The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQ
Chairman of the Council: Cllr Jennifer Robinson
Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7:30pm
on 21st October 2013, in the Millennium Hall.
1.Apologies, welcomes and attendance
2.Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality
3.Chairman’s remarks
4.To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 16th September, and agree for them to be signed as a true record
5.To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any)
6.To receive the schedule of receipts and payments since the last meeting (see attached sheet):
7.To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc:
a)Finance & General Purposes:
- To receive an update on progress of the church path
b)Planning matters:
i.To receive a report on recent planning applications, approvals and refusals
ii.To receive a report on progress made regarding Neighbourhood Plan, including to approve Terms of Reference, and agree any other actions accordingly
iii.To receive the reply from LCC concerningcouncil complaints about the consultation process regarding the Lincoln Eastern Bypasschanges and to agree any response
iv.To note the letter from the National Transport Case Team regarding holding inquiries into the Lincoln Eastern Bypass Scheme and Orders
c)Employment Committee:
- To consider a recommendation that the litter picker be allocated 2 additional hours per week over a six month period (April – September)
- To approve a 1% pay rise for all employees, as per the NALC agreement, backdated to April 2013
- To consider any other matters as recommended by the Employment Committee at their meeting on 14th October
d)Village Improvement Committee:
i.To receive a statement as to progress on Croft Lane bus shelter
ii.To receive a report regarding improvements to Scout Hut footpath by LCC
iii.To approve relief litter picker invoice of £69.52
iv.To note rotten state of the Church Memorial Gate post
e)Leisure & Amenities Committee:
i.To note the draft minutes, for information only, of the L&A meeting held on 18 September
f)Summer Events Task and Finish group
i.To note receipt of letter of thanks from the Gardening Club and a cheque for £50 towards the cost of the event
g)Xmas events task and finish group
i.To receive a report from the Xmas Task and Finish Group and agree any actions accordingly
ii.To resolve on any expenditure required for point i above
8.To receive reports and recommendations from Councillors representing the Council on outside Committees (if any):
a)Youth Club (Cllr Brylewski)
b)To receive a verbal report from members of the implementation and monitoring group for the CW2020 plan
c)To receive a report from the Council’s representatives on the Community Partnership and consider the following:
i.To confirm parish council’s membership of the Community Partnership, and to nominate one voting rep, with an alternate name to take their place if required. To consider a proposal that the parish council act as a banker for the community partnership for an interim period and resolve accordingly
ii.To consider a request to provide basic funding for initial activities if required, either through a small donation or by providing practical support eg postage, printing on council computer and paper, and resolve accordingly
iii.To consider a request to agree in principle to underwrite expenses incurred in developing business plan for expression of interest to LCC, if alternative sources of funding are not forthcoming, and resolve accordingly
9.To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council
- To note clerk’s entries into November Cherry News as appointed correspondent due to timing issues
- To consider arrangements and agenda for the autumn parish meeting, and agree any actions accordingly.
- To agree the date and venue for the Annual Parish Meeting 2014
- To consider feasibility of a volunteer PCSO as requested by Cllr Welburn
- To note any further developments at the Fiskerton Road building site and agree any actions accordingly
- To receive a report on LALC AGM (Cllr Cutler)
- To receive information on best practice regarding ‘Matters Arising’ on agendas
- To consider the behaviour of councillors after the September meeting, and outside of meetings generally
10.To consider Police Matters including issues arising from the minutes (if any)
11.To note any other correspondence received and to agree action as appropriate
- E-mail from resident regarding behaviour of youths at the Parade
- Letter from LCC giving update on library consultation
- E-mail from resident regarding recent Community Hub/Supermarket consultation
12.To receive reports on action taken in relation to matters arising from the minutes not covered by the agenda and/or reports from Committees
a)2010/162 d) Laburnum Drive – Needs to be moved forwards.
b)2011/110 c) iii Feasibility of path from pond area to Church Lane - PCC have discussed in May 2012.
13.Councillors’ matters for report and notice of items to be included in the November agenda
14.To receive a proposal to go into closed session as the following item contains personal information
15.To consider applications for co-option onto vacancy on the Council
Mrs Michelle Vail Clerk 14/10/13
Date of next meeting:18th November2013 (items for agenda by 8th November, agenda to be issued on 11th November
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