Eastern Kentucky University
Staff Council
Meeting of February 14, 2006
Call to Order
Chair Burrus called the meeting to order on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. in the Teleconference Room of the Student Services Building.
Members present were: Beverly Burrus, Denise Conner, Ann Cotton, Tamala Cox, Anne Cross, Stephanie King, Jey Marks, Bennett Rowe, JoAnn Storie, Carol Thomas, Hossein Vaez, and Staff Regent David Williams.
Chair Report
Chair Burrus reported that the January 10, 2006 Minutes had been unanimously approved by email to Ann Cotton. Chair Burrus additionally reported the Annual Report had been approved by all Staff Council members and will now go to President Glasser as an informational item.
Chair Burrus commented on how informative and receptive the “Meet and Greet” was on February 7 from 11:30 – 1:00 p.m. Wally Skiba and Adrienne Bauer were the featured guest speakers and talked about the new wellness program for EKU employees, and the new health insurance options that are on the table for Eastern Kentucky University. Denise Conner expressed how much the individuals sitting around her, and the ones present that she had spoken with, enjoyed the presentation. Chair Burrus asked for suggestions for future guest speakers. Ann Cotton suggested Dr. James Conneely as the next featured speaker to discuss benefits and services that the Division of Student Affairs offers for staff use. He will be at the next “Meet and Greet” on March 7, 2006, 11:30 a.m. in the Faculty Dining Room. It was also suggested that the Staff Council ask Mr. Skiba and Ms. Bauer to return in the future for updates regarding the health insurance program at EKU. Chair Burrus suggested that everyone send out invitations and reminders to their constituents to get more participation.
Chair Burrus also discussed the meeting times and places of the Staff Council. It was discussed that possibly a late day meeting would be easier for the Council; due to parking issues in the middle of the day with everyone returning after the meeting to their work areas. Chair Burrus stated that she would take a poll as to what time, and where, the members would like to meet.
New Business
Vice Chair King made the suggestion that the Staff Council have representation at the Benefits Fair on April 10th – 14th and April 24th – 28th since the Staff Council is a benefit for EKU employees. It was pointed out that this would be a good way to market the Staff Council and their services, etc. to employees. Chair Burrus will make a sign-up sheet for monitoring the table at the Fair.
Committee Assignments
After polling the Staff Council regarding preferred Committees assignments, Vice Chair King announced what Committee each Council member would be serving on. The Committee assignments are as follows:
Elections & Credentials – Ann Cotton, Beverly Burrus, Carol Thomas, Jey Marks, Stephanie King, and Tamala Cox, with Ann Cotton convening the first meeting.
Issues & Benefits – Ann Cotton, Anne Cross, Bennett Rowe, Carol Thomas, Denise Conner, and Hossein Vaez, with Ann Cotton convening the first meeting.
Staff Recognition & Professional Development – Beverly Burrus, Crystal Barger, Denise Conner, Hossein Vaez, JoAnn Storie, and Tamala Cox, with Beverly Burrus convening the first meeting.
Communications – Anne Cross, Bennett Rowe, Crystal Barger, Jey Marks, JoAnn Storie, and Stephanie King, with Stephanie King convening the first meeting.
Once Committees are convened, there will be a Chair and Secretary chosen to represent each Committee. Any employee is welcome to join each of these committees in member capacity.
Old Business
Reports from Standing Committees
Issues and Benefits Committee – Carol Thomas reported that the University Benefits Committee was in the process of choosing a health care provider for Eastern Kentucky University. The Committee has met with three vendors who presented their proposals for health care. Additional information will be forthcoming.
Hossein Vaez discussed the Proposal for the Eastern Kentucky University Academic Administrative Internship Program for Women and Minorities. This Proposal will be looked at by the Staff Recognition & Professional Development Committee, and possibly a new Proposal written for review in the future.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Staff Council will be held on March 14th in the Teleconference Room at 10:00 a.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Cotton