Geography / US / Source:NIOSH
THE PROBLEM: Even though it isn’t addressed in a specific OSHA standard, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are among the “recognized hazards” that employers need to be on guard for under the OSHA General Duty Clause. Such hazards are especially likely to be deemed “recognized” for work operations involving handling of materials by hand. OSHA has let it be known that hazard assessment is a crucial part of meeting the duty to prevent recognized hazards.
HOW TOOL HELPS SOLVE THE PROBLEM: This Checklist, which comes from NIOSH, lists key risk factors to consider in identifying MSD and other hazards posed to workers performing manual materials handling operations. “NO” answers are an indication of potential problems that require further investigation.
Risk Factor / Yes / No / Comments/Control Measures Taken toAre the weights of loads to be lifted judged acceptable by the workforce?
Are materials moved over minimum distances?
Is the distance between the object load and the body minimized?
Are walking surfaces level?
Are walking surfaces level enough?
Are walking surfaces kept dry?
Are walking surfaces kept clean and unobstructed?
Are objects being moved easy to grasp?
Are objects being moved easy for workers to grasp without slipping?
Do the objects being moved have handholds or handles?
If necessary, do workers moving the object wear suitable gloves?
Do gloves fit appropriately?
If necessary, do workers moving the object wear suitable footwear?
Does such footwear fit appropriately?
Do workers moving objects have adequate space to maneuver?
Are mechanical lifting devices used whenever possible?
Are working surfaces adjustable to the best handling heights?
Does materials handling avoid:
- Movements below knuckle height and above shoulder height?
- Static muscle loading?
- Sudden movements during handling?
- Twisting at the waist?
- Extended reaching?
Is help available for heavy or awkward lifts?
Are high rates of repetition avoided by:
- Job rotation?
- Self-pacing?
- Ample rest breaks?
- Other? (explain)
Are pushing or pulling forces reduced or eliminated?
Does the worker have an unobstructed view of handling the task?
Is there a preventive maintenance program for lifting equipment?
Are workers trained in correct handling and lifting procedures?
Summary of risk assessment results:
Recommended control measures, including details and timing of implementation:
Name of person conducting hazard assessment: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______