The menopause course
‘Menopause – An Overview’
A general study day aimed at all nurses
Edinburgh January 17th 2014
Southampton February 7th 2014
Menopause impacts on all aspects of health. Nurses see women for many reasons and have an opportunity to promote both a healthy menopause and also to encourage positive health changes for the future.
Programme includes:
· Symptom assessment and diagnosis
· HRT Risks and Benefits , HRT Routes and Types
· Which HRT for which women?
· Non HRT treatment options
· Lifestyle and health promotion
Kathy Abernethy MClin Sci RN works in a busy multidisciplinary NHS Service. As a prescriber, her consultations are independent and holistic. She has published widely on the topic of menopause in the lay and nursing press. ‘the menopause course’ is an educational initiative for nurses. Kathy is Chair of the UK Menopause Nurse Group and a member of the Medical Advisory Council of the British Menopause Society.
Booking Form
‘Menopause: An Overview -
Edinburgh January 17th 2014
Southampton February 7th 2014
To secure a place, complete this form and send with payment details to:
‘the menopause course’, PO Box 451, New Malden, Surrey KT3 9BY
Cost: £80
Tel No…………………………………………………………………….
Place of work and Job Title……………………………………………….
Payment enclosed £80 Cheque / BACS/
Cheque - payable to ‘ the menopause course’
BACS – Sort code 09-06-66
Account name ‘the menopause course’
Account No. 42357525
Ref (surname of delegate)
Kindly note:
We regret we are unable to invoice, except by special request and in good time prior to the event.
Refunds up to one month before, minus £20 administration fee. Places may be transferred by prior agreement.
No responsibility can be taken for bookings outside of the event, eg travel, hotels. Insurance is advised.
Enquiries: Kathy Abernethy 0208 869 2877
The information you provide may be used to provide details of future meetings and for carefully selected sponsors’ mailings. If you do not wish to be included, please tick the box