Glossary- Abbreviations

AGMAnnual General MeetingTSGTechnical Support Group

B2NBack to NetballUKCCUnited Kingdom Coaching Certificate

BUCSBritish Universities & College SportUNOUniversity Netball Officer

CACounty AcademyYAYoung Advisor

CAPs Club Action Planning schemeYNOYoung Netball Organiser

CNACounty Netball Association

CPDContinuous Professional Development

CRUKCancer Research UK = NDCC responsibility for delivery with NDO support

CSCoaching Secretary

CSMCollege Sports Maker

CSPCounty Sport Partnership

ENEngland Netball

LALocal Authority

NDMNational Development Manager

NDCCNetball Development Community Coach

NDONetball Development Officer


SASatellite Academy

Section 1- Good Governance
  • To ensure our member clubs and participants receive a good service
  • To involve more volunteers/succession planning
  • To continue to ensure the requirements of schools is considered within the work of the County Association

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
1.1 / Ensure the membership and role of the committee and working groups are appropriate to deliver the 2013-17 plan. / N/A / √ / CNA / MCNAhas the recommended structure in place.
1.2 / Annually review governance practices to ensure these meet EN minimum operating standards. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA / Undertaken when the development plan is reviewed.
1.3 / Review the committee and working group recruitment and induction process to ensure an open, high quality process. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / Chair & Secretary / Each position open for election annually. Nominations invited from all Middlesex affiliated members prior to the AGM.
1.4 / Adopt relevant EN policies and procedures and formally record within committee minutes. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA
1.5 / Ensure all committee and working group members abide by a code of conduct. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / Led by Chair
1.6 / Complete an annual review of the effectiveness of the plan / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / Chair / Prior to AGM
1.7 / Identify any training needs appropriate to committee members and arrange relevant development opportunities. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / Chair
1.8 / Ensure adequate financial controls are in place with regular reporting through the committee. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / Treasurer
1.9 / Hold an Annual General Meeting in accordance with constitutional guidance. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA / In place
1.10 / Actively promote safeguarding good practice through the website and social media. / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / Safeguarding officer/ NDO
1.11 / Be responsible for ensuring all qualifying county appointed roles have an up to date Safeguarding check e.g. coaches and appropriate committee members / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / Safeguarding officer/ NDO
Section 2- Playing the Game
2.1 Playing the Game- Schools
  • To increase the number of schools who affiliate and access Middlesex activities.
  • To continue to ensure that schools are included in all County plans

