. Filename must include the Question number and row reference letter ie. XYZ Company – Q1 – Row A.
(a) / We celebrated Transgender Day of Visibility or Transgender Day of Awareness within the 2016 calendar year. / Please describe how this was celebrated and provide evidence to support your response. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(b) / We have out Transgender or gender diverse role models within our organisation. / Yes / No
(c) / We have engaged transgender or gender diverse speakers to speak to our employees at events or training within the 2016 calendar year. / Please provide evidence. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(d) / We have resources and/or information sheets specifically written for transgender employees readily available on support and inclusion within our workplace. / Please provide evidence. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.

Q3 EXTERNAL INCLUSION: Please add a new row for each unique area of contribution.

‘X’ in first column for each row that applies / Evidence required / Evidence provided
Please indicate filename if your evidence has been included as a file. Filename must include the Question number and row reference letter ie. XYZ Company – Q1 – Row A.
(a) / We have participated in external events in support of transgender people. / Please describe the event and provide evidence to support your response. / Provide evidence here. If your evidence has been attached as a separate file, please indicate that here and provide the name of the file.
(b) / We have held external activities or been involved in the running of initiatives to support the visibility of transgender people within our broader society. / Please describe contribution and provide evidence to support your response.

Q4 ADDITIONAL WORK: Please identify any additional work that you would like to claim points for, that relates specifically to the inclusion of transgender people (not covered elsewhere within this submission. Add additional rows for each unique area of work/contribution

/ ‘X’ in first column for each row that applies / Evidence Provided – If the space within this column is not adequate for your evidence, please save in a separate file including the Question Number and Row identifier in the filename. Please indicate that you have attached a separate document within the evidence column provided. /
(a) / Outline work covered / Please supply evidence of the initiative, indicating activity within assessable year


/ ‘X’ in first column for each row that applies /
(a) / In one short paragraph, please articulate the most significant reason for why you believe your organisation should be given this award.


Please provide as many of the following references as you can in support of your nomination.

/ ‘X’ in first column for each row that applies /
(a) / Please provide a CEO or equivalent letter of endorsement for the inclusion and greater visibility of transgender people within our workplaces.
(b) / Please provide endorsements from one or more transgender or gender diverse employee/s.
(c) / Please provide one or more external endorsements by transgender people or support groups in support of this nomination.