BC Hydro Bioenergy Phase 2 Call –First Nations Consultation and Record (Form 7)
Issue Date: June 23, 2010
The First Nations Consultation and Record form should outline the Proponent’s progress on First Nations consultation up to the Closing Time for Proposal submission and the plan for any further consultation with First Nations after the deadline.
General Instructions:
- Words and phrases used in this document and defined in the RFP, and/or the Specimen EPA, have the meanings given in the RFP, and/or Specimen EPA, unless otherwise defined herein.
- The First Nations Consultation and Recordform should not contain general corporate brochures or other promotional material of a general nature.
- The First Nations Consultation and Recordform should be organized to follow the numbering system and the headings set out in these instructions. Proponents should include the information request with the response below each request. If a particular heading is inapplicable, retain the number, heading and information request, and insert “Not applicable”.
- If an instruction calls for the submission of applications, reports, agreements, plans, schedules, resumes, studies or other documents, those documents should be referenced in the text as an Attachment and numbered sequentially.
- The First Nations Consultation and Recordform should include a Table of Contents with page numbering references, following the numbering system and headings in these instructions, and include a listing of Attachments.
- A Proponent should be fully responsive to each instruction, as applicable to the Proponent and its Project. If a Proponent is in any doubt as to the requirements contained in these instructions, it should seek clarification using the Q&A process
- When completed, name the First Nations Consultation and Record form “Form 7” and save in PDF format for inclusion in the electronic copy of your Proposal, and print the First Nations Consultation and Record form for inclusion in the hard copy of your Proposal.
Name the Attachments according to the labeling of Attachments in the First Nations Consultation and Record form and save the Attachments inPDF, MS Excel or MS Word format for inclusion with the electronic copy of “Form 7”. Print the Attachmentsand tab at the end of the First Nations Consultation and Record form.
1.Consultation Summary
Provide a summary of the consultation conducted with First Nations to date (“Consultation Summary”). Where applicable, include:
a)How the Proponent determined which First Nation(s) to consult,
b)A chronology of meetings and other communications with each First Nation and any actions relating to the consultation. (This may be included as an attachment– see section 2 below),
c)The dates when any information about the Project was provided to authorized representatives of each First Nation and a description of the information provided,
d)A description of any Project impacts on First Nations’ asserted aboriginal rights and title or treaty rights (specify how each impact was identified - e.g. by the First Nation(s) or by some other means),
e)How each potential Project impact on First Nations asserted aboriginal rights and title or treaty rights has been addressed, a description of how these actions incorporated feedback from the First Nation(s), and an explanation where an identified impact on asserted aboriginal rights and title has not been addressed,
f)Whether other Crown permitting agencies have been involved in consulting with the First Nation(s) in respect of the Project and if so, outline any information or direction they have provided to the Proponent in respect of consultation with First Nations,
g)Whether any permits, licenses, tenures or other approvals have been delayed or been rejected due to reasons related to First Nations consultation, and
h)Adescription of any agreements with First Nations and the date each agreement was executed by the parties.
Attach copies of any documents that substantiate the Proponent’s consultation activities which may include the following:
a)Copies of any record, log or chronology of ongoing communications with First Nations,
b)Copies of any written information provided to First Nations concerning the Project,
c)Copies of all written correspondence with First Nations,
d)Copies of all agreements with First Nations (commercially sensitive information may be redacted),
e)Copies of any documents from other Crown agencies provided to the Proponent and relating to the consultation with First Nations about the Project, and
f)Any other materials substantiating the scope, progress, or statusof the Proponent’s consultation activities.
Issued June 23, 20101