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
2.1.1 / Run 3 High 5 workshops. / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1 / NDO
2.1.2 / Promote England Netball resources designed to support delivery in schools such as High 5 resource to
  • Current school contacts
  • School competitions
/ Across the County / N/A / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO/NDCC & Schools Rep
2.1.3 / Increase primary school affiliation. / County
(861 schools - includes infants) / 93 / √ / √ / √ / √ / Schools rep & NDO
2.1.4 / Increase secondary schools/ increase affiliation. / County / 51 / √ / √ / √ / √ / Schools Rep & NDO
2.1.5 / Ensure County boroughs send representative teams to the school games London final for U11s and U12s. / All boroughs / √ / √ / √ / √ / Schools Rep & NDO
2.1.6 / To support and influence School Games Organisers to provide appropriate netball competition at borough level / Across the County / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
2.1.7 / Encourage and increase the number of schools who enter the current programme of County year-group competition / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO & Schools rep
2.1.8 / Encourage the teacher training through the current coaching and umpiring programmes / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO & schools rep
2.2 Playing the game- Club
  • To aim to populate all of our boroughs with a senior and junior club.
  • To continue to support existing clubs with their development.
  • To maintain communication with clubs.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
2.2.1 / Develop 4 new U11 clubs or sections to existing clubs. / Target LAwith no existing U11 club provision / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / NDO
2.2.2 / Sustain existing CAPS accredited clubs and support 5 new clubs to gain CAPS accreditation. / 12 CAPS clubs / 1 / 1 / 1 / 2 / NDO
2.2.3 / Develop 7 new junior clubs / Target LA with no existing junior clubs / 2
(1x U11
1xO11) / 2
(1x U11
1xO11) / 1
(U11) / 2
(1x U11
1xO11) / NDO
2.2.4 / Encourage the development of 4 additional club sessions (such as outreach venues). / Existing clubs who could expand their provision / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / NDO
2.2.5 / Develop 19 new clubs as a result of the Back to Netball initiative. / 5 / 5 / 5 / 4 / NDCC with support from NDO
2.2.6 / Encourage 20% of clubs have up to date details on Pathfinder website tool. / 0% / 10% / 15% / 20% / NDO
2.2.7 / Advertise England Netball FitNet package to all affiliated clubs. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
2.2.8 / To sustain and promote Club Development Grant Scheme while funds permit. / √ / √ / √ / √ / £5000 per season / NDO & Treasurer
2.3 Playing the Game- Further Education
  • Engage with colleges promoting opportunities for staff and students to access netball opportunities including playing, coaching, and umpiring among other opportunities.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
2.3.1 / Promote existing netball opportunities for 16-19 year olds. / Identified colleges through key college contact or CSM / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO/ Schools Rep
2.3.2 / Obtain contacts for all College Sports Makers (CSMs), promote England Netball offer and provide agreed support to increase delivery. / Colleges with CSMs (details to be provided 2013) / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
2.4 Playing the Game– Higher Education
  • Engage with universities promoting opportunities for staff and students to access netball opportunities including playing, coaching, and umpiring among other opportunities.
  • To continue to support the UNOs in the work they are completing.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
2.4.1 / Support the recruitment, training and deployment of X voluntary University Netball Officers (UNO’s). / Numbers and areas to be agreed following National pilot / TBC / TBC / TBC / TBC / NDM & NDO / UNO targets to be confirmed. Figures will need to be flexible as depends on where UNOs will be placed.
2.4.2 / Support UNOs in County to engage students through the programme that they set up. / Where and when dependent on Universities that apply / TBC / TBC / TBC / TBC / UNO
2.4.3 / Gain/ maintain contacts with a minimum of 3 Universities, working to increase engagement between HE institutions, local leagues and if appropriate County and Regional Leagues. / 0 / 1 new / 1 new / 1 new / NDO, CSPs, CNAs
2.4.4 / Support UNOs within County to increase participation in netball within HE by encouraging X participants through Netball now programmes and X participants through Intramural sport (delivered by UNO programmes). / Netball Now County / TBC / TBC / TBC / TBC / UNO supported by NDO/NDCC
Intramural County / TBC / TBC / TBC / TBC / UNO supported by NDO/NDCC
2.5 Playing the Game-Community
  • To continue to support the Back to Netball programme ensuring provision across all boroughs.
  • To try and develop the pay and play programmes in appropriate areas.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
2.5.1 / Deliver 6 high quality adult Netball Nowattracting 90 participants. / 1 new
15players / 1 new
15 players / 2 new
30 players / 2 new
30players / NDO
2.5.2 / Deliver 4 high quality young people Netball Now attracting 60 participants. / 2 new
progs / 2 new
progs / NDO / Subject to result of pilots
2.5.3 / Deliver 48 high quality ‘Intro 2 Netball’ programmes for U11s (High 5) attracting 960 participants. / 12progs
240 players / 12progs
240 players / 12progs
240 players / 12progs
240 players / NDCC
supportedby NDO
2.5.4 / Deliver high quality Back to Netball programmes attracting 4800 participants. / County / 1350 participants / 1150 participants / 1150 participants / 1150 participants / NDCC with support from NDO / Beware of saturation point.
2.5.5 / Establish working relationship with Play on Sport Indoor netball Centre in Canary Wharf / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO / .
2.5.6 / TBC: Create a link with commercial organisations
2.5.7 / Investigate all the unaffiliated leagues in Middlesex (e.g. businesshouse) and create a list. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
CNA / Canvas participants for information
2.6 Playing the game- Facility Development
  • To endeavour to influence facility development projects to ensure netball compatibility.
  • To develop existing partnerships with facilities within the County.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
2.6.1 / Support the completion of a County facility audit (as part of the nationally led EN facility audit). / To be completed 12/13 / CNA
2.6.2 / Assess current County /Regional facility provision against 2013-17 participation demands. / To be completed 12/13 / CNA / How do we do this? On feedback sheet to England Netball
2.6.3 / Identify target locations for County netball centres (if they don’t currently exist and are required). / √ / √ / County league TSG
2.6.4 / Identify community netball centre requirements/enhancements by LA area. / √ / √ / CNA / How do we do this? On feedback sheet to England Netball
2.6.5 / Support EN to identify partner sports (e.g. badminton) for any community netball facility developments. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA & NDO
2.6.6 / Support identified priority sites to access funding to develop/upgrade through the preparation of funding bids. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
2.6.7 / Provide project support through the planning and build period for projects successful in accessing funding. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
2.6.8 / Support netball delivered via Leisure Trusts and commercial facility partners. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA & NDO
Section 3- Performance
  • To maintain and where appropriate expand our existing Satellite and County Academies.
  • To ensure the widest possible access to these opportunities.
  • To expand our pool of talent scouts and coaches

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
3.1 / Deliver 1 County Academy / Brunel University / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / Offer athlete bursaries where appropriate- £145 / Talent Scout, NDO, Academy administrator
3.2 / Look into the possibility of running another County Academy if needed. / - / - / √ / √ / Talent Scout
3.3 / Advertise to County Academy Athletes any tri-regional match day opportunities. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CA Head Coach & Scout
3.4 / Deliver 2 Satellite Academies / Haringey & Uxbridge / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / Offer athlete bursaries where appropriate- £82 / Talent Scout, NDO, Academy administrator
3.5 / Monitor numbers at Satellite Academy to provide the most appropriate training. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Satellite Administrator
3.6 / Advertise to Satellite Academy athletes opportunities to attend Regional Match days. / √ / √ / √ / √ / SA Head Coaches
3.7 / Work with the Superleague Franchise to provide training for coaches and appearances at the Academies. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
3.8 / Encourage coaches working within the Performance pathway to develop their skills. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
3.9 / Expand the pool of talent scouts by providing appropriate training / √ / √ / √ / √ / Head Scout
Section 4- Competition & Events
  • To continue to support high quality league competition, both senior and junior.
  • Continue to provide County wide school age group competition.
  • Continue to support the County Rounds of National school and clubcompetitions.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
4.1 / Deliver 32 Back to Netball local Festivals engaging 1280 participants / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / NDCC with support from NDO / Beware of saturation point
4.2 / Deliver 3 local club/ community High 5 Festivals attracting 120 U11 participants. / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1 / NDCC & NDO
4.3 / Support the network of local leagues (7) to cater for more members and increase the quality of their provision where appropriate and practical / √ / √ / √ / √ / League Rep & NDO
4.4 / Support the introduction of new junior and senior leagues to cater for increased participants where possible. / √ / √ / √ / √ / League rep, NDCC & NDO
4.5 / Support and set up, if appropriate, 1 new workplace leagues. / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / NDO
4.6 / Promote the League Organisers Toolkit to enhance participant satisfaction / √ / √ / √ / √ / League rep & NDO
4.7 / Ensure County representation in Regional U16 and U14 league. If there is a demand set up a U16 & U14 County leagues. / 2 / 4 / 4 / 4 / CNA
4.8 / Encourage Middlesex teams to enter Regional Tournament for U19 National Clubs competition and if there is demand set up a County round. / 1 / 2 / 2 / 2 / CNA
4.9 / Continue to provide a comprehensive programme of age-group competitions for schools / √ / √ / √ / √ / Schools committee
4.10 / Deliver county round of U14, U16 & U19 National Schools competition including as many schools as possible. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Schools committee
4.11 / Promote Regional round of Masters competition feeding into a national festival. Perhaps introduce a County round in year 3 and 4 dependent on interest. / - / √ / √ / √ / CNA
4.12 / Run and organise Middlesex County League ensuring that it enables regular competition and feeds into Regional Clubs League/National Premier League. / West and North London venue / √ / √ / √ / √ / Subsidise the league by approx. £2500 / CNA via County League TSG
4.13 / Support a progressive Junior League structure that enables regular competition and supports the player pathway via U14 and U16 Regional League.
Encourage clubs to play their talented players at an appropriate level of competition / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA & Talent Scout
4.14 / Support and promote competitive opportunities provided by member clubs and partners. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Publicity Officer
4.15 / To ensure, where appropriate, rules, regulations and structures of competitions and events are in line with the National structures and guidance. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA
4.16 / Work closely with the County Performance programme to provide appropriate competition / √ / √ / √ / √ / Talent Scout & CA/SA Head Coaches
4.17 / Research availability of netball for people with disabilities with a view to supporting a Regional Festival. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
4.18 / Engage younger people (U30) in competition and event organisation / √ / √ / √ / √ / Schools Rep & Leagues Rep
4.19 / Offer a League Development Grant to affiliated leagues to support increases in numbers and quality of provision provided. / √ / √ / √ / √ / £1000 grants as funds permit. / CNA
Section 5- Volunteering
  • Encourage the expansion of the pool of volunteers

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
5.1 / 80 new volunteers registered on Pass on Your Passion. / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / NDO / Registration on PYP a requirement for attendance on Middlesex Young Leaders courses
5.2 / Promote volunteering courses and initiatives including
  • Young Netball Organiser (YNO)
  • Youth Advisors
  • 26yrs + volunteer programme
  • Goalden Globes
/ 1 YNOs
Support Adult Volunteer & YA Programme / 1 YNOs
Support Adult Volunteer & YA Programme / 1 YNOs
Support Adult Volunteer & YA Programme / 1 YNOs
Support Adult Volunteer & YA Programme / NDO, CNA
5.3 / Run Young Leaders courses in October, February half terms. / √ / √ / √ / √ / £500 (when funds allow) / NDO
5.4 / At County level recognise Goalden Globe nominees and winners by expanding current County award system / 1 County event linked to AGM / 1 County event linked to AGM / 1 County event linked to AGM / 1 County event linked to AGM / CNA
5.5 / Encourage an increase in nominations for the Goalden Globe awards. / County Nomination for as many categories as possible ensuring quality / County Nomination for as many categories as possible ensuring quality / County Nomination for as many categories as possible ensuring quality / County Nomination for as many categories as possible ensuring quality / CNA & NDO
5.6 / Put in place a succession plan with guidance from Region / - / √ / √ / √ / CNA led by Chair
5.7 / Flexible process of enabling young people to contribute to County decisions by linking in with Young Advisor identified at Regional Level. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA &NDO
5.8 / Support the promotion of netball by supporting the nomination of volunteers for external awards. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA, NDO & NDCC
5.9 / Engage younger people in event management/competition delivery (U30) / √ / √ / √ / √ / County League TSG, Schools rep
5.10 / Support the creation of a virtual Regional Youth Advisor Group to enable young people to contribute to County decisions. / 1 Young Advisor identified. / 1 Young Advisor identified. / 1 Young Advisor identified. / 1 Young Advisor identified. / CNA/ NDO
Section 6 - Coaching
  • Increase the pool of coaches at all levels (numbers quoted are minimum target)
  • Continue to support coach development through the grant scheme.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
6.1 / 108 coaches attending UKCC Level 1 course. / 27 / 27 / 27 / 27 / CSNDO
6.2 / Qualify 80 new UKCC Level 1 coaches. / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / CS & NDO
6.3 / 40 coaches attending UKCC Level 2 course. / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / CS & NDO
6.4 / Qualify 28 new UKCC Level 2 coaches. / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / CS & NDO
6.5 / Migrate 6 EN Level 2 qualified coaches to UKCC endorsed qualifications (by April 2015). / 3 / 3 / n/a / n/a / CS & NDO
6.6 / 2 coaches attending UKCC Level 3 course. / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / CS & NDO
6.7 / Qualify 4 new UKCC Level 3 coaches / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / CS & NDO / Currently 5 coaches working towards qualification.
6.8 / 48 attendees on EN Introduction to Coaching workshop or Step into Coaching workshop while EN one is being developed / 12 / 12 / 12 / 12 / CS & NDO
6.9 / 60 attendees on technical skills workshops. / 15 / 15 / 15 / 15 / CS & NDO
6.10 / Promote Participation resources / √ / √ / √ / √ / CS & NDO
6.11 / Deliver a yearly County Coaching conference inviting Regional coaching personal to contribute. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Aim to break even / CS & NDO
6.12 / Maintain the Club Development Grant scheme to support members attending UKCC courses, conferences and workshops. / √ / √ / √ / √ / £5000 per season as funds permit. / CNA
6.13 / Support the Region to set up a mentoring programme ensuring Middlesex coaches are supported. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Coaching
6.14 / Set up a network of mentors to support coaches obtaining their level 2. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Coaching Secretary
6.15 / Support the Region in the creation of a campaign to encourage women “Back into Coaching”. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CS & NDO / Promote around networks.
6.16 / Maintain link with Surrey Storm and run at least one coaching workshop a year / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / CS & NDO
6.17 / Ensure all courses are advertised locally and regionally / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA
6.18 / Maintain and update a database of all coaches within the County. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Coaching Secretary / Support from MyNet needed
Section 7- Officiating
  • To increase the number of qualified officials.
  • Run a mentoring scheme to support this.
  • To ensure high standards of umpiring across the County.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
7.1 / 400 Beginner Award course attendees. / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / Officiating TSG
7.2 / 100 C Award course attendees. / 25 / 25 / 25 / 25 / Officiating TSG
7.3 / Qualify 40 new C Award umpires. / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / Officiating TSG
7.4 / Encourage C award umpires to progress on to the B Award / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.5 / 40 Youth Umpire Award orientation workshop attendees. / County / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / NDO & Officiating TSG
7.6 / 40 Youth Umpire Award course attendees. / County / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / NDO (via schools)
7.7 / Qualify 20 new Youth Umpires. / County / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / NDO & CNA
7.8 / Advertise and support any Regional Match Bench Officials course. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG & CNA / .
7.9 / Identify new tutors in conjunction with EN head office, based on demand. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG / Priority
7.10 / Identify new assessors in conjunction with EN head office, based on demand. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG / Priority
7.11 / Support Region to identify new umpire performance coaches in conjunction with EN head office, based on demand. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.12 / Support officials to access extended menu of CPD opportunities where appropriate and available- details of courses currently unknown. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.13 / Promote and signpost umpires to the Middlesex Club Development Grant to help fund attendance on umpiring courses, workshops and conferences. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.14 / Support the Region in identifying and qualifying new A award Umpires. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.15 / Rules forum for officials/players run in North and West London. Ensure all clubs have access / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / Officiating TSG / .
7.16 / Maintain and update the County umpire database and course attendance database / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.17 / Continue to provide a mentoring scheme for County Umpires / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.18 / Organise and run centralised fitnesstesting / √ / √ / √ / √ / Officiating TSG
7.19 / Prepare a table of Middlesex events, organise and provide umpires / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA &
Officiating TSG
Section 8– Communication and Marketing
  • Ensure we continue to provide members and partners with up to date information relevant to their needs
  • Maintain a vibrant, informative regularly updated website.

What (Action) / Where (geographical area where possible) / When
(Development & Delivery Targets By Year) / Budget £ / Who / Progress
Baseline / 13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17
8.1 / Maintain a vibrant, informative regularly updated website. / √ / √ / √ / √ / £670 approx. / Publicity officer and NDO
8.2 / Gather a list of local press and media contacts to target with press releases and promotions. / √ / √ / √ / √ / Publicity officer and NDO
8.3 / Maintain social media presence on Twitter / √ / √ / √ / √ / Publicity officer and NDO
8.4 / Promote opportunities to clubs to attend local events to promote netball such as County Shows and CRUK Race 4 Life events. / √ / √ / √ / √ / NDO
8.5 / Ensure effective two way communication pathways are in place between the County, the clubs and the members of the clubs through AGM’s and other feedback opportunities. / √ / √ / √ / √ / CNA