Applecroft School - Curriculum Overview for Year 1

Spoken Language / Word Reading / Reading Comprehension / Writing Composition / Grammar / Spelling and Handwriting
* Talk about books
* Ask relevant questions
* Listen and respond appropriately
* Maintain attention and participate / * Match all 40+ phonemes to their graphemes and where applicable, alternative sounds
* Read accurately by blending sounds
* Read phonics books aloud
* Read common ‘exception’ words
* Read words with common suffixes and contractions
* Re-read books to develop fluency and confidence / * Develop pleasure in reading and motivation to read
* Become familiar with key stories e.g. fairytales
* Appreciate rhymes and poems and recite some by heart
* Link reading to own experiences
* Discuss significance of title and events
* Make simple predictions
* Listen to and discuss a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction
* Join in with predictable phrases / * Compose sentences orally before writing
* Sequence sentences to form short narratives
* Re-read what has been written to check it makes sense
* Read and discuss own writing to peers or teachers / * Leave spaces between words
* Begin to use basic punctuation (full stop, capital letter, question mark, exclamation mark)
* Use capital letters for proper nouns
* Join words and clauses using conjunctions e.g. and, but, so, because
* Use common plural and verb suffixes
* Introduce speech punctuation / Spelling:
* Spell words containing each of the 40+ phonemes
* Spell very common ‘exception’ words
* Spell days of the week
* Use very common prefixes (un-) and suffixes (see reading) and know their spelling rules
* Name letters of the alphabet
* Sit correctly at a table
* Hold a pencil correctly
* Form lower case letters correctly
*Form capital letters and digits
Number / Measurement / Geometry
Place Value:
* Count to / across 100
* Count in 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s
* Identify ‘one more’ & ’one less’
* Read and write numbers to 20
* Use language, ‘more than’, ‘less than’, ‘most’ / Addition and Subtraction:
* Use +, - and = symbols
* Know number bonds to 20
* Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero
* Solve one-step problems, including simple arrays / Multiplication and Division:
* Solve one step problems using multiplication and division by using objects to work out the answer / Fractions:
* Recognise & use ½ & ¼ / * Use common vocabulary for comparison, e.g. heavier, taller, full, longest, quickest
* Begin to measure length, capacity, weight
* Recognise coins & notes
* Sequence events in chronological order using the correct vocabulary
* Tell the time to hour/half-hour
* Draw hands on a clock face to show hour/half hour
* Know the days of the week and months of the year / Position and direction:
* Describe position, direction and movement – whole, half and three quarter turns
Properties of shape:
* Recognise & name common 2-d shapes – rectangles, circles, triangles
3-d shapes - cuboids, pyramids, spheres
Working Scientifically / Plants / Seasonal Changes / Animals, including Humans / Everyday Materials
* Ask simple questions
* Observe closely and notice patterns
* Notice changes over time
* Use simple scientific equipment
* Identify, group and classify
* Gather and record data
* Learn through first hand practical experience
* Use simple scientific language to communicate ideas
* Read and spell scientific vocabulary
* Perform simple comparative tests / * Identify and name common plants and trees
* Look at basic structure of plants and trees / * Observe changes to the four seasons including weather
* Know that day length changes / * Identify and name common animals
* Know some animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
* Identify and draw basic parts of the human body / * Identify everyday materials
* Group together materials according to simple properties
* Describe some properties of everyday materials
Art and Design / Computing / Design and Technology / Geography
* Use a range of materials
* Use drawing, painting and sculpture
* Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and shape
* Learn about a range of artists, craftsmen and designers / * Use technology safely and respectfully and know where to go for help when they have concerns about content or contact online
* Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content and data
* Create and debug simple programs
* Understand that computers work by following sets of instructions (algorithms)
* Be able to log on and off independently
* Be able to open and save files independently
* Be able to enter letters to type their names, use shift for capital letter, spaces, full stops
* Create simple pictures using line and fill and paint effect tools
* Use basic digital camera / webcam, upload images into simple software and explore effects
* Record sound independently
* Use a simple branching database / * Design purposeful, functional & appealing products
* Generate, model & communicate ideas
* Use range of tools & materials to complete practical tasks e.g. cutting, shaping, joining
* Evaluate existing products & own ideas
* Build and improve structure & mechanisms
* Understand where food comes from / * Use world maps, atlases and globes
* Use simple compass directions
* Use simple fieldwork
* Know 4 countries and capital cities of UK
* Name seas surrounding UK
* Know some geographical features of local area
* Know seasonal weather patterns in UK
* Use geographical vocabulary
* Ask and answer questions about places
History / Music / Physical Education / RE
* Recognise the difference between past and present
* Use chronological vocabulary
* Place objects or events in order on a timeline
* Discuss changes within living memory
- significant national/global events from the past
- lives of significant individuals from the past
- significant events in local history / * Sing songs
* Play tuned and unturned instruments musically
* Listen and understand live and recorded music
* Make and combine sounds musically / * Master basic movement e.g. running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, agility and co-ordination
* Participate in team games
* Perform dances using simple movement
* Swimming proficiency at 25m (by end of KS2) / * Understand different religious beliefs and the rules some people live by
* Learn about celebrations and festivals e.g. Divali, Hanukkah, Christmas
* Learn about special places and meals in the home e.g. Eid/Ramadan, Shabbat
* Learn about special places within the community including places of worship e.g. Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Mandir
* Listen to and discuss special stories from a range of sacred texts e.g. Bible stories, Story of Abraham from Torah, Muhammad from the Qur’